The Ulster Orange
Loyalist ~~~~Songbook
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Come gather round my comrade
a saddened tale I'll tell
about upon a foreign land
our brave young comrade fell
his young life fitted from this land
so torn by bomb and strife
for Ulster's cause he gave his all
and sacrificed his life.
Was on a cold St. Patrick's night
when Lindseys life was shed
as to a bar where rebels were
was a car bomb he was spared
but something happened on that night
our comrades life was through
in a foreign land he gave his life
in defense of all that's true.
We pray that by his sacrifice
the world shall see the truth
his young life he gave valiantly
his death was not in vain.
The Ulster flag with its red hand
on this land shall remain.
So listen now you loyalists
as this my tale I end
he gave his life for liberty
Ulster's people to defend
so lets remember always
in letters aged and bold
remember well this young mans name
and the story you've been told.
So lift a glass in Lindseys name
and remember one and all
that while young lads like Lindsey fight
Ulster's cause shall never fall
his life he gave so loyally
the final price he paid
in Ulster's cause he lived and died
to fight the IRA.
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The enemies of Ulster are cowards, every one
they call themselves the IRA, but they are only scum.
The souls of those they've murdered, proud from heaven above
but the enemies of Ulster don't know the word called love.
They shoot and kill then runaway and crawl back to their den
these monsters are not human, they are not even men.
But their time will come, for mark my word
they'll pay the price someday
for they'll be cut down like the mad dogs they are
by the men of the UDA.
One cold dark night in the month of March
in 1971
three boys just barely in their teens went out to have some fun.
But these evil men who have no god, to these boys laid their claim
and left them lying murdered in a lonely country lane.
The protestants of Ulster together must unite
to beat these rebel cowards who murder in the night.
We'll send them back where they belong
to crawl back to their den
and Loyalists shall all rejoice, and Ulster's free again.
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Young Andrew Craig was a volunteer
He never knew that death was near
He walked out one dark Sunday night
And his body was found in the morning light
And you are a member of the UDA
And very proud of it, he always did say
As a young volunteer, he did a good job
But died at the hands of an IRA mob
This brave lad was young at heart
But if Ulster had called, he'd have done his part
So don't forget you rebel scum
Your day of judgment has yet to come
And who are buried with honour and pride
His UDA comrades were all by his side
This was their way of saying good-bye
But young Andrews name will never die.
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To the main songbook index click hereI am a loyal protestant from Belfast town I come
A story I will tell to you about these rebel scum
They've tried for many year with gun and bomb to wear us down
But we always will be faithful to the Red Hand and the Crown
Whenever I was just a child upon my mothers knee
She taught me told me I must always fight to keep my liberty
The words and memory still come back right to this very day
For freedom now is threatened by the rebel IRA
And when at last these evil men have been brought to their knees
We'll drink a toast to Ulster and her loyal 6 counties
And to all Loyalist prisoners, gods blessing on them be
to all those loyal brethren grateful thanks from you and me.
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(Yes, it's what you think it is.)
Come on you young brethren and listen to me
And pledge that your country stays loyal and free
And step proudly forth each 12th of July
And let Dublin know now that Ulster wont die
And if you love your country you'll stand up and cry
That the times they are a-changing.
For the people in Dublin with their gold,white and green
They don't want the border, they don't want the Queen
But the Queen and the border we'll never deny
We'll fight to defend them and Ulster wont die.
Now Armagh and Antrim Londonderry and Down
Tyronne and Fermanagh remain true to the crown
They remember Lord Carson, his famous reply
No home rule for Ireland and Ulster wont die.
For the red hand of Ulster, the red white and blue
are the symbols of freedom for me and for you
let your watchword be courage, let the union jack fly
for we wont surrender and Ulster wont die.
chorus x 2
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To the main songbook index click hereI return to my home and my heart turned to stone
as I visit where I spent my days
My people now, as they walk behind the plow
are attacked by the IRA.
For they work from dawn and their all British born
and proud to be Ulster through and through
and the land where they live, it was not freely give
it was bought by the sweat of their brow.
Now the rebels from over the border they come
and they tell them this land is not theirs to own.
They say they must go, but to where I don't know
for Ulster was always their home.
They were shot and bombed but they still carry on
Though their suffering has gone on for years
For their freedom was bought when their grandfathers fought
Long ago with the volunteers.
I am home to stay, I will fight the IRA
With the ranks of the YCV
To make Ulster free from all tyranny
and the land where I was born
For the battles not won till Ulster's freedom's won
And her people will live no more in tears.
But until that day we can only pray
and give thanks to the volunteers.
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The judge said stand up boy, and dry up your tears
your sentenced to Long Kesh, for 7 long years
I know you are loyal to the Queen and the Crown
But the laws of this country, make me send you down.
Now this was his story, in the courtroom one day
When a young loyal protestant was taken away
But the lad stood up proudly, and these words he said
I'll be true to Ulster, until I am dead.
