The Ulster Orange
Loyalist ~~~~Songbook
Part 7

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Songs concerning William of Orange from the Pepys Ballads

A Congratulatory Poem The Prince of Orange Welcome The Prince of Orange'sTriumph 
Or, The Downfall of theDistressed Jesuits
A Third Touch of the Times A New Song of an Orange The Rare Vertue of an Orange
Or Popery purged and expelledout of the Nation

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A Congratulatory Poem
To His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange Or his Welcome to theCity of London (December 18,1688)

Hail the mighty Prince! this Poem on your waites.
As the first Offering that Celebrates
Your wellcome to the Town, almost Destroy'd
By Priestcraft, and by you again reviv'd:
This Glorious Day (in which all Triumphs Live)
To Heav'n and you Great Sir, we only Give.
When Jove first made the World, he ask'd no more
Of us, but taught us whom we should implore.
As then, so now tis our peculiar care,
With Joyfull thanks to gratifie your ear,
Who from the Dust has rais'd our Grov'ling State,
Which hung upon the weakest Wheel of Fate
An act so high, and past mankind's believin
That none but you could er'e think of retieving
Yet more, they who this Nation woul'd inthral,
Do fill your Triumph wth their wretched fall,
But what dose Heav'n impart when they Design
To Act something that's Noble and Divine?
Prophetick Stars this happy time ne're knew,
This Secret only Lodg'd in Heaven, and you,
And mighty Prince (since Fate decrees it so)
Our Lives uno your Gen'rous Sword we owe,
Not only, but Estates and Liberty,
Which is the Sum of all felicity.
Exhal'd from sullen frowns or Kingdom's Blest,
And in the umbrage of your Lawralls rest,
Whilst Joy like Lightning in Tempestious Storms
Dazles the World and fils it with Alarms,
Joy now to Lowdest Triumph makes its way
Our Souls transported in strong Raptures move
And yet Unitedare in Artless Love,
Joy now and Loveso very well agree
As if this year was the first Jubilee,
Of care and Business we'll no more alow
Since Deathless Lawralls florish on your brow,
Go on brave Prince what is't you can't effect
Whom Heav'n with prosperous Stars dose still protect,
The fury of your Sword, Let the French fee,
That Kingdom is Designed by you to reel:
Pull down their Gaudy Pride which long hath stood
And their own Fields Manure with their own Blood,
Come here's the Prince's Health a Brimer round
And all the Popish Interest Confound,
Veni, Vidi, Vici.

-Source: The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp320-321.
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The Prince of Orange Welcome

The Prince of Orange Welcome to London

To the Tune of: The two English Travellers

The Prince Van Orange he is come to this Land,
Who does in defiance of Popery stand:
He does not desire Supream for to Reign,
But ourLaws and Liberties here to maintain.

 Which some evil Persons did strive to Invade,
And we into Bondage might havebeen betray'd
We see all their dealings, which troul'd us sore,
The Fryars and Iesuits dayly came o're

 In City and Town they did Mass-houses build,
Which was with poor ignorant Proselites fill'd
The Prover of old is made true in his case
We see that an ill Weed will flourish apace

 They still are inventing and forging of Lyes
Against our Bible and Clergy likewise
In hopes they might suddenly be overthrown
And then they conclude the Game was their own

 The Bishops away to the Tower was sent
As stout andaschearful as Martyrs they went
Not fearing what ever might fall to their doom
They scorn to submit to the Clergy of Rome

 Now while the true Church thus did tottering stand
It was a great grief to most Men in his Land
But while we withsorrowful sighings did grieve
Each Fryar and Isuits laught in their Sleeve

 and Old Father Peters was one o' the Train
Who did for a while in his Rogery Reign
But Fortune was pleased to send him a Frown
And from his high Honour to tumble him down

 Now seeing himself in this sorrowful case
He thought it no boot to remain in this place
And herefore his Breetches with Guinnies he lin'd
In order for running some shelter to find.

 Now while he was taking this dangerous flight
He pray'd to Saint Francis and Briget all night
But yet notwithstanding his Religious Prayer,
He was taken napping as Moss catcht his Mare

 There is many more as we well understand
Wishes that they were safe out ofthe Land
They'd rather leave Brittain, and flye to the Pope
Than here to take part of the Hatchet and Rope

 And not to retun to the Prince Van Orange
Whose cost, care and Conduct, has wrouht thisgreat change
This Nation from Thraldom I hope he'll set free
And then there will none be more happy than we.

 And now let us drink a good Health to the Mitre,
And may that Church flourish, tho' enemies spight her
Next health to that Seven that stood by our Cause,
As stout as our Martyrs, as just as our Laws

 God bless all the Noble, Religious and Iust,
Who always was faithful and true to their Trust
I hope they will settle this Nation again
That we may ne'r have any cause to complain.

