The Ulster
Loyalist ~~~~Songbook
Part 3
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When this Old Sash was New
How stirring was the spirit, boys, that bounded in our breast,
When friendship lit our social joys and treason slept at rest;
There were no Popish cardinals to break England's laws all through,
Nor Ribbon flag dare to be seen when this old sash was new;
Then toast the memory of the men who popery did subdue,
And girt their swords, upon their loins when this old sash was new.
Our fertile plains were lit with smiles, shed by the general sun;
We little cared for Popish wiles while Orangemen were one.
For if a Popish rebel dare assault the orange or blue,
Our sword was from our scabbard bared when this old sash was new.
'Twas each peasant's cottage then,
there hung our ensign true,
Which flaunted on old Derry's walls at Boyne and Aughrim too.
Each loyal bosom throbbed to wear the orange and the blue,
Which made our foes oft blanch with fear when this old sash was new.
The brawny arms of Orangemen in camp and tented field,
Have kept their post o'er hill and glen, with bright and shining steel;
The foe far off dare not come near in battle to imbue,
Too well they feared our shining arms when this old sash was new.
There were no grants to foul Maynooth to educate her priests.
Nor papist dare with words uncouth sing at their Romish feasts;
For round old E ngland's diadem their burst upon the view,
The Orange diadem on its stem when this old sash was new.
Full fifty years have past and gone since it graced my neck,
Success is linked with noble deeds with me it paced the deck;
Now that life's scene draws to a close, let each young Orangeman true,
Proclaim with me no stains have fallen since this old sash was new.
But now far off the Papish threat at home the bombers rule
They've drawn us down to conference all backed up by foreign power,
Now our own politicos would break England's laws all through
There were no shouts or Trimble's Blair when this olde sash was
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Death of Schomberg
'Twas on the day when kings did fight
Beside the Boyne's dark water,
And thunder Roared from every height,
And earth was read with slaughter;
That morn an aged chieftain stood
Apart from mustering bands,
And, from a height that crowned the flood,
Surveyed broad Erin's land.
His hand upon his sword hilt leant,
His war-horse stood beside,
And anxiously his eyes were bent
Across the rolling tide;
He thought of what a changeful fate
Had born him from the land,
Where frowned his father's castle gate,
High o'er the Renish strand;
And placed before his opening view
A realm where strangers bled,
Where he, a leader, s carcely knew
The tongue of those he led;
He looked upon his chequered life
From boyhood's earliest time.
Through scenes of tumult and of strife
Endured in every clime--
To where the snows of eighty years
Usurped the raven's strand,
And still the din was in his ears,
The broad-sword in his hand;
He turned him to futurity,
Beyond the battle plain
But then a shadow from on high
Hung o'er the heaps of slain.
And through the darkness of the cloud,
The chief's prophetic glance
Beheld, with winding-sheet and shroud.
His fatal hour advance;
He qauailed not as he felt him near
The inevitable stroke,
But dashing off one rising tear,
'Twas thus the old man spoke:
"God of my fathers! Death is nigh.
My soul is not deceived,
My hour is come, and I would die
The conqueror I have lived!
Four Thee, for Freedom, have I stood--
For both I fall to -day:
Give me but victory for my blood,
The price I gladly pay!
"Forbid the future to restore
A Stuart's despot gloom,
Or that, by freemen dreaded more.
The tyranny of Rome!
From either curse let Erin freed.
As prosperous ages run,
Acknowledge what a glorious deed
Upon that day was done!"
he said--fate granted half his prayer
His steed he straight bestrode
And fell as on the routed rear
Of Jame's host he rode;
He sleeps in a cathedral's gloom,
Amongst the mighty dead;
And frequent o'er his hallowed tomb
Redeedful pilgrims tread:
The other half, though fate deny,
We'll arrive for one and all,
And William's Schomberg's spirits nigh,
We'll gain or fighting fall!
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Rise, Sons of William
Rise, Sons of William, rise,
'Tis Nassau hails you from the skies;
Why close your slumbering eyes
While treason stalks around?
Hark! I hear
Accents clear,
Bursting on my ravished ear;
To arms away!"
Methinks they say,
While drums and trumpets sound.
Rise, sons of William, rise,
'Tis Nassau hails you from the skies;
Why close your slumbering eyes
While treason stalks around!
See! From his crimson bed.
Encircled with the mighty dread
Boyne heaves his azure head,
And gazing, turns around;
Ah, me; he cries,
What glories rise,
And crowd upon mine aching eyes.
Lo! Weapons gleam--
See!Banners stream,
While drums and trumpets sound.
Strike, Erin, strike the lyre,
Catch,Oh! Catch the gen'rous fire;
'Tis a william's deed inspire;
Oh! Sweep the trembling strings,
Hark! A shout!
No rabble rout;
The Orange boys are rushing out;
Fermanagh cheers,
Old Derry hears,
And echoes back to Boyne
Hail! Nassau's mighty shade,
From Heaven, O! Deign to lend thine aid;
Oh! Be it never said
Thy sons degen' rate were,
Happy we,
Great and free
If we do but follow thee;
If thy fame
Our souls inflame,
To equal thee in war.
