here for the
Original Mighty Joe Young -accept
no Substitutes!
Who Was
Was? Really in the eyes of
many he still exists- still in Africa of course and still living with Jill. Rumors that he left Africa after
returning there with Jill are Just that.
Play introduction music to set the mood click
here for wav Play a midi while you read- Mr. Young's
favorite tune click
here! Purchase the
original movie click
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Writings about Mr. Young To the best of our
knowledge only one book (possibly just a screenplay) records the true life
adventures of Mr. Young.
It was written by Merian C. Cooper. We are
researching this book and will have more later concerning its writings. (Please
note that Mr.Young is not the same as Mighty Joe Young the Jazz artist nor the
character involved with a movie of 1998- these are totally different entities
from Mr. Joseph Young of Africa c. 1949)
About Merian C.
Cooper: COOPER, Merian Caldwell
Brigadier General. USAF, 1917-1919, 1921-1953.
Motion Picture
Director, Producer, Author. Born 24 October 1894,
Jacksonville, FL.
US Naval Academy, 1911-1914. Served to the grade
of Captain, US
Army, World War I; served as Lieutenant Colonel,
Squadron, Poland, 1920. Career assignments include: Chief
of Staff to
General Chennault, China Air Task Force, 1942; Staff
Member, Fifth Air
Force, 1943-1945. Creator and producer of the
motion picture
"King Kong". Former director, Pan American World
Airways, Western
Airlines and General Aviation. Died 21 April 1973,
San Diego, CA.
Author of The Sea Gypsy (1924), Grass (1925), Things
Men Die For
(1927) and King Kong (1932), mighty Joe Young 1949.
Purchase the original movie click
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The Original Movie about Mr. Young's
Actual Adventures in America-Purchase the original movie click
To purchase a copy of the real film click
Details: This is an evolving
account please send us your input and any corrections with appropriate
The movie was directed in 1949 by Ernest B. Schoedsack and
written by Merian C. Cooper (story) and Ruth Rose (screenplay). John
Ford (principal) and Merian Cooper were the producers. Roy Webb wrote the music. J. Roy Hunt was the
cinematographer, Adel Balkan did
the costumes and James Basevi did production design.
Some People in the movie were:
Terry Moore (a.k.a. Jan Ford, Judy Ford and Helen
Koford) played Jill Young
She was originally from Maryland, U.S.A.(?) (Born in L.A.) and was
at one time the wife of Howard Hughes (see her
books: The Beauty and the Billionaire Terry Moore / Published 1984 and The Passions of
Howard Hughes Terry Moore, Jerry Rivers / Published 1996
It is said that her brother played a
child (which child?) in the movie. (she played an elegant woman at a party in the 1998 movie of
the same name)
Ben Johnson Played Gregg Johnson
Frank McHugh plays Windy (Max's assistant)
Robert Armstrong played Max O'Hara
Lora Lee Michel played Jill Young, as a
One of the girls at the bar was played by Irene
Ryan who later was to play Granny in the T.V. Series- Beverly Hillbillies
One of the children (one of the rescued
children?Which child?) was played by Dwayne Hickman who later played Dobie
The movie is quite famous and those
appearing in it went on to have long movie careers- you can learn much more
about it by clicking
here. It appears that the most
recent movie which claims to portray a "Joe Young" (1998) shares little with the
real account of his life other than setting, a few names and an actress.
It is not so much a re-make as it is another movie with the same
The original movie was referenced in Kicking
and Screaming (1995) and featured in Tanya's Island (1980).
Mr. Young was portrayed in the original movie,
as the movie states, by "himself". (there is an actor Joe Young-
could this possibly mean that he was some how inside the monkey
suit?) Joseph did have a
worthy second played by a creation of Mr. Ray Harryhausen click here to
learn more of this fine work. Here is another link concerning Mr. Harryhausen click here.
If you have any leads contact us by clicking here
To return to the top of this section click
Movie Commentatry and Analysis:
The movie was made at an
interesting time-just after the end
of the 2nd World War. It also shares images
used by propagandists of Japan and the United States- Primates- Does the movie
provide us
with messages about the times?
David Bruce in his analysis of the movie draws
attention to the use of the symbol of the
Primate by Japan to depict Americans and by Britain and America to depict Japanese.
Bruce cites the image on the
left from the New York Times Magazine of 1943 as an example of the
" Primitization" of the enemy. He cites the cover of Leatherneck (Sept.
1945) on the right, as an example of how the end of the war has tamed
the gorilla into a pet monkey. Work on Mighty Joe Young began in
1946. Was the depiction of the more humanistic gorilla in the movie an act
of cultural reconciliation with the image? Both Merian Cooper and
Harryhausen were closely involved in the war and related war
efforts. Cooper had seen action in Asia and Harryhausen had worked
with propaganda films. Both would have been well versed in the use
of the image of the primate. Joe certainly is depicted as a good
fellow- almost as human as he is animal. The movie makes many statements
about the abuse of animals by removing them from their habitat and by
their miss treatment by civilization. But, was the rehabilitation of an
icon as important to the producers of the movie as the continued
popularity of the gorilla as entertainer- that is- always able to bring in
a crowd-as in the case of King Kong? Was the gorilla simply a dramatic
figure-close to being human but large and powerful? Harryhausen has
cited his interest in King Kong as a driving force in his career as a
special effects man. Harryhausen also the medium itself as a
driving force. He was interested in transforming puppets into models which
could be real ,show expression and have personality which could reach the
hearts of the audience. So perhaps other levels of causality were at
work along with the political commentary. It would be interesting to
determine what Merian Cooper has said or written on the
topic. In the
area of politics it is interesting to consider the imagery of the cowboys
imported to Africa. They do not put on the safari costume of
Crawford and O'Hara. They are imported to Africa with their horses
and all of their cowboy clothes, hats and gear. While they do
succeed in roping large lions the fail however, to pull in the
Mighty Gorilla. Joe is not tamed by outsiders but by the representative of
the nativized colonial power -Jill- who