 And when a Free-Parliament shall Regulate
And Compose our Fractions in matters of State,
The Ioys of this Nation again to restore
Then both King and People may flourish once more.

Printed for G.J. 1688
Source:The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp323-324.
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The Prince of Orange'sTriumph
Or, The Downfall of the Distressed Jesuits

 To the Tune of, COURIGIO.

Now Orange is on Brittish shore,
Come from his long Voyage 0;
Now Orange is on Brittains'shore,
come from his long Voyage 0;
We now shall have no Masses more,
But will pull down their Scarlet Whore,
Couragio, Couragio, Couragio.

2 Now all her Brats we understand,
does weep at this Voyage 0,
And forced are to quit the Land,
For fear of a strong Hempen Band,
Couragio, &c.

3 While here they Sung their Antick Song
before the brave Voyage 0,
The best of Subjects they did wrong,
But now they run away ding dong,
Couragio, &c.

4 The London Lads was much concern'd
at Fryars in this Age 0,
Therefore their Wooden Gods they burn'd
And Trinkets into Ashes turn'd,
Couragio, &c.

5 They never stood to count their Cost,
they being in a Rage 0,
Their' Beads and Crucifix they lost,
Was ever 7esuits so Crost,
Couragio, &c.

6 Their hopes were turn'd to slavish fears,
at this August Voyage 0,
Some sigh'd and stew'd in brinish Tears,
While others sneak'd & hung their Ears,
Couragio, &c.

7. The Prince of Orange Heavens bless
who cam on this Voyage O,
The Jesuitss to dispossess
God grant him evermore Successes,
Couragio, &c

 8. When we beheld his Glorious Fleet
sailing on their Voyage O,
Our whole desire was to meet,
The Kindgoms blessings to compleat,
Ciouragio, &c.

 9. Now Welcome to our English Shore,
and now we will ingage O,
To Thump the Babilonish Whore,
And kick her Trumpery out the door;
Couragio, &c

 10 A short and merry life they led,
before this rare Voyage O,
But now Old Peters he is fled,
And some in Newgate hide their Head
Couragio, &c

 11. That Valiant Prince who hither came,
our Sorrows to asswage O,
O let his Right Renowned Name
Recorded be in Books of Fame,
Couragio, &c

 12. He undertook a Glorious Cause,
in this Warlike Voyage O
To keep us from Rome's Rav'nous Paws
And to preserve our Lives and Laws,
Couragio, &c

 13. Now let us all Vnited be,
and then I will engage O,
In little space we soon shall free
This Land from Popish Tyranny;
Couragio, &c.

 14.We value not the French-man's Frown
who threatens to engage O,
We'l Raze the Walls of e'ery Town,
And beat their lofty Towers down
Couragio, &c.

 15. If it should be our happy chance,
with Monsieur to Engage O,
With Forces thither we'll advance,
And shake the very Crown of France,
Couragio, Couragio, Couragio

-Source: The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp 327-8
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A Third Touch of the Times
To the Tune of Charon make haste, &c.

1.Brave English Boys now rejoyce and be merry,
Which Loves your Country, Religion, and Laws,
Let not your blood-sucking Enemies fear ye,
since that brave Orange defends our Cause;
He is come over and will protect us,
tho' he be Curst by Devil and Pope;
Then you damn'd Papists forbear to vex us,
if that you do, you shall dye in a Rope.

2. For now you Villains you're even Confounded,
tho' you design'd for to cut our Throats,
Now by the Seas you are quite surrounded,
whilst the stout Hollanders stops your Boats;
O you will sadly now be banged,
for the base mischiefs done by you,
And at the last you shall all be hanged,
so we'll be rid of a Cursed Crew.

3. When you were well you could not be contented,
but you must down with our Antient Laws;
Yet I believe hyou will shortly repent it,
that you did ever engage in that Cause:
Jefferys and Peters, Walker and Chester,
Pulton, and other Rascals too;
Also the base Temporizing Addressor,
Penal Laws will now  meet with you.

4 Nothing wou'd serve you but Protestants ruin,
Rackings, and Gallows, and Knives and Fire,
You had provided, but  'twas hyour undoing,
now you shall have them your selves for hire:
Yea, so unbridled was your Power,
(tho' they no evil had deserv'd)
You must go send the Bishops to Tower,
but now your Rogueships shall worse be serv'd.

5.Closely we'll hunt you throughout all the Nations,
into the dens, and the Caves of the Earth;
Nor will we matter the Popes Execrations,
but we will put a full stop to your Mirth:
For the brave Orange, to your Confusion,
will our just Laws restore again:
Which we will soon put in Execution,
paying the Papists in their own Coyn.

