The Ultimate   St.Patrick

hope you will find these pages of assistance in
your quest for truth about St. Patrick and his day,
even St. Patrick's Day Parades, St. Pat and St. Paddy. Remember as you celebrate this great saint that he was a real person. He is the patron saint of Ireland and many celebrate his day as a Holy day. His day is March 17.

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Naomh (Saint)Pádraig(Patrick)
With his name written in Gaelic this
is perhaps a realistic image of 
a man of the Celtic Church
which of course pre-dated
the dominated the Roman 
Church in Ireland by several 

Wishful thinking or perhaps
artistic license-this Mass Card
depicts Patrick as a bishop of
the Roman Catholic Church
which he was not. 

A spiritual, heavenly Patrick as
portryed by the contemporary
Roman Catholic Church

"St Patrick Drives the Snakes 
from Ireland"
A typical "Irish-American" point of
view drawn by Gabe Martin in

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First things First:  
March 17.=His Day

St. Patrick's Cross Part of the Union
Flag of the UK. for more on the cross clickit here

Some Essential Irish Gaelic:Lá Fhéile Pádraig 
(LAW AY-luh PAW-rihg) = St. Patrick's Day
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh! (BAN-uhkh-tee nuh FAY-luh PAW-rihg O-rihv) = Happy St. Patrick's Day to You All!The first  St. Patrick's Day celebration in America was in 1737 hosted by the Charitable Irish Society of  Boston.   Please exercise care in your celebration of his day-
His Name: 
   "To his irish contemporaries Patricus was known as Quadriga, Quotircke, or some similar form (becoming  later Cothraige), which was really a Goidelic(Q-language) f what they no doubt thought to be a Brythonic(P-language) word.  But in the seventh century this equation was forgotten.The Patricus of the Latin documents  was Hibernicised Pátraic,and absurd etymologies were advanced for Cothraige.  The fact indicates that  there was not any really strong and continuous historical tradition, linking the age of the saint with that of the hagiographers.  There were ancient peoples names in the forms of Catraige, Cathraige,Cotrige, Cothmige, which appeared as place-names in the various parts of Ireland.  It is possible that the career of Patrick was occasionally eked out by the deliberate or unconscious confusion of these forms with Cothraige=Patricus".(James F.Kenney, The Sources for the Early History of Ireland,Columbia University Press, 1929)

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Basic Facts-
Name: Maewyn Succat (He adopted Patrick or Patricius upon   becoming a priest)
Nationality: Roman Briton
Born: Around 415 AD
Travels: At the age of 16 he was brought to Ireland. He later returned to his home in Wales, travelled to France and eventually came back to Ireland. 
Died: March 17th, 493 (Disputed)
Education: Very little in his early life. He later trained as a cleric in France
Occupation: Sheep herder for Milchu on Slemish Mountain in Co Antrim and later preacher, baptiser and bishop
Achievements: Posthumously became Ireland's patron saint Responsible for the conversion of the island to Christianity
Publications: Epistle to Coroticus, Confessio 
Preaching, Writing,Travel,Church-building
 Hillwalking - once spent forty days of Lent on Croagh Patrick

 Legend says that it was   here that the saint rang his bell and the snakes of Ireland fled. 

 At the age of sixteen,  just  before he was captured, "he committed a fault which appears not to have been a great crime, yet was to him a subject of tears during the rest of his life".( Butler, Lives of the Saints)

Patrick worried about his lack of education and often  refers to his inability to express his thoughts clearly in his Confessio.(from Simms, The Real Story of Saint Patrick) - 

Source: Irish Times

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The Primary Evidence

 The Confession of St. Patrick  (biography). ..  455 AD

 The Epistle to Coroticus,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   456 AD

 The Metrical Life of St. Patrick by St. Fiech, . 493AD

 The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick by St. McEvin, 510AD

 The Life of St. Patrick by Jocelyn,   . . . . . . . . 1185 AD

Hymn of St. Secundinus
On the Life of St. Patrick (Leabhar Breac) (Author: Translated by Whitley Stokes)

References in the Annals of Ireland- the Most important early history of Ireland.