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Orange Gathering Song
From every hill and valley,
From every strath and glen,
Ho! Rally, Northmen! Rally!,
Display your strength again:
Come all ye that are true yet:
Come, gather quick and fast,
Hurrah : ye can renew yet
The glories of the past.
Rear! Rear the flag! Strike, strike the drum!
In proud procession join;
Let cowards quail, while freemen hail
The Battle of the Boyne.
'Tis now no time for dreaming,
No tim to take repose,
When traitor men ae scheming
To sell you to your foes;
Aye, truth and honor scorning,
Your freedom they would blast,
But read to them this warning,
The memory of the past
And rear the flag, and strike the drum!
In proud procession join;
Let traitors quail, while true-men hail
The Battle of the Boyne.
Fermanagh!ever ready
The warder of our land;
And Cavan tried and steady,
Send forth your loyal band:
And Monaghan, stout-hearted;
In danger never last,
Up! Show' tis not departed,
The spirit of the past.
And rear the flag and strike the drum!
In proud procession join:
Foemen!give place, ye know our race--
The victors of the Boyne
From fair Tyrone's border,
All round to Donegal,
Come rankling out in order--
Come, gather one and all:
Ho! Derrymen! Awaking
Abroad your banner cast.
E'en now the day is breaking,
The weary night is past.
Ho! Rear the flag! Ho ! strike the drum!
In proud procession join:
So freemen ought, whose fathers fought
And conquered at the Boyne
Armagh, the call is sounding
Send out thy every man;
Thy true hearts, Down, are bounding
From Strangford to the Bann;
Antrim! Aye thou'rt true yet
Rank out thy legion vast;
Alone thou could'st renew yet,
The glories of the past,
With flaunting flag and rolling drum,
In proud procession join;
No rabble ye, but yoemen free,
Like those who cross'd the Boyne.
Fling out our glorious banner,
'Mid music's merry chime:
Let Northern breezes fan her,
As in the olden time;
And trust in god on high, boys,
Be faithful to the last;
The future will outvie boys
The glories of the past
Rear, rear, the flag! Strike strike the drum!
In proud procession join:
Hurrah! Hurrah! We hail this day
The Battle of the Boyne
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And do our
Irish Protestants?
And do our Irish Protrestants
Forget their former spirit?
And do they not their father's zeal
And loyalty inherit?
Oh, yes! To guard King George's throne
That loyal spirit rises,
And all the haughty threats of Rome
And Popery despises
Our Orange banner, waved on high,
Appals the band of treason;
In dauntless courage firm we stand--
In honor, truth and reason.
No canting knaves our loyal hearts
Shall from our King dissever;
And though they once thought to get up,
We'll keep them down for ever.
At Orange William's god-like name,
Let Rome and Popery tremble;
For summon'd by the magic sound,
Do Protestants assemble;
And by that glorious Orange swear,
In steadfast resolution,
With heart and hand still to defend
Our happy constitution.
Then brotheres, come, the chorus join--
For each to each is brother;
Our revolution to defend.
We will oppose another.
And do our Irish Protestants
Forget their former spirit?
And do they not their father's zeal
And loyalty inherit?
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Up, Orangemen Up!
By the blood of your fathers, the martyrs of old,
By the honor and courage that never were sold.,
By the throne that you love, and the faith you revere,
Up, Orangemen! Up! And in phalanx appear.
By the dread recollection of horrors long past,
By the bigot, who still is as true to his caste,
By the Pope and the devil, who plot to betray,
Up, Orangemen! Up! And in battle array.
By all that kind heaven or earth can afford,
By religion and laws, and by torture abhor'd
By base superstition and priestcraft, and crime,
Up, Orangement!Up! 'tis the crisis of time.
By wife, home, and childre,n by friends and kin,
By the ONE sacred triumph of which Britons sing,
By the laws as THEY WERE made to keep Papists down--
Up, Orangemen! Up! And defend faith and crown.
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A Fine True-Hearted Protestant
(air--"A fine Old English Gentleman.")
I'll sing you an Orange song, made by strange old pate.
Who, loving Papists in his heart, their doctirnes vile did hate,
Of a fine true-hearted Protestant, faith-ful to Church and State,
And our grand Constitution Prized, of Sixteen Eighty- eight;
Like a fine, true-hearted Protestant,
one of the olden time.
His heart and purse had ready been, to aid the good old cause,
And his brave right hand drew the sword in aid of King and laws;
When duty urged him into strife, he did not dare to pause,
But taught to save all that he lov'd from Rome's devouring jaws;
Like a fine, true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time.
And when each year the sun shone out upon that hallowed day
When william drove the tyrant James from Boyne's famed banks away;
Yes, on each twelfth day of July, he'd head the grand array
Of those who bless'd their father's God
for crushing Popish sway;
Like a fine, true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time.
