The Ulster
Loyalist ~~~~Songbook
Part 4
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Orange Flag of Victory
The Orange flag of victory
Of Ireland's sons the boast
Shall ever be found waving free
Above our loyal host
The noblest flag true hearts that cheers
And daunts their enemies.
Is the flag that brav'd in darkest years
The battle and the breeze.
The rights of freemen to uphold
To break the Popish chain
High wav'd the Orange flag of old.
Where it shall wave again!
The Orangemen far off reveres
Our cause as still be seen,
The flag that brav'd in darkest years
The Battle and the breeze.
Let us unite, as did our sires
Their flag who bravely bore,
Thro' flood and storm, thro' smoke and fires
O'er homesteads stain'd with gore;
For we would fear no guns nor spears,
But die, ere foes should seize
The Orange flag that brav'd for years
The battle and the breeze!
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Orange Yeomanry of 98
I am an humble Orangeman-
My father he was one;
The mantle which the sire once wore
Has fallen to the son;
He ranked with those who quelled their fires--
The foes of Church and State;
The galland Orange Yeomanry
Who fought in Ninety-eight!
The light which led their spirits on.
O'er battle-field did shine
Each breast was Freedom's temple pure.
Each heart was Freedom's shrine
As sinks the day in glorious ray,
Some sunk--and bright their fate-
The gallant Orange Yeomanry
Who fought in Ninety-eight!
Behold the Orange peasant, or
The Orange artisan;
Go view his home, observe his ways;
You'll find it in his plan
Thro' woe or weal, with godly zeal,
True men to imitate--
The gallant Orange Yeomanry
Who Fought in "Ninety Eight!
To guard the faith which Luther preached
The rights which William won,
The Orangeman relies upon
His Bible and his gun;
He prays for peace, yet war will face,
Should rebels congregate;
Like the brave Orange Yeomanry
Who fought in 'Ninety-eight!
"Who fears to speak of "Ninety-eight?"
This was the silly note
Of one who was afraid to put
His name to what he wrote;
He was afraid--they're all afraid--
They know we'd gag their prate
As did the Orange Yeomanry
Who fought in "Ninety-eight!
In peace, like watchful silent stars
Can Orangemen remain;
In war, their energies are like
The surges of the main;
And each true-hearted Orangeman
Would smile though death await,
As did the Orange Yeomanry
Who fought in 'Ninety-eight!
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Prentice Boys of Derry
Sons of the men who nobly stood,
Strong in their great defender,
And shed in freedom's cause their blood.
"Midst shouts of "No Surrender!"
Prove worthy of their deathless fame
And of the badge you carry
And be in spirit as in name
True "Prentice Boys of Derry."
Still celebrate the glorious day,
When Heaven, in tender pity,
Drove all your fathers' foes away
And save the "Maiden City".
Still hoist' as in the days of old,
Your flag on yonder tower
Nor ever let its Crimson fold
Be furled by priestly power.
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Have you ever been an Orangeman on the Twelfth day of July.
Have you stood and watched the brethren as proudly they marched by,
Have you heard your Masters orders, have you heard your Chaplain call,
Put on your Orange Sashes boys we're leaving for Loughgall.
It is a lovely village the finest ever seen,
Surrounded by sweet countryside and fields of grasses green,
Our Orange Banners floating outshine the rebels all,
As we proudly march in memory to the village of Loughgall
We numbered twenty thousand as proudly we march down,
The streets we knew from childhood the streets of Portadown,
We have walked them all from childhood but now we do recall,
This glorious twelfth when we all march to the village of Loughgall.
You have heard of old Dan Winter some 100 years ago,
He formed our lovely order and proudly watched it grow,
He said we'll stand for Ulster we'll stand or else we'll fall,
We'll shout out "No Surrender" when we're marching through Loughgall
But he is dead and gone now and I hope in Heaven above,
Up with his great Grand Master in that great land of love,
But I know that on this glorious twelfth he will surely see us all,
As we proudly march in memory to the village of Loughgall.
I know that far across the sea in a land that's fair and bright,
Our lovely Queen is watching, for she loves this glorious sight,
She even sent a Telegram God speed unto you all,
You Protestants of Ulster as you're marching through Loughgall.
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The Old Orange Tree
When William came to England, the King of it to be,
He brought a plant along with him of the Old Orange Tree;
He planted it near London, so pleasant 'twas to see,
When a few branches there sprung up and frighten'd Popery.
So let us join both heart and hand, and lovingly agree;
For we're the loyal branches of the Old Orange Tree.
'Twas on the walls of Derry, where the Orangemen did parade,
To fight King James and all his men, they never were afraid;
And with the sons of Popery they never more will join -
We beat them back from Drogheda - from Drogheda - and the Boyne.
