The Gunpowder
Plot Pages! Electronic Classroom
![]() ![]() Poor Robin’s Almanac 1695 records:
Nicholas Asherton from Lancashire notes on Nov. 5, 1617
Gunpowder in the 16th and 17th century was a mysterious
high-tech substance. The only parallel in modern times is perhaps atomic
power. Gunpowder had long been used with magic and was just beginning to
be used in modern cannon and firearms. The use of Gunpowder by the plotters
was regarded as a bold and devilish act. The involvement of gunpowder
raised the plot itself to the level of the supernatiural. Here we have
provided quotations from writings of the time which illustrate contemporary
perceptions of gunpowder.
Thomas Campion (1567 - 1620)
From : De Pulverea Coniuratione (c.1605-1615)
My plan is to do away with the King himself, and his offspring,
together with Parliament and Lords, in a single blast of black powder."
quaked at his
Wright clearly approved these statements and heaped the speaker with praise, eager to express his wonder at the gunpowder device: nothing could more assuredly throw all into confusion in a trice, or offer better opportunity for revolution, or renew the hope of restoring their languishing faith's ancient honor for the benefit of the exhausted British. Thus they cloaked these impious monstrosities under the guise of a pious mind. "Hasten where you are going," said Winter, "be it fair or foul, if this is your decision I am unshrinking, I shall go wherever our common destiny might carry us. Now let all piety leave the heart in me, and in all of us: may that man die who stands in the way of our action's success--Campion, De Pulverea Coniuratione., "Book One- " And so, exhausted by their effort, as men used to visit
Delphi's temples, they went to the chambers of a King filled with greater
divine inspiration, such as haughty Greece used to claim for Phoebus. They
produced the writing and begged the assistance and illumination of his
superior wit, this cloud removed. The King took the missive and pondered
on it, scanning it thrice or four times with his keenness of eye and happy
intellect. The missive advised that the Lord keep absent from Parliament
in the morning, for that day would be unhappy for those present, who would
be visited by a terrible stroke, unsuspecting, though there was
no appearance of any disturbances. And, just as flammable gunpowder, when
prepared by the right method, readily takes the fire when it is applied,
so the King, having weighed these words in due order, understood this powdery
deception in a terrible stroke of
Stationing guards at the chamber, they straightway led
the bound monster to the sacred palace, cursing him as they went, as happens
when men drag a bear through the streets as faithful dogs yap and a large
crowd tags along. At Court sleepless Lords awaited to discover what
tidings a messenger would bring concerning the gunpowder, and when Knyvett
disclosed the news they were amazed; nor, though it was late at night,
could they restrain themselves from sharing their joy with the scepter-wielding
prophet-king, like waking visions seen in sleep. The Lord Chamberlain,
the scion of a Duke, Lord Suffolk, led the way, a man who loved his
nation and sovereign as no other, and, impatient of delay, he shouted at
his master, though he was scarce fully awake. "The entire plot stands revealed,
as does a great ineffable crime. The places in Parliament about which we
have been suspicious are packed with gunpowder. The watch has in hand the
author of this great stratagem. O glory of kings, o thrice-great seer,
you alone have preserved yourself for your people, your people for
For if it had turned out well, if the powder had
done its work and Parliament had gone a-flying, wholly destroyed by Roman
gunpowder along with its
THE FOURTH EPIGRAM Rome tries to cure so-called heretics with a powder neither holy nor Catholic, though she claims to dominate Catholics and holy alike, albeit with the Satanic powder of a monk.--Campion, De Pulverea Coniuratione. There is a new priestly order which usurps the name of Jesus for its own use; Ignatius was its founder, whence in happier years they were called Ignatians , but nowadays Ignitians, since they have justly taken their title from ignitable powder. The golden Tagus spawned this Hydra, comely enough in appearance, and fair at first glance, but in truth if you cast a closer eye on it, that infamous swamp at Lerna, foul with its toxins, never bore anything more disgraceful and horrid, nor did the waters of Avernus in Greekish legend. In their bellies such monsters hide schemes, arson, murder, daggers, poisons, riots, and unjust wars, nor does this one region confine these serpents as they all flit about on swift wings, causing unforeseen destruction and unanticipated ruin.-Campion, De Pulverea Coniuratione. Book I. They girded themselves for the job, and by night stealthily brought picks and mattocks through the dark streets, wood for tunneling and props for walls. Against the horrible moment they filled casks with the great force of that powder which holds within itself flame and noise. Next they provided for themselves with concealed food and wine. Nor, when they had entered, could they exit again, lest a sign of their frequent and novel assembly render them suspect. Fawkes himself procured what was needful, for he was unknown, operating under an alias, and his station had changed: he was thought to be your servant, Percy, and adroitly feigned to be such.--Campion, De Pulverea Coniuratione. Book I. Once upon a time we were vexed enough by conspiracies
and warfare, and now by fire set beneath us: what else are we to expect?