And there were dangers in his path, yet felt he honest pride
In their illustrious names nad deeds, who in truth's cause have died;
And trusting only in his god, his bright sword by his side,
Abroad, at home, in peace or strife,
Rome 's legions he defied:
Like a fine, true-hearted Protestant, one of the olden time.
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On the Initation of a Brother
Welcome! Brother! To our band!
Welcome! Brother! Heart and hand!
True, together we will stand
Or together fall.
By brave Schomberg's martyr-fame!
By great Wiliam's glorious name!
We are bretheren still the same!
Brethern one and all.
King James took post on high Donore,
And heard the distant cannons roar,
Which thundered through the fields of war,
And crown'd the victory.
But William led his forces on.--
Was ever present in the van,
Strictly exhorting every man
To push for victory.
A cannon-ball grazed William's arm,
Which caused among his men alarm,
But did his Majesty no harm,
Nor stayed the victory.
Full fifteen hundred men were lost,
The flow'r of all the Irish host;
Five hundred British were the cost
Of this famed victory.
Duke Schomberg's death o'erbalanced all,
Who met his fate by a musket ball--
King William mourn'd this hero's fall,
Who died' midst victory.
-Ogle R. Gowan
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William of Orange
(dedicated to the orangemen of Canada)
Air--"The Protestant Boys".
Proudly march on, to the edge of the river,
The Protestant hosts, on the Twelfth of July;
For William of Orange has come to deliver
From prison the captives apointed to die!
And brave men, with hope,
See the slaves of the pope
Assembled to fight for the minion of France;
The sun sheds his glory
On men famed in story,
Who longed for this hour, and the watchword "advance".
Onward they go, as the music is pealing;
The drums cease to beat as they enter the Boyne,
Onward they go, with a confidnece sealing
The doom of the foe, ere in battle they join,
For God is their trust,
And the victory must,
Assuredly fall to the hosts of the Lord;
For Him they are fighting--
His foes they are smiting--
And never fail they who for Him draw the sword.
William leads on, like a Protestant hero;
While James slinks away from the hill of Donore,
Frightened to death by that"Lilliburlero."
That cheers on the men on the opposite shore--
And, if ever again
The thing is to do that was done that July
With Orange flag flying,
And on god relying,
Such music shall lead men to conquer or die!
Ours is the victory! Praise be to Heaven!
The banner of Orange waves over the field!
The fetters James forged have by William been riven;
And never to tyrants shall Williamites yield!
For they will maintain
On the land and the main
Against Papal legions, the Right and the True;
And with life, shall never
Surrender, for ever,
Their standard of freedom -- the
Orange and Blue!
-WM. Johnston, MD
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Air—" Boyne Water."
warlike town,
Long fam'd in ancient story;
What place can rival thy renown,
Or boast of half thy glory ?
Here Freedom rais'd her standard bright,
When James our rights invaded,
Here Freemen put their foes to flight,
And Tyranny impeded.
Spirit of song inspire my tongue,
Fill me with animation—
Tune ev'ry harp which hangs unstrung,
Throughout this Irish nation:
Let all in one vast chorus join,
To sing each brave defender
Of Enniskillen and the Boyne,
Who made their foes surrender.
If to these scenes
we turn our eyes,
We view with admiration,
A band of heroes bold arise,
To save a ruin'd nation;
With mighly arm and glittering steel,
They met the host approaching,
And made their fiercest foemen feel
The danger of encroaching.
The Protestants of Erin, then,
Were fiercely persecuted,
By monsters, in the shape of men,
Who this fair Isle polluted;
Their maidens violated were—
Their houses burn'd or plunder'd
While shrieks of murder fill'd the air,
And Pity wept and wonder'd !
But EnniskilJen's guardians brave,
On Heaven for aid depending,
Resolv'd their native land to
By that strong pass defending ;
And soon their great—their glorious
Their enemies affrighted,
For in the bloody field of fame
Their hopes they always blighted.
Great Hamilton, in
this just cause,
Stood forth the townsmen cheering;
Creighton and Wolesley gain'd applause,
And Lloyd, no danger fearing ;
Stone, Cooper, Berry, Smith, and Gore,
Galbraith and Vaughan steady,
Still on renown'd Lough Erne's shore,
To meet the foe were ready.
On came the Irish, flush'd with rage,
The town to enter vaunting—
But forth in battle to engage,
With hearts for conflict panting,
A band rush'd out, at whose dread sight,
The cowardly invaders
From Lisbellaw in haste took flight,
With their ferocious leaders.
Then Lord Galmoy, with bigot zeal,
And fierce determination,
Against Crom Castle to prevail,
Came bent on devastation :
Mock cannon on a hill he plac'd,
As if the walls to batter,
But soon he and his troops were chas'd
Like mists that strong winds scatter.
Fair Ballyshannon to
From enemies surrounding,
A chosen few now march'd direct.
Their music sweetly sounding;
And at Belleek, this gallant band
The enemy surprised,
Attacking them with sword in hand,
And hearts that fear despised.
Their weighty blows soon caus'd their foes
To fly in great confusion,
While on the plain one hundred slain
Repaid their rash intrusion :
Their half-blind Chief, seiz'd to his grief,
Beheld this sad disaster,
Which seem'd to state the approaching fate
Of his degraded Master.
