The Gunpowder Plot/Guy Fawkes Pages!
Index II:Historical Implications and Interpretations

note animateThe Sweet and Merry Month of May (15k) Lorraine Ellis For a countdown to Guy Fawkes Day Click Here!   Back to the main  menu click here

Select Your Pleasure from the List Below 
BombLinkBut thats only your opinion! What would the Plotters say ?
     Ok!-Go ahead and ask them! Via Java script-Mr.Fawkes, Fr.Garnet and King James I 
BombLinkAnd the Pope Knew?
The Papacy of the Plot- 
BombLinkAn analysis of how the celebration of the plot changed history
- It did you know! 
BombLink Why do I care?
Terrorism through history, including today. 
BombLinkRead a wacky Squib about Guy from the 19th century

BombLinkHey, didn't you say they failed?
How the Gunpowder Plot changed history. 

BombLinkSo  Didn't Charles Dickens write of the plot?
Yes! And he wrote a great decription of it-he seems to have studied the plot as well! 

BombLink If I had the chance, I'd give YOU ....a piece of my mind!
Feedback and guest log.

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You may also wish to consult the topical index at the bottom of the page. 

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