For these tears you see judge, are not tears of fear
They're just tears of sadness for those I hold dear
I know they'll stand by me, for there will be time
For I'll be with my comrades, we stand side by side.
So listen you rebels to these words I give
You'll never take Ulster as long as you live
For we will destroy you, we're loyal and true
and the flag over Ulster will be red white and blue.
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For I am a loyal protestant, Billy Johnson is my name
and being faithful to our loyal crown is my only claim to fame
For I love to watch the Orangemen on the 12th day of July
And to watch the bands as they pass your stand and hear the battle cry
For we're only loyal protestants, show your flag and fly it high
God bless the Queen, long may she reign, No Surrender is our cry.
Back in '69 the rebels came and tried to chase us from our homes
But they should have known that Ulstermen would never bow to Rome
We have fought against the rebel foe from Tyronne and from Ardoyne
And we fought just like our fathers did with William at the Boyne.
Now take heed you sons of Mary, come and listen to my song
for there'll come a day when we'll have our way, and drive you back where you belong
Many times you've tried to take our land, your attempts have been in vain
For as in the past, we'll fight to the last, till the body's blood does drain.
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To the main songbook index click hereDear friend if you will listen, a story I will tell
about a band of loyal men, we all know so well
in two world wars they fought and died
through blood and sweat and tears
to keep us free from tyranny, the Ulster Volunteers.
Now the IRA for many years have savaged this fair land
with bomb and gun and hatred, they are the devils band.
They've murdered little children, but their end is drawing near
for they know they'll never match the men of the Ulster Volunteer.
Now the might of Hitler's forces, in 1941
had conquered all before them, no one could stop the hunt.
When the British empire stood quite firm, we knew we need not fear
for we knew the lord was on our side, and the Ulster Volunteers.
Now the U, it stands for Ulster, a place of great renown.
The V, its stands for Victory, for we will not back down.
The F, it stands for Freedom, for which we fight till death.
When you put them all together you've got UVF.
So all you loyal protestants, who listen to my song
In England and in Canada, and Scotland or Hong Kong
If ever you are troubled, you need never shed a tear
for we will march to victory with the Ulster Volunteers.
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I have been a wanderer all my life, I'll roam this time no more
But now I'm sailing back again, back to old Ulster's shores
To settle down in Belfast town in a place that you all know
Sure it fills my heart with gladness when I think of Sandy Row.
When I recall my childhood days, a tear comes to my eye
I think of all the brethren on the 12th day of July
For the music of the bands that day, it sets my heart a glow
As we marched along together down the streets of Sandy Row
Now whenever I have settled down, I never more will roam
away from dear old Ulster, for it is my home sweet home
I'll get myself a little house, my children there will grow
With all my loyal brethren in the streets of Sandy Row.
And now my song is finished and my head I will lay down
I am proud that I am loyal to the Red Hand and the Crown
The people that will meet me now, for off this ship I go
will be the people that I love, who live in Sandy Row.
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I am seeking the complete lyrics for this song please send them to me!
So far there are two versions!The Billy Boys I
Hello! Hello! (bellowed loudly)
We are the Billy boys
Hello! Hello!
You'll know us by our noise
We're up to our necks in Fenian blood
Surrender or you'll die
'Cause we are the Billy Billy Boys
(repeat until arrested)
We are the Billy Boys 2Chorus
Hurrah! Hurrah! We are the Billy Boys;
Hurrah! Hurrah! We make a lot of noise;
We're up to here, we never fear - we all are Billy's sons,
We are the Glasgow Billy Boys.We belong to Glasgow we're Orange and we're true
Scotland is our countr-ee our colours white and blue
We're Protestants and proud of it we're known near and far
Glasgow Billy Boys they call us.
ChorusOn the 12th day of July you'll find us in the walk
With our brother Orangemen, Sandy, Bill and Jock
Billy is our hero, he beat them at the Boyne
Glasgow Billy boys they call us.
ChorusWe believe in Freedom, we won our right that day
At the Battle of the Boyne - we're very proud to say.
James he was defeated - Justice had been done
Raise now a glass to King William.
ChorusReturn to the menu of part 2 click here
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Send Me your comments! Send e. Mail! Unless otherwise indicated songs are from either ( see ABC notation for citation:)
Lilliburlero!,Vol.2,The Ulster Society,1988
or: The Orange Lark,Second Edition,The Ulster Society,1987 or the Orange Senmtenal.
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Sources For the Music:
Most well known sources for Irish and Celtic Music or Folk Music do not carry either the sheet music or recordings of the Music of this tradition. We encourage you to ask your favorite music stores to carry this music.
Following some songs is a rendering of the tune in ABC format. This is a text based format which allows a program to play the file via the internal speaker of the computer without the aid of a soundcard. For more information about this program Go To:To the ABC2WIN Program Page.
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