6.Orange's Stomach you see will not bear it,
that our Rights and his shall be lost;
But like a generous Noble spirit,
comes to defend us, tho' much to his Cost:
Then let good Protestants all endeavour,
for to assist his Highness still,
Praying that Heaen would him deliver,
from all the Rascals that wish him ill.

7. Come drink a Health then to bonny Will. Harry,
Englands Defender at times of need;
And to his Excellent Princess Mary,
with all the rest of the Protestant breed:
Long may they Live, by Heaven befriended;
but whosoever is their foe:
May at the Gallows his Life be ended,
and ev'ry other that would not so.

printed in the Year, 1688

-Source: The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp.331-332.
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A New Song of an Orange
to the tune of: The Pvdding.

1. Good People come buy
The Fruit that I cry,
That now is in Season, tho' Winter is nigh;
'Twill do you all good,
And sweeten your Blood,
I'm sure it will please when you've once understood
'tis an Orange

2. It's Cordial Juice,
Does much Vigour produce,
I may well recommend it to every Mans use,
Tho' some it quite chills,
And with fear almost kills,
Yet certain each Healthy Man benefit feels
by an Orange

3. To make Claret go down,
Sometimes there is found
A jolly good Health, to  pass pleasntly round;
But yet, I'll portest,
Without any Jest,
No Flavour  is better than that of the taste
of an Orange

4. Perhaps you may think
To Peters they Stink,
Because from our Neighbors they'r brought over Sea
Yet sure, 'tis presum'd
They may be perfum'd
By th' scent of good cloves, for they may be stuck
in an Orange.

5. If they'll Cure the Ayls
In England and Wales,
Whose Meat to their Stomachs long have not agreed,
Since we're subject to Cast,
Let's better the taste,
(Still being careful lest it Curdle at last)
with an Orange

6. Old Stories rehearse,
In Prose and Verse,
How a Welsh child was found by loving of cheese
Let Sympathy shew,
How others can Spew,
When once they'r brought to the hated Vied
of an Orange

7. Tho' the Mobile Bawl,
like the Devil and all,
For Religion, Property, Justice and Laws;
Yet in very good sooth,
I'll tell you the Truth,
There nothing is better to stop a Man's Mouth
than an Orange

8. We are certainly told,
That by Adam of old,
Himself and his Bearns for an Apple was sold;
and who knows but his Son,
By Serpents undone,
And many besides may at last loose their own
for an Orange


Printed for R.G. 1688

-Source: The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp334-335.
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The Rare Vertue of an Orange
Popery purged and expelled out of the Nation

To the tune of The Pudding

1. Good People come buy
The Fruit that I cry,
That now is in season, tho' Winter is nigh;
'Twill do you all good,
And sweeten your Blood;
I'm sure it will please when you've once understood
'tis an Orange.

2. Its Cordial Juice,
Does much vigour produce:
I may well recommend it to every Mans use,
Tho' some it quite chills,
And with fear almost kills,
Yet certain each Healthy Man  benefit feels by an Orange.

3. Perhaps you may think
That the Iesuits stink,
Because that they can't get away with their Chink;
For Hemp is their Doom
If they dare to preseum,
To tarry so long as to smell the Perfume
of an Orange.

4. Dear Teague and his Fellow's
Come over the Main,
And thought in Great-Brittain like Landlords to Reign;
Thgey play'd for our Houses,
And lost them again,
Some of those deer-Foys now has met with hteir bane,
by an Orange

5. The Fryars and Iesuits
Thought to excell,
By singing, and Ringing their Tantany- Bell
But there is nothing htat can e're do so well,
The Poyson of Popery quite to expell,
as an Orange.

6. There's Old father Peters,
Religious and Chaste,
Has left all his Lasses that once he  embrac'd
And now he is scowr'd
Away in all haste,
Because that he cannot endure the sharp taste of an Orange.

7. Old Stories rehearse,
In Prose and in Verse,
How a Welsh child was found by loving of cheese
then the smelling  sence,
Now may prove the true Prince
And all the whole Nation of folly convince
by an Orange

8.            If they Cure the ayls
Of England and Wales,
And with the Old Iesuits fill all the Gaols,
Who strove the whole Nation,
Alas! to deceive,
And now at old Tyburn let them take their leave
of an Orange

9. Tho' the Mobile bawl,
Like the Devil and all,
For Religion, Property, Justice and Laws,
Yet   in very good sooth,
I'll tell you the truth,
There  nothing is bettere to stop a man's mouth
then an Orange

Printed for A. B.
-Source: The Peyps Ballads.,Harvard University Press, Cambridge,1930,Vol.3,pp337-338
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