Annonomous Life

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Citation from the Martyrology 
of Donegal (written in 1630 completed on April 19)

"Patrick, noble Apostle of the island of Erinn, and head of the religion of the Gaeidhill, the first primate ,and the first legate who was appointed in Erinn;  and it was he, moreover,  that brought the people of Erinn, both men and women,  from the darkness of sins, and vices ,and paganism, tothelight of faith, and  piety, and knowledge  of the Lord.  Three hundred and fifty holy bishops, andthree hundred priests,  was  the  number on  whom he  conferred orders.   Three  hundred  alphabets he  wrote,  and  three hundred churches  he  erected,  as thes  verses prove:

"Seven  times  fifty  holy  learned  bishops
This holy  man consecrated,
With three  hundred  virgin presbyters,
Upon whom  he conferred  orders;
"Three hundred  alphabets he wrote,
              (church consecrations)
Beautiful  was the touch of his hand;
Three hundred beautiful churches he founded,
He  raised them from  the ground."

It  is he, moreover, that remained from Shrovetide till Easter without food,  as is (stated) in his own 
Life, and as Cuimin of Coindere proves in the poem whose begtinning is:-

"Patrick of the fort of Mach, loved, 
Son of Calpurn of high rule,
From Shrovetide till Easter (to be) without food,
No Penance was greater than his penances."

Innumberable also was  the number of signs and miracles he performed; by resuscitating the dead  from  death; by curing lepers, and the blind, and the lame, and people of  every disease in like manner.  Two years and six socre was his  age when he  resigned his spirit  in the year 493.  Bishop Tasach was he who gave the body of Christ to Patrick.
The life of Ciaran of Cluain states, Chap. 8 that the Order of Patrick was one of the eight oders  which are in Erinn. ( The Martyrology of Donegal, Trans:John O'Donovan, Eds. James Henthorn Todd, William Reeves,IIACS,Dublin,1864.)

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Other Irish Saints of March 17-

Gobban-son of Nasc
Becán Ruim
(from the Martyrology of Donegal)

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Patrick and Coptic Christianity

The Egyptian "Coptic" Orthodox Church was one of the  first established Christian Churches, together with the Churches of Jerusalem and Antioch.    In the first centuries of Christianity, the Egyptian Church was very active and was working to spread Christianity, beyond Egypt.  Egyptian monks and laymen,  were everywhere. This was well documented by historians and the history of the church.

The Connection to France

A community of  Coptic monks went to Gaul  where they founded a community  on an island called "Lerins" in the Mediterranean Sea . The island was nearGaul. 

 David Marshall, Ph.D. of the University of Hull, England, has written a book which discusses   the strong connection between the St. Patrick  and the Coptic Monks in  Lerins.

In "Liturgics"  Fr. Dmitri Ross, OSJ . SSBM. MA. Th. L. EM;  discussed  the Celtic Church.  Fr. Dmiti Ross, of St. Dunstan of Canterbury Orthodox Parish, Cromwell, New Zealand,  also has  written of  how monasticism strongly influenced the Celtic Church and was a reason for   its quick  success.  Ross tells how  monastisicism came  to the Celtic Church from the Egyptian Church, "Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria".  The connection  came  through Gaul,( France), where a good number of  Egyptian monks were living  including those  in  the Monastery at Lerins.


During this time , there were not many  Christians in Ireland and the British Isles in general, but Christianity was foundt there that is,  before the time of St. Patrick.    The  writers and philosophers, Origan and Hippoluus of the third century, wrote that of  those who attended the First Ecumenical Council, "Nicea Council", there were people from the British Isles. 
This  was also  recorded by St.  Athanasius himself who  was an Egyptian deacon and  a key organizer of that council.  He  introduced the "Orthodox Creed", at that council, and also   defended  the faith against Arianism.  Athanasius  was  later the Pope of Alexandria. 

The Connection

 The Egyptian Church had  many   monks in Lerins.    St. Patrick,  of the Celtic Church, was born in Britain and was  a Roman citizen
he later  became a corner stone of Christianity in the British Isles. St. Patrick  wrote his autobiography, Confession.  When he was  sixteen, the army of the Irish King Niall,   attacked  the Britons.  Patrick was captured.     He   was then  taken then to Ireland and was enslaved.  Later, he was able to escape and  sailed to Gaul . Later  he went to the
Island of Lerins,  where the Egyptian Coptic monks  lived. 