Meanwhile the Host, in Dublin town,
Was rais'd in exultation,
The crownless King to it bow'd down,
In prostrate adoration;
And now against the valiant North,
Across the Boyne's fair water,
Their hordes of shirtless troops sent forth
Tke Protestants to slaughter.
But gallant
Enniskillen town,
And Derry, fam'd in story,
Soon put his proud pretensions down,
And marr'd the Tyrant's glory:
Like rocks, resisting ocean's tide,
In stormy winds high swelling,
His power and pride they still defied,
His utmost force repelling.
At Omagh and Belturbet, too,
Intrepid Lloyd commanding,
They fought the foe, and laid them low,
Their garrisons disbanding;
By this grand stroke, the threatening yoke,
The victors bold obstructed,
And to their town, deck'd with renown,
Rich spoils of war conducted.
Six thousand men from Munster, then,
Commanded by M'Carty,
Advanc'd to make our strong town shake,
And join'd MacGuire's fierce party,
Resolv'd it southward to invest,
And suffer none to aid it,
While Berwick north, and Sarsfield west,
Conjointly should invade it.
Our worthy Governor,
Their deep-laid plan descrying,
Gave notice to the English fleet,
In fair Lough Swilly lying,
Who to our aid great guns convey'd,
With timely expedition,
And better still, with men of skill,
A store of ammunition.
And now for battle-field prepar'd,
All thoughts of danger spurning,
Our faith and liberties to guard,
Each heart with ardour burning,
Resolv'd at once forth to advance,
Fermanagh's wrongs redressing,
And bravely drive the Irish hive,
From ground therein possessing.
To Lisnaskea they took their way,
The gallant Berry leading,
While Wolesley true, soon troops forth drew,
His movements promptly aiding;
Great Berry's word v,-as fam'd " Oxford,"
At narrow pass, when halting,
The causeway's end he did defend,
Hit standard high exalting
And quickly, then, M'Carty's men,
Came on our troops engaging,
But strove in vain our ground to gain,
Though Hamilton was raging;
In skirmish hot, a " true blue" shot,
To quarters sent him wounded—
His friend fell dead, his army fled,
While Berry's trumnet sounded.
Old Newtownbutler in a blaze,
Proclaim'd the foe were flying,
While on the ridge, near Wattle bridge,
Their wounded men were dying :
Like base poltroons, Lord Clare's dragoons,
At safety only aiming,
In sorry plight, first took to flight,
Their yellow facings shaming.
Bold Armstrong pursued them long,
Beside Fermanagh's border,
Leaving their foot to hot pursuit,
In terror and disorder:
The blundering dogs took to the bogs,
Away their muskets casting,
And through 'a wood, stain'd with their blood, Mountcashel's
laurels blasting.
In terror, then, five hundred men
For safety took the water,
Lough Erne's wave soon prov'd their grave,
While all the rest found slaughter :
Through all this night the moon shone bright,
On Enniskillen's glory,
And many a slave, without a grave,
Lay breathless, grim, and gory.
Brave Smith's sharp sword, as rolls record,
Made all beholders wonder,
Whose one strong blow, at frowning foe,
The forehead cut asunder :
Six thousand men were vanquish'd then,
By one-third of their number,
And James's cause, that sham'd our laws,
In ruin sent to slumber.
Of heroes fam'd, not one is nam'd,
In Greece or Rome's bright pages,
Like Wilson strong, whose deeds in song,
Shall live through latest ages.
TWELVE wounds could not his strength subdue,
A thirteenth only stunn'd him,
The weapon from his wound he drew,
And kill'd the foe that shunn'd him.
Here Ensign Bell in glory fell,
With Captain Robert Corry,
Good men and true as man could view.
As Walker or as Murray ;
Not many more, a single score,
We lost while guns did rattle,
Whilst of their host, the Irish lost
Three thousand in this battle.
Mountcashel rode from Shady Wood,
To meet his death preparing',
Upon the spot his horse was shot,
But Cooper, kindly sparing
His forfeit life, from scene of strife •
Led off this Lord, declaring
He scorn'd to fly, but wished to die,
Of James's cause despairing.
Thus those brave victors of renown,
By valiantly contending,
From traitors sav'd their faithful town,
At distance it defending;
Behind no wall, which soon might fall,
They stood their fate awaiting,
Like Berry's sons, their thund'ring guns,
Laid low their foes retreating.
Then homeward, crown'd with laurels gay,
Our heroes march'd elated,
Berwick and Sarsfield, in dismay,
Now off, subdued, retreated;
With townsmen true, these soldiers few,
Who made their foes to tremble,
To hail the day, and grateful pray,
Devoutly did assemble.
Brave Dixy, Hassard, Slack, and White,
With Cathcart, Ross, and Taylor,
Mitchel, and Gibson, bold in fight,
Repell'd each proud assailer;
Hudson and Hart, like men took part,
Though each at first a stranger,
From Shannon side they both did ride,
To share our townsmen's danger.
