The Gunpowder Plot Pages!  Electronic Classroom
Guy Fawkes/Bonfire becomes Election Celebration in the U.S.A.

Many scholars believe that one of the ways that Guy Fawkes Day / Bonfire Night was translated to American tradition was via the celebration
of Election night. This is understandable because election night is scheduled to occur either on or within days of Guy Fawkes Day- November 5. Additionally elections are after all just another way of removing the head of state and isn't that just what the conspirators wanted to do?
For Evidence from New York click here.    Concerning Virginia, New York and Virginia click here.
(image above A campaign parade at night from Ingersoll -see below)

Celebrations in New York

     Election Day in New York, by Ernest Ingersoll: pp. 3-16 
          p. 8 1 The Century; a popular quarterly. / Volume 53, Issue 1
        The Century Company  Nov 1896  New York

                                             "The moment the polls close the liquor-sa-
                                          loons open, but the excessive drunkenness
                                         and brawling common in former years are not
                                        now seen. Five o’clock editions of the news-
                                       papers are issued, but have little to tell, for
                                        everywhere the clerks are still busily count-
                                          ing the votes. The streets overflow with
                                         boys who hardly wait for the earliest dark-
                                         ness to institute their picturesque part of
                                         the day’s doings. The New York citizen be-
                                        gins to break election-day laws as soon as he
                                          can toddle about the block. Bonfires are
                                         strictly prohibited, yet thousands of them
                                        redden the air and set all the windows aglow
                                                    before seven o’clock.
                                               Antiquarians inform us that this custom
                                         is nothing but a survival in America of the
                                           old English celebration of burning Guy
                                         Fawkes on the 5th of November, in recollec-
                                          tion of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, which
                                          the children have transferred to the mov-
                                          able feast of our election day. Maybe so.
                                         At any rate, for weeks beforehand the lads,
                                        large and small, rich and poor, have begged,
                                          borrowed, or stolen every burnable thing
                                        they could lay their hands on, and have kept
                                         their treasure as well as they could. Know-
                                          ing by sad experience the untruth of the
                                         aphorism, ((There is honor among thieves,”
                                         they usually persuade some one to let them
                                        store these combustibles in his back yard or
                                          still safer cellar. From hundreds of such
                                        repositories the lads bring their treasures,
                                          heap them up in the middle of the street,
                                         and fight off raiders until they are safely
                                            blazing. Women and children swarm out
                                           of the huge tenements and cluster about
                                          the scene, where the youngsters are leap-
                                          ing and whooping and waving brands, like
                                       the true fire-worshipers theyare. The smallest
                                         boys and girls have saved a box and a board
                                         or two, or beg some fuel from good-natured
                                       big brothers, and start little blazes of their
                                       own, with a headless ash-barrel for a chimney.
                                         Everywhere are dancing, merriment, singing,
                                          and shouting. The great heaps throw out a
                                       terrific heat, glare upon the highest windows,
                                         and illuminate the whole sky, while showers
                                         of sparks whirl up and down the narrow streets
                                        in the autumn wind, yet rarely do serious dam-
                                       age. But boxes and barrels are slight, and the
                                        flames die down long before the enthusiasm of
                                        the boys and their applauding friends is ex-
                                          hausted. Now begins criminal foraging and
                                         senseless waste. Lumber-piles, scaffolding,
                                        new buildings, kitchen chairs, wheelbarrows,
                                         and sometimes even serviceable wagons, are
                                        seized by marauders and thrown on the fires,
                                         unless carefully guarded, so that each year
                                       sees not only a great waste of good fuel among
                                         the poor, but the destruction of much valu-
                                          able timber and household furniture. This
                                         work of hoodlums cannot easily be stopped,
                                       because just then nearly all the police are in
                                          the polling-places watching the canvass."

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Concerning New England New York and Virginia

     Social Life in the Colonies, by Edward Eggleston: pp. 387-408 
          p. 400 The Century; a popular quarterly. / Volume 30, Issue 3 The Century Company  July 1885New York

                                       " It was complained in 1724 that the Vir-
                                       ginians paid little attention to the two anni-
                                        versaries of the gunpowder treason — the 5th
                                          of November and the 3oth of January. But
                                         the former of these was celebrated in some
                                      of the northern colonies by fire-works, by burn-
                                         ing an effigy of Guy Fawkes, or by carrying
                                        about the village two hideous pumpkin faces,
                                        supposed to represent the Pope and the devil,
                                         and then consigning them to a bonfire. The
                                       pale shadow of this old celebration reaches to
                                          our time; boys in some New England coast
                                       towns still light their bonfires on the 5th of
                                         November, though quite unable to tell what
                                        for. In the region about New York forgetful-
                                        ness has gone further; stacks of barrels are
                                         burned, not on the 5th, but on the evening
                                         of the November election day, by lads both
                                         Catholic and Protestant, none of whom have
                                         any interest in the gunpowder plot, or any
                                        suspicion that they are perpetuating in dis-
                                           guise a custom handed down to them from
                                        ancestors loyal to the throne and Parliament
                                                         of England."

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