St. Patrick  lived with these monks learning  the "Coptic Christianity of Egypt". The Coptic Church originated directly  from the Church of Jerusalem, rather than  from Rome and was also not like the Byzantine Church.

Dr. David Marshall  writes  that the "Celtic Christianity owes something to the Copts."   Patrick's residency  with the Coptic monks on the Island of Lerins, "accounted for his independence of Rome. St. Patrick prefered follow true orthodoxy.

Patrick  returned eventually  to Ireland.   Amator Bishop Auxerre ordained Patrick  a priest and the church prospered during his life.  After the death of St. Patrick  Rome turned against the Celtic Church,   because he had organized it according to  Coptic teaching. Were  in the Liturgy and Baptism because  the Egyptians  followed the Church of Jerusalem and not Rome.

Features the Celtic Church shared with the Coptic Church were :

The priest faces the altar [to the East]

Married Priesthood.

Bishops officiate in vestments of oriental character:  in gold and silver.

fasting occurs  on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Daily prayers, Mattins, Vespers etc.

Monks stay in separate cells.

Baptism is by immersion.

These are  known  as the rules of "Columba".

Rome held   these practices  to be  unacceptable Irish customs and  strongly  attacked the Celtic Church.   Rome was worried   about  the rapid  growth of  the Celtic Church in Ireland and Britain and its  expansion  to Europe.  The Roman Pope  sent Augustine and eighty Benedictine monks to the south of  England  in order to  counter the Celtic movement. By mid 598AD, Augustine had established a base in Canterbury. Thousands from the Celtic Church were rebaptized again- in the Church of Rome.

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The Reek:
Every year many  thousands of pilgrims, many in bare feet, climb the 2,500feet  to the peak of  Croagh Patrick, to celebrate  Saint Patrick's Christian mission in Ireland.
   Source=The Irish Times

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Sorry! Just Myths 

1. Patrick used a shamrock to explain the Trinity:
Not true but the shamrock was  worn in Ireland as
a symbol of the cross

2. Patrick drove the snakes out of the country:
There were never any snakes in Ireland -The snake metaphor was used  to represent paganism 

3. Patrick  was the first to preach Christianity  in Ireland: It is known that there were Christians in Ireland before his time 

4. Patrick is thought to have been born and died on his feast day, March 17th. Unlikely!

But then again saints have always called upon us to
exercise our faith more than our knowledge.
  It is important to  remember 
that the peoples of the Island of Ireland also celebrate 
another very important holiday.  The deliverance of Ireland from the Absolutist James II   and ultimately  from the exploitation of Louis XIV is celebrated   on July 12.  Go here to learn of this holiday. Of course St Brigid of Kildare made more ale than Patick and is also worth your consideration. Her day is February 1, Read more here: click

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Main Menu

Primary Evidence

Tme Line Based on
 Early  Sources

Sorry! Myths Only

The Reek

Patrick and Coptic

Stories about
St. Patrick 
from Lady Gregory 

Primary Sources

How toCelebrate

Poems Sayings
Songs Stories

St Patrick's Cross
Traditional Craft 

Places Associated
with St. Patrick

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A Time Line of the Life of St. Patrick and  Primary Sources Relating to St. Patrick

-How ancient is your source? If it is not here it is probably new revelation….which we should after all, hope for but it needs documentation…


1.  St. Patrick was born in North Britain, near the Clyde, . . .  376 or thereabouts.

2.  In the sixteenth year of his age he and Lupita, his sister,were made captive by Scotch marauders, and, being led intoIreland, were sold to Milcho in Dalaradia, now Ulster,   . .  392

3.  After six years' captivity, and being twenty-one yearsold, he returns to his home in Britain,  . . . . . . . . . .  397


4.  After three months he went to Aremorica with his parents, and was taken by the Picts two months into captivity.  He was taken captive a third time, and taken to Bordeaux, where he was set at liberty,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  398