Irvine, Cosbie, King, and Wood,
With Graham, Blair, and Browning,
At Enniskillen boldly stood,
While Freedom's foes were frowning;
Johnston and Shore, with Wynn and Moore,
Scott, Webster, French, and Dury,
Tiffan and Dean in arms were seen,
Resisting James's lury.
Frith, Lindsay,
Russell, Price, and Ball,
At each parade attended,
With Bedell, Parsons, Hughes, and Hall,
They our good cause defended;
The Osbornes here did soon appear,
Buchanan, Birney, Bailly,
Against the foe, with Young ami Crow,
To battle went forth daily.
Ellis, Woodward, Clarke, and Wear,
Crosbie and Crozier, early,
For William, here did all appear,
And fought the foemen fairly;
Montgomery, of house renown'd,
In French and English story,
Came to our aid, and quickly found
Companions in his glory,
This worthy band, with heart and hand,
Rush'd forth on each occasion,
Disdaining fear, nor held life dear,
When checking fell invasion ;
Where battle rag'd, they still engag'd,
The foe before them driving,
And by their zeal for England's weal.
Expiring hope reviving.
And at the " Boyne"
behold them join
King William, honour gaining,
At Aughrim, too, those heroes view,
The British cause maintaining:
Then deck'd with fame, that still shall beam,
And all their foes defeated,
Peace crown'd their toil in Erin's Isle,
By valour consummated.
Hail ENNISKILLEN ! fam'd of old,
For Liberty defending,
Round thee we still a race behold,
Of patriots unbending,
Who, should our Faith invaded be,
Would rally to their station,
And die or set their country free,
From foreign domination.
STANZA I.—LINE 1.—" Enniskillen."
This town being the chief fort between the Provinces of Con-
naught and Ulster, has always been of great consequence in time of
war; and, since its plantation, with the whole of the County of
Fermanagh, with English families, has proved one of the strongest
holds of Protestantism and loyalty in Ireland.
Gustavus Hamilton was Governor of Enniskillen in 1689. He
commanded a regiment of the Enniskillen infantry at the battle of
LINE 3.—" Creighton."
David Creighton, Esq. son of Colonel John Creighton, (who distinguished
himself at the head of his regiment in the battle of Aughrim,)
being at this time but eighteen years old, acquired great military
reputation by his defence of the family seat, Crom Castle,
against an army of six thousand men, he having in it a very inferior
force, consisting of his father's servants, tenants, and Protes.
tant neighbours. The loss of the besiegers was rery great, and
after they drew off, Creighton sallied out after them and put them
between two fires, bis own and that of the Enniskilleners, who
promptly availed themselves of the predicament in which his gallantry
had placed the terrified Irish army. The result was the total
rout of the latter, with great slaughter, on their attempt to
cross an arm of Lough Erne, near Crom Castle, which has since
been called the BLOODY PASS. This gallant gentleman rose afterwards
to the rank of Major'General in the army, and became
Governor of the Royal Hospital of Kilmainham. He died on the
1st of June, 1728. He was grandson of Dr. Spotswood, Bishop of
Clogher, and great grandson of Sir Gerard Irvine, of Castle Irvine,
in the County of Fermanagh. His son Abraham succeeded to his
estates, and was created Baron Erne, of Crom Castle, on the 27th «
f June, 1768.
Colonel William Wolseley commanded a regiment of horse at
this time in Enniskillen—he had been sent there by Major-General
Kirk. He distinguished himself highly at the battle of New-
tonbutler, or of Lisnaskea, as it has been also called, on the 28lh
of July, 1689. In no part of Ireland, says Harris, (in his Life of
King William, page 320,) except on the plains of Aughrim, did the
Irish army suffer so great slaughter in *bese wars as they did
between these two towns on this day.
Colonel Wolseley continued his services during the whole of this
war. On the 29th of November, in the year 1689, he and bis regiment
defeated Lord Antrim's regiment of foot, on its way to attack
the town of Newry. About thirty of the redshanks (as they
were called) were killed in this skirmish, and seventeen taken prisoners.
In a short time afterwards this gallant officer, with a body
of the Enniskilleners, took the town of Belturbet, and he subsequently
drove Colonel O'Reilly and a regiment of Irish foot out of
Cavan, taking possession of the town for King William. At the
battle of the Boyne the Enniskilleners contributed much to the
success of King William ; their infantry, with some Dutch footmen,
cut a great body of the Irish army in pieces there, at a very
critical period of the battle, at the village called Oldbridge, where
the former had nearly overpowered a French regiment of foot.
After King William crossed the Boyne, the enemy in front of
him being double the number of the army he led against them, he
found his cavalry in a few minutes repulsed by the Irish, who had
halted and rallied after a precipitate retreat. In this predicament
he saw the Enniskilleners near him, and asked them, what they .
would do for him ? They promptly advanced, with the King at
their head, and after recovering from a mistake they made in following
their royal leader, who had turned from them to head some
Dutch troops that were coining towards them, they went on successfully
to the charge, and soon forced the enemy to give way.