When William went to Ireland, the Protestants to join,
He took the plant along with him, and placed it in the Boyne;
And with his troops, courageously, he fought them one, two, three -
King James and his men were sore afraid when the saw the Orange Tree.
The seed of this old Orange tree got scatter'd up and down,
Till a few branches there sprung up, enough to rule a town;
It grew in summer season - Oh! pleasant 'twas to see -
The Winter season it came on and cropp'd our Orange tree.
The winter season it is o'er, the weather's fine and clear -
Our Orange Tree will flourish in the spring-time of the year;
Our Orange Tree will flourish, for the root is yet alive,
For where there is one branch dropp'd off, we have engrafted five.
Now to conclude and make an end, and finish up my song -
Here's health and peace, long life and rest to all true Orangemen;
And let us live in unity, and evermore agree,
And on the twelfth day of July see fruit upon our tree.
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The Orangeman
When lodges meet our brethren greet the Master in the chair;
All hand in hand, in order stand, and bow their heads in prayer.
In duty next the Bible text our Chaplain doth supply,
To the love of King and Brotherhood, To the fear of God on high.
To God above we give the praise, With heart and hand we join,
To celebrate the glorious days of Derry and the Boyne.
No treason binds our honest minds, No rancour moves our arm;
We weave no rope for Priest nor Pope,We aim at no man's harm.
We fain would give to all who live a freeman's heart and home;
We fain would see from slavery benighted sons of Rome.
We ponder on our brethren gone to dwell with God on high;
We speak of those our country's foes; of perils great and nigh.
For King we band for Fatherland we raise our boven cry,
For freedom's right we're bold to fight to conquer or to die.
Who wouldn't stand for England's land, The valiant and the true ?
With fife and drum we boldly come: The Orange and the Blue.
And may each gallant Orangeman be as he's ever been -
The traitor's foe, the good man's friend, and loyal to his King.
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The Orange ABC
A song I am going to sing to you,
If you but listen unto me -
There is nothing curious in it, boys,
And that you will plainly see.
It is all about six verses
Of our Orange A,B,C.
Then it is judge for yourselves, boys,
And listen unto me-
We will turn the leaf once more, my boys,
And sing our Orange A,B,C.
A stands for Aughrim, where blood flowed on the plains, and
B is for Boyne Water, there bones do still remain;
C stands for Culmore, where crossing it did fall, and
D I am sure you all know well's our Maiden Derry Walls.
E is for Enniskillen, where nobly they did join, and
F is for these fathers who conquered at the Boyne;
G is for that great General that fought at our right hand,
H is for Hanover, from that land King William came.
I is for the Israelites that crossed over Jordan's streams, and
J stands for Joshua, our guide he still remains;
K for Knox, Scotch Reformer, who for the truth did stand,
L stands for Luther, his doctrines we'll commend.
M stands for Moses, as he viewed the land,
N stands for Noah, who built the ark at God's command;
O stands for Orange, a colour you all have worn, and
P is purple, with which the ark was borne.
Q is for the Question you are asked at the door;
R is for the Road, my boys, some of you have trod before;
S is for the Secret you're sure there to find, and
T is for the Travels you will always bear in mind.
U stands for Unity, in which we all should join
V is for the great Victory we gained at the Boyne;
W stands for William, our famous commodore; and
X is my last letter, and you can ask for nothing more.
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Derry's Walls
The time has scarce gone by boys, two hundred years ago,
When Rebels on old Derry's Walls their faces dare not show;
When James and all his rebel band came up to Bishops Gate;
With heart and hand and sword and shield we caused them to retreat;
Then work and don't surrender but come when duty calls,
With heart and hand, and sword and shield - we'll guard old Derry's
The blood it did flow in the streams for many a winter's night,
They knew the Lord was on their side, to help them in the fight;
They only stood upon the walls determined for to fight,
To fight and gain the victory and hoist the Crimson high;
At last, at last with one broadside the heavens sent their maze,
The boom was broke that crosses Foyle's shores and James he was dismayed;
The Banner, boys that floated, was run aloft with joy,
God bless the hands that broke the boom and saved Apprentice Boys.
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The Pope's Brigade
To famed Spoileta they were took
To garrison that old town.
The Pope depended on their pluck
To put Sardinia down;
But when they saw King Vicot's men
The Pope's Brigade gave way;
They ran like pigs into their dens,
And threw their guns away.
Now Papists are no better still
Than they were in ninety-eight
They ran away at Vinegar Hill,
Likewise at Derry's gate.
They have disgraced their native home,
And now they're in the lurch;
Likewise betrayed the Pope of Rome
And holy mother Church
No to conclude and make an end,
We'll toast the King all round,
And Garabaldi and his men
That hero of renown.