5.  Passing thence to Tours, he became a monk in the Monasteryof St. Martin, and after four years of monastic life returned to the Island of Temar, which is supposed to be the same as Ireland,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  402

6.  St. Patrick was called by visions into Gaul, and proceeded into Italy,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  403

7.  According to the customs of monks at that time, he spentseven years in wanderings over mountains and throughislands, and, obeying the admonition of an angel, was

    ordained priest by Bishop S. Senior,   . . . . . . . . . . .  410

8.  Having studied three years, St. Patrick is called byvisions into Ireland to preach the Gospel,   . . . . . . . .  413

 9.  St. Patrick, through love of solitude, returns intoBritain to Valle Rosina,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  414

10. Being received at Antissiodorum by St. Amator,

    A.D. 414, he remains there four years, and passes to

    St. Germanus in the forty-second year of his age,  . . . . .  418

11. Having spent nearly four years with St. Germanus, St. Patrick departed for the Isle of Lerina,   . . . . . . .  421

12. St. Patrick spent nine years in the Island of Lerina,opposite Norbonne, and, knowing that the time for hismission to Ireland was at hand, returned to Germanusat Aries, now Orleans,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  430

13. Palladius returned from Ireland, his mission having  failed,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  431

14. St. Patrick is sent by St. Celestine in Ireland,   . . . . .  432

15. Being consecrated bishop by the Bishop of Tours, he bids farewell to St. Germanus in passing through Gaul, and,having landed on the shore of Leinster, baptizes Sinellumin the autumn of the same year,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  432

16. St. Patrick proceeds to Ulster, preaches the faith toMilcho, and makes many converts,   . . . . . . . . . . . . .  433

17. St. Patrick preaches to King Leary at Tara,  . . . . . . . .  436

18. St. Patrick returned to Rome, and sent St. Kranie and his  five companions to preach the Gospel,  . . . . . . . . . . .  445

19. St. Patrick gives St. Bridget the veil in the fourteenth  year of her age,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  450

20. Armagh is made a metropolitan see, and councils are celebrated,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  454

21. St. Patrick again visits Rome, probably for the confirmation

    of his council,  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  455

22. St. Patrick dies, the eighty-second year of his age, at Down, attended by St. Bridget, who had, he was conscious, foreknown the time of his death,   . . . . . . . . . . . . .  458

    Some chronologies extend the life of St. Patrick by fortyor forty-five years.

22.5 Hymn of St. Secundinus (earliest work-5th century)

23. The Confession of St. Patrick was written,   . . . . . . . .  455

24. The Epistle to Coroticus,   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   456

25. The Metrical Life of St. Patrick by St. Fiech,  . . . . . .   493

26. The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick by St. McEvin,   . . . .   510

27. The Life of St. Patrick by Jocelyn,   . . . . . . . . . . .  1185

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About the St. Patrick's Cross

First, the St. Patrick's Cross, as it is termed, incorporated in the Union Jack, is of comparatively modern introduction as the national cross. When the Knightly Order of St. Patrick was established in 1788, the red salitre on a white field charged with a trefoil, was adopted as the badge or device of the order. The Royal Irish Academy adopted the same cross charged with a royal crown, and the Royal Society of Antiqualies followed suit by adopting the red saltire, with the arms of the provinces in the four quarters. As to the reason of the adoption of this form of cross, it is »imply the arms of the Fitz Geralds, Dukes of Leinster ; and on the legislative Union the red saltire adopted by the Order of St. Patrick was naturally and appropriately joined with the crosses of SS. George and Andrew, funning a trio of the three national saints. I have been unable to trace the adoption of the red saltire to an earlier period ; undoubtedly the shield of "Ireland's only Duke" met the requirements to perfection! As an instance of its (St. Patrick's Cross) modern adoption—Cromwell abolished all the royal emblems on the Seal of the Commonwealth, and in plaae of the Plantagenet and Scottish emblems, adopted the crosses of St. George, first and fourth ; St. Andrew in second quarter ; but for Ireland— the Harp, clearly showing that the red taltire was not known at the time.-The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, The Society, 1903, p.416.

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