STANZA VI.—LINK 4.—" Lloyd."
Thomas Lloyd, ancestor of Owen Lloyd, of Meera, near Carrick-
on-Shannon. He was Colonel of one of the regiments of horse sent
by General Kirk to defend Enniskillen at this time. This family,
for a century, frequently intermarried with that of
the Sligo and
Roscommon branch of the Hart family.
LINE 5.—"Stone."
Charles Stone, Major of one of Kirk's regiments of horse. Of
this family was the late Captain Stone, Paymaster of the London-
deny Militia, and Guy Stone, Esq. of the County of Down. '•
George Cooper, the 118th person who signed the address to
King William and Queen Mary, at Enuiskillen, on the 7th of August,
1689. "
William Berry, Lieutent-Colonel of a regiment of horse, the hero
of Lisnaskaa. His worthy namesake, Dr. Berry, late District Master
of the Londonderry Orangemen, is now resident at Killeshandra,
in the vicinity of the scene of the Bnniskilleners' heroism. "
William Smith, a leading man in Enniskillen at this time. His
name stands the sixth on the list of those who signed the address
to King William, in 1689. "
William Gore. The author has not been able to ascertain more
of this gentleman than his signature being annexed to the foregoing
address. In this commercial country—this nation of shopkeepers—
it is no dishonour to the noble family of Gore, nine of
whom once sat at the same time in the Irish Parliament, to say
that they were all descended from a tailor who lived in London, in
the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who divided the County of Donegal,
on its being forfeited by the O'Donnells, between four English families,
namely, Gores, Wrays, Sampsons, and Brookes. Murray,
of Broughton, came in for a great portion of this County in the
subsequent reign of James the First, when the Scottish plantations
were established in it and in the other eight forfeited counties of
Ulster. "
Hugh Galbraith. His family was at thr* time, and for a long
period before it, possessed of great estates in the
Counties of Ai\
magh, Tyrone, Derry, and Donegal, and from them are descended,
in the female line, Lord Belmore's family, with the Louiys, of
Ahenis, and the Sinclairs, of Holy-hill, in the County of Tyrone.
The Rev. Jas, Sinclair, Rector of Leckpatrick, near Strabane, whose
daughter married Robert Loury, of Ahenis, in 1661, was the second
son of Sir James Sinclair, of Caithness. Mr. Sinclair's wife was
Anne, daughter of James Galbraith, Esq. Member of Parliament
for the Borough of St. Johnston, in the County of Donegal. This
family of Galbraith has been long extinct in the male line. "
Robert Vaughan, one of the subscribers to the address to King
STANZA VIII.—LINE 1.—" Lord Galmoy."
For an account of this man's unparalleled brutality in the murder
of Archdeacon Dixy's son, and the slaughter of the Protestants
of Belnahatty.—See the History of the Siege of Derry and
Defence of Eniiiskillen.
STANZA XIV.—LINE 2.—" M'Carty."
In the month of July, 1689, a powerful and well appointed army
was led from Minister by Justin M'Carty, who had, on the preceding
23d of May, been created Viscount Mountcashel and Baron of
Castlehench. When his army joined that of Cohonaght Mae-
Guire, they formed a force amounting to seven thousand men—
their defeat by the Enniskilleners, in the valley of Maguire's-
bridge, Lisnaskea, and Newtonbutler, laid the foundation of the
victories of King William's armies at Deny, Boyne, and Aughrim. .
The details of this memorable action are too well known to require
a recapitulation of them in Notes, which must necessarily be brief.
See Hamilton's account of the actions of the Enniskilleners.
STANZA XVIII.—LINE 4.—" Hamilton."
Colonel Anthony Hamilton, second in command under M'Carty,
in the battle of Lisnaskea. The Hamiltonswere high in command
on both sides in these memorable times. Colonel Richard Hamil
ton was second in command to Rosen in the army besieging Deny,
and Lord Strabane, an adherent of James, came with
Hamilton, to the gates of that City, to demand or advise a surrender
of it to the tyrant. Colonel John Hamilton lost his life in
James's service at the battle of Anghrim—who this Anthony Hamilton
was, the author of these Notes has not been able to ascertain.
On King William's side were Captain James Hamilton, who, although
he was nephew of General Richard Hamilton, one of the
officers besieging Berry, was a zealous defender of that City, and
one who was entrusted by King William with a considerable sum
of money to defray the expenses of it. He became afterwards Earl
of Abercorn. Major Gustavus Hamilton, the youngest son of Sir
Frederick Hamilton, by Sidney, daughter of Sir John Vaughan,
Governor of Londonderry, was a distinguished defender of Coleraine
in 1689, against the army of Major-General Richard Hamilton on
its approach towards Deny, by which defence he covered the Maiden
City until all the necessary arms, ammunition, provisions, and troops
necessary for its security were thrown into it. He headed a regiment
at the battle of the Boyne, where, having his horse shot under
him, he narrowly escaped death. He waded the Shannon at Ath-
lone, at the head of the grenadiers who stormed that town a few
days before the battle of Aughrim, and was engaged in all the battles
fought afterwards by General Ginckle for the reduction of
STANZA XX.—"Armstrong."