We'll likewise toast the Orange cause,
So loyal and so true,
That to the end they may maintain.
The Orange and the Blue- M.T. LeLloyd, Kelowna, B.C.
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Ulster, to The Rescue!
The doubling drum is sounding
All o'er the loyal North,
And faithful hearts are bounding,
As its summons bids them forth;
And our fathers flag is flying
Aloft in blazoned pride
And fearless men are hieing
To rank them by its side.
And Down's green vales are ringing
With loyal sounds once more,
To Antrim, Echo flinging
From cliff and rocky shore;
For Derry's ancient slogan
Is pealing to the sky,
And Bann gives back the token--
"We conquer or we die."
And stern Locch Erne is bounding
In answer to the call,
And stout Tyrone resounding,
Wakes rocky Donegal;
And all along the border
Of Cavan's fire-tried land,
Ranks in unbroken order
A firm devouted band.
And the "Diamond" bright is blazing
Mid champions of the truth
And the gathering cry is raising
The scatterers of Truagh;
And loud--hurrah! And louder!
O'er plain and inland wave,
Rings forth a summons prouder
Than ever monarch gave.
The motto of our glory!
The battle-word of old!
The boast of Orange story!
The 'prentice answer bold,
Rings louder--hurrah! Rings louder!
O'er plain and inland wave.
A mustering summons prouder
Than ever monarch gave.
And now, God bless the yeomen
In Ulster's happy homes,
God shield them from their foemen,
Uphold when danger comes,
May the Orange still united
With their fathers sturdy blue
By faction's breath unblighted
Wave o're their legions true.
From statesmen, treason veiling,
'Neath false and hollow smiles;
From hearts in honor failing,
Or won by Jesuit wiles;
From fear when danger gathers
Or rebels venture forth;
Oh! Helper of our fathers!
Guard thou the loyal North!
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You Williamites So True
You Williamites so true, of the Orange and the Blue
That dwell in this country all round ,round ,round
O! May they increase and multiply in ev'ry place
And join to keep rebellion down, down down,
And Join to keep rebellion down
On the 23rd of May was to have been the fatal day
To assassinate all friends of the crown, crown, crown
But our kingly yeomen brave, our country then did save,
By keeping the rebellion down, down,down
By Keeping the rebellion down
Oh! Well may you rembember, on the 4th of last November
The birthday of William, high in renown, nown,nown
What a glorious sight was seen that day in College-green
Of them that kept rebellion down down, down.
Of them that kept rebellion down.
The Crops were so dismayed when our Orange was displayed.
At our victory they were seen to frown frown, frown,
They also stopped their ears being much annoyed by cheers
And the band playing "Croppies lie down," down down
And the band playing "Croppies lie down."
So fill high your glasses to him who made the Crops to swing
In villages, in cities, and in town, town, town
Lord Camden is his name, may he shortly come again,
To keep rebellion down, down, down.
To keep rebellion down.- Graham
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The Orange Lark
A song to the lark, the merry, merry lark;
He soars with a spirit's flight
Through the misty clouds that morning shrouds,
He flies to the fountain of light.
He is a true Orangebird, for when William the Third
Led his troops of the first of July,
The lark's merry song cheered the hero along
With melody down from the sky
Then a song to the lark, the merry merry lark,
Who loves in the blue air to swim:
He is the true Orangebird of William the Third,
For he sang him an Orange Hymn.
From his fluttering wings when the dewdrops he flings
They seem, as they glance to the earth
Like atoms of light in their downward flight,
Or sparkles of brilliant mirth.
As he soars into light from the mists of the night.
He's a type of the soul unconfin'd
Which burst through the clouds which the bigot, the proud
Wouldh ave cast o're the Protestant mind.
How sweet in the vale as the nightingale
Breathes his song to the gloomy stars;
Then the sentinel still encamped on the hill
Thinks of home far away from the wars.
But the lark, O for me, and his wild melody
Piping high like a martial fife;
Its music doth come to the soldier's drum
And quickens the springs of life.
The eagle, great bird is rapacious and proud
Too aristocratic for me
On his throne amidst the ricks human grandeur he mocks
Wrapt up in his royalty
But, O, take my word, the lark is the bird
For ture men wherever they be;
His home is the green earth the land of our birth
And his song is the song of the free.
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Send Me your comments! Send
e. Mail! Unless otherwise indicated songs are from either
( see ABC notation for citation:)
Lilliburlero!,Vol.2,The Ulster
or: The Orange Lark,Second Edition,The
Ulster Society,1987.
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Sources For the Music:
Following some songs is a rendering
of the tune in ABC format. This is a text based format which allows a program
to play the file via the internal speaker of the computer without the aid
of a soundcard. For more information about this program Go To:To
the ABC2WIN Program Page.
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