Our hidden enemies, I shudder to say, aspired to explode our kingdom's
hope and glory in a single blast, scattering them through the blood-red
air; they did not know how to spare a peaceable King or even, in the last
analysis, how to refrain from harming their own kind. They have put beneath
this House heavy casksful of powder meant to flash into lightning bolts
our destruction, and with much scrap iron mixed in they make up their volcanic
subterfuges so that the blow might
They loaded their thundering muskets for a fight, drying
their damp powder by a handy fireplace. But when a servant poked at the
slow-burning fire, behold, the Fury (unseen to all) guided the shivering
fellow's hand and dropped some embers in among the black grains. These
quickly took fire and, like a thunderbolt, the house exploded, a
hole blown through the roof, begriming their half-burnt faces and throwing
everything into confusion with pitch-black night. But as soon as the fumes
cleared and the nurturing daylight returned, and they could make out each
To return to the top of this page click here Milton In proditionem Bombardicam Cum simul in regem nuper satrapasque Britannos
In proditionem Bombardicam.
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John Dunne c. 1620-1625 MS Royal 17.B.XX (British Library) But your Nolumus hunc, for this king, who had made
no Inquisition for blood, who had forborne the very pecuniary penalties
, who had (as himselfe witnesses of himselfe) made your partakers,
with his Subjects of his own religion, in matters of grace, in reall benefits,
and in titles of honor, Quare fremuerunt, why did these Men
rage, and imagine a vayne thinge? what they did historically we know:
To return to the top of this page click here From the Trial of the Conspirators "And that thereupon the said Henry Garnet, Oswald Tesmond, John Gerrard, and divers other Jesuits; Thomas Winter, Guy Fawkes, Robert Keyes, and Thomas Bates, as also the said Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy, John Wright, Christopher Wright and Francis Tresham, traitorously amongst themselves did conclude and agree, with Gunpowder, as it were with one Blast, suddenly, traitorously and barbarously to blow up and tear in pieces our said Sovereign Lord the King, the excellent, virtuous and gracious Queen Anne, his dearest Wife, the most noble Prince Henry, their eldest Son, and future Hope and Joy of England; and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, the Reverend Judges of the Realm, the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Parliament, and divers other faithful Subjects and Servants of the King in the said Parliament, for the Causes aforesaid, to be assembled in the House of Parliament; and all them, without any respect of Majesty, Dignity, Degree, Sex, Age or Place, most barbarously, and more than beastly, traitorously and suddenly to destroy and swallow up. "-The Effect of the Indictment. "Now as this Powder-Treason is in itself prodigious and unnatural, so it is in the Conception and Birth most monstrous, as arising out of the dead Ashes of former Treasons. For it had three Roots, all planted and watered by Jesuits, and English Romish Catholicks: The first Root in England, in December and March; the second in F1anders, in June; the third in Spain, in July. In England it had two Branches, one in December was twelve Months before the death of the late Queen of blessed Memory; another in March wherein she died".-The Effect of the Indictment. "To conclude, against all the most honourable and prudent Counsellors, and all the true-hearted and worthy Nobles, all the Reverend and Learned Bishops, all the grave Judges and Sages of the Law, all the principal Knights, Gentry, Citizens and Burgesses of Parliament, the Flower of the whole Realm. Horret Animus, I tremble even to think of it: Miserable Desolation! no King, no Queen, no Prince, no Issue Male, no Counsellors of State; no Nobility, no Bishops, no Judges! O barbarous, and more than Scythian or Thracian Cruelty! No mantle of Holiness can cover it, no pretence of Religion can excuse it, no shadow of good Intention can extenuate it; God and Heaven condemn it, Man and Earth detest it, the Offenders themselves were ashamed of it; wicked People exclaim against it, and the Souls of all true Christian Subjects abhor it: miserable, but yet sudden had their Ends been, who should have died in that fiery Tempest, and Storm of Gunpowder. But more miserable had they been that had escaped; and what horrible Effects the blowing up of so much Powder and Stuff would have wrought, not only amonsgt Men and Beasts, but even upon insensible Creatures, Churches, and Houses, and all places near adjoining; you who have been martial Men best know. For my self, Vox faucibus hæret: So that the King may say with the kingly Prophet David; "-2. The second Consideration "If by what Law they meant to proceed; it was Gunpowder-Law, fit for Justices of Hell. But concerning those Laws which they so calumniate as unjust, it shall in few words plainly appear, that they were of the greatest both Moderation and Equity that ever were any."