Captain Martin Armstrong, with a troop of cavalry, which he
commanded, did great execution on Lord Clare's yellow dragoons
in their precipitate flight from Lisnaskea on the day of Lord
Mountcashel's defeat there. He was one cf the many borderers
who, with the Elliots, Grahams, and Fosters, were settled on and
about the lands of Lord Dacre, near Clones, in 1609, after they
had been forfeited by the rebellion of the MacMahons.
STANZA XXII.—LINE 1.—" Smith's sharp sword."
In the action at Lisnaskea a very remarkable stroke was given by
Captain William Smith, who, with a keen, well-tempered sword,
and a good will, cut off the upper part of a man's head just under
the hat—as much as lay within the hat and all the brains being
striken quite away from the other part of the scull, and not even a
bit of scull left to keep them together.—(Harris's
Life of King
William, paye 225.)
STANZA XXUI.—" Wilson."
One instance of bravery of a private man in this action, attested
by eye-witnesses, perhaps not inferior to any in Greek or Roman
story, ought not to be passed over in silence. John Wilson, a foot
soldier, in the general slaughter of his companions, stood the shock
of several troopers, when the Duke of Berwick's troops, with himself
at their head, set fire to the house of James Corry, Esq. at
Castle Coole, near Enniskillen. The Irish dragoons were hewing
at him with their swords, some of them he stabbed with his bayonet,
others he knocked down with his musquet, and when from pain and
loss of blood, his arms dropped from his hands, he leaped up at his
murderers, tore down some of them and threw them under their
horses' feet. At length oppressed by twelve desperate wounds, one
of which was quite across his face, so that his nose and cheeks hung
over his chin, he sunk down in a shrubby bush. While he was
bleeding in this sad condition, a brutal Serjeant of these Popish
dragoons darted his halbert at poor Wilson with such fury, that he
itruck it through his thigh, and could not draw it out again. Wilson
roused, as if from death, made his last effort, tore the halbcrt
out of his thigh, and collecting his whole strength, darted it through
the heart of his enemy. There is no scene in Homer's Iliad to be
compared to this. By the assistance of the halbert this gallant
fellow dragged his mangled limbs to Enniskillen, where he was won •
derfully cured, and lived for thirty years.
STANZA XXIV.—LINES 1 and 2.—" Ensign Bell," with " Captain
Robert Corry."
They were killed with about twenty private soldiers at the battle
of Lisnaskea, and were the only loss the Enniskilleners sustained
on that day.
Captain George Cooper gave quarter at the battle of Lisnaskea
to Lord Mountcashcl, after that unfortunate commander's horse
had been shot under him, and a musquet had been clubbed to knock
out his brains.
Pierce Butler, the infamous Lord Galmoy, on his march with
an army of about 2,000 horse and foot towards Enniskillen, took
this brave youth, Captain Woolston Dixy, (son of the Archdeacon
of Kilmore,) and his Comet, Edward Charleton, prisoners, in
the county of Cavan. After Galmoy had been compelled to
raise the siege of Crom Castle in which Captain Creighton had
a prisoner, one Bryan MacConnogher MacGuire, an Irish captain,
Galmoy proposed an exchange between him and Dixy, which Captain
Creighton agreeing to, sent MacGuire to him ; but that perfidious
wretch, unworthy to be called a man, much less a Lord, having
got back MacGuire, offered Dixy and Charleton the alternative of
turning Papists or suffering death. They magnanimously chose
the latter—MacGuire interceded for them in vain—they were both
hanged in Belturbet on a sign post—Galmoy ordered their heads to
be cut off, and when this was done, he gave them to the soldiers to
be kicked through the streets as footballs ; after which, their heads
were, by his brutal orders, set upon the market-house of that town
to remain a spectacle of his dishonour and their constancy.— (
Harris's Life of King William, page 215.)
MacGuire shewed his abhorrence of Galmoy's diabolical breach
of faith on this occasion, and was so much disgusted at it, that he
retired to Crom Castle, threw up his commission, and would serve
no longer against King William.—Ibid. "
Jason Hassard was the thirty-second of the defenders of Enniskillen
who signed the address to King William and Queen Mary in
1689. He was ancestor of Captain Hassard of the 74th regiment,
and a highly respectable family still in the County of Fermanagh. "
William Slack, the twentieth who signed the above-mentioned
address. "
Thomas White, ancestor of the gallant Redhill's family, so lately
insulted by our Popish governors in the withdrawal of a yeomanry
D commission. His signature is the eleventh of the addressers of Kin;
William and Queen Mary.
LINE 2.—" Cathcart."
Allan Cathcart, another of these heroes. "
William Ross.—See the History of the Siege of Derry and De
fence of Enniskillen, page 264. "
Richnrd Taylor.—See as above, and the same reference may be
made for James Mitchel and Bartholomew Gibson.
LIKE 5.—" Hudson."