-4. We are to consider the Place "6. Now the sixth Point, which is the Means to compass and work these Designs, were damnable; by Mining, by 36 Barrels of Powder, having Crows of Iron, Stones and Wood laid upon the Barrels, to have made the Breach the greater. Lord, what a Wind, what a Fire, what a Motion and Commotion of Earth and Air would there have been! But as it is in the Book of Kings, when Elias was in the Cave of the Mount Horeb, and that he was called forth to stand before the Lord, behold a mighty strong Wind rent the Mountains, and brake the Rocks; sed non in vento Dominus, but the Lord was not in the Wind. And after the Wind, came a Commotion of the Earth and Air; Et non in Commotione Dominus, the Lord was not in that Commotion: And after the Commotion came Fire; & non in igne Dominus, the Lord was not in the Fire. So neither was God in any part of this monstrous Action. The Authors whereof were in this respect worse than the very damned Spirit of Dives, who, as it is in the Gospel, desired that others should not come in locum tormentorum." -6. Now the sixth Point, which is the Means "Note, that Gunpowder was the Invention of a Fryar, one of the Romish Rabble, as Printing was of a Soldier. "-And thus much as touching the Considerations: the Observations "I am not ignorant, that this seditious and false Alarm
hath awaked and incited many working Spirits to the prejudice of the present
State, that might otherwise have slept as before with silence and sufferance
; it hath served for a Shield of Wax against a Sword of Power : it hath
been used as an Instrument of Art to shadow false Approaches, till the
Trojan Horse might be brought within the Walls of the Parliament, with
a Belly stuffed, not as in old time with armed Greeks, but with hellish
Gunpowder. But howsoever God had blinded you and others in this Action,
as he did the King of Egypt and his Instruments, for the brighter Evidence
of his own powerful Glory ; yet every Man of Understanding could discern,
that a Prince whose Judgment had been fixed by Experience of so many Years
upon the Poles of the North and the South, could not shrink upon the sudden
: no nor since with fear of that Combustion which Catesby that Arch-Traitor,
like a second Phaeton, would have caused in an instant in all the Elements.
His Majesty did never value Fortunes of the World, in lesser Matter than
Religion, with the Freedom of his Thoughts : he thought it no safe Policy
(professing as he did, and ever will) to call up more Spirits into the
Circle than he could put down again ; he knew, that omne regnum in se divisum
desolabitar, Philosophy doth teach, that whatsoever any Man may think in
secret thought, that where one doth hold of Ciphas, another of Apollo,
openly Dissension ensues, Quod insitum alieno solo est, in id que alitur
natura vertente degenerat ; and the World will ever apprehend, that Quorum
est commune symbolum, facillimus est transitus. "-And then being severally
asked, What they could say, wherefore Judgment of Death
-Source: A Complete Collection O F S T
A T E - T R I A L S, A N D P R O C E E D I N G S F O
R H I G H - T R E A S O N, A N D O T H E R
E D I T I O N ; COMMENCING WITH The Eleventh Year of the Reign of KING
RICHARD II. AND ENDING WITH The Sixteenth Year of the Reign of KING GEORGE
O L U M E T H E F I R S T. L
O N D O N :Printed by T.WRIGHT, Essex-Street, Strand;And Sold by G. KEARSLY,
NO. 46, near Serjeant's-Inn, Fleet-Street.MDCCLXXVI.,"XIX. The Trials of
Robert Winter, Thomas Winter, Guy Fawkes, John Grant, Ambrose Rookwood,
Robert Keyes, Thomas Bates, and Sir Everard Digby, at Westminster for High-Treason,
being Conspirators in the Gunpowder-Plot. 27 Jan. 1605. 3 Jac. l. "
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...and this horrible attempt, lacking due epithets, to be so justly avenged; that whereas they thought by one Catholic, indeed, and universal blow, to accomplish the wish of that Roman tyrant, who wished all the bodies in Rome to have but one neck, and so, by the violent force of powder, to break up, as with a petard, our tripple locked peaceful gates of Janus, which, God be thanked, they could not compass by any other means;...-Jam,es I, "The King's Book" To return to the top of this page click here
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