Daniel Hudson, Esq. of St. John's, in the County of Roscom-
mon, ancestor of Dr. William Hudson, the Uncle of Oliver Gold-
smith, and of Mrs. Denniston, late of Cocksheath, in the County of
Donegal. "
Thomas Hart, whose signature is the third to the address to
King William. The Governor of Culmore fort, in the reign of
Queen Elizabeth, had two brothers ; one of them settled in the
County of Roscommon, and was the ancestor of the defender of
Enniskillen, and of a family of which Andrew Hart, of Newtown, in
the barony of Rathcline, and County of Longford, was the last male
survivor, if bis brother Thomas, who went to America in 1740, has
left no issue. From the Limerick branch of the family were descended
the late Sir Richard Harte and the family of Coolrus—the
latter family retains the final e, which the two former had long dis.
used. Morgan Hart, also of the Roscommon branch of this family,
was the seventh of the 147 Enniskilleners wlio signed the Address
to King William and Queen Mary, on the 7th of August, 1689.
STANZA XXIX.—LINE 1.—" Irvine."
William Irvine was the seventeenth person who signed the above-
ntntioned address. The family, that of Castle Irvine, has been
long distinguished in
Fermanagh, for genuine attachment to the
cause of the Crown and altar of the realm. "
Captain Arnold Cosbie, with Captain Francis Gore, on the 4th
of June, 1689, with their troops of horse, three in number, and two
companies of foot, then quartered at Kilskerry, marched about sunset
from Trillick, where they bad bwn stationed in a house belonging
to Captain Mervyn ; they went towards Omagh in the
course of the night from whence they returned next morning with
160 good troop horses, with nearly as many of a smaller kind, and
also with 300 cows. The Irish fort at Omagh was only preserved
by a timely notice of the approach of this body, if not by their desire
to secure their rich plunder in Enniskillen.—See Harris, p. 219. "
F. King, one of those who signed the Enniskillen Address in
1689. "
Edward Wood, ancestor of Messrs. John and Thomas Wood, still
distinguished supporters of the Orange cause in Enniskillen. Mr.
John Wood has the honour to have the Most Noble Marquis of
Ely a member of his Lodge. "
Cornet James Graham, of Mullinahinch, near Clones, whose wife
was Eleanor Lyttle, of Brookborough, by whom he bad two sons;
the eldest, James, a Lieutenant of the Fermanagh Militia, in 1743,
who married Anne, daughter of John Cross, of Dartan, in the
County of Armagh, Esq. a defender of Londonderry, in 1689—his
son was James Graham, of Ballymahon, in the County of Longford,
Esq. who married Aunt', eldest daughter of Mr. Andrew Hart,
of Newtown, in the Callaghs of that County, by whom he was the
father of the Rev. John Graham, Rector of Magilligan, and of Capt.
Richard Graham, of the 37th regiment of foot, now on the half-pay
of that regiment, and resident at Ballymabon.
For Hugh Blair, and William and John Brownrigg, see as above.
LINE 5.—"Johnston."
James, Robert, Henry, Thomas, William, and Robert Johnston,
junior, were distinguished defenders of Enniskillen in J689. From
one of them was descended the late worthy Clerk of the Crown for
the North-West Circuit, and a family of high respectability in
Fermanagh. "
Thomas Shore, ancestor of the family of that name, long settled
at Rathmore, in the County of Longford, once the proprietors of a
large property, and owners of a Borough in the County of JMeath,
and still possessed of a good property. "
James Wynn, Captain of Colonel Stewart's dragoons, to the command
of which he .succeeded after his arrival in Enniskillen. "
Robert Moore, the thirteenth who signed the Enniskillen address
to King William and Queen Maiy.
For Ninian Scott, Matthew Webster, Daniel Trench, and George
Dury, see Hamilton's Actions of the Ennukilkncrs, as also for John
George Russell, John Price, William Ball, William Parsons,
Thomas Hughes, Joseph Hall, Thomas Osborne, Marcus Buchanan,
William Birney, Claudius Bailly, Thomas Young, Laurence Crow,
Hercules Ellis, Joseph Woodward, Robert Clark, Robert Wear,
Edward Crosbie, Joseph Crozier, and Andrew Montgomery.—See
the Rev. Andrew Hamilton's account of the Actions of the Ennii-
LINE I.—"Frith."
William Fritb, ancestor of the late Colonel Frith and of the
Uuintons of Enniskillen and Dublin. "
Matthew Lindsay, ancestor of the Lindsays of Fintona, Berry,
Belfast, and Dublin.
LINE 3.—" Bedell."
Ambrose Bedell, SOD of the renowned Bishop of Kilmore, Dr.
William Bedell, and brother of the Kev. William Bedell, who sue -
ceeded to the Prebend of Kilrush, in the County of Clare, in 1670,
From this truly primitive Bishop are descended Bedell Stanford,
Esq. of the County of Cavan, and Master Bedell Scott, son of th«
Rev. George Scott, Rector of Balteagb, in the County of Londonderry.
-The Orange Minstral, Or,
Ulster melodist:consisting of historical songs…., Robert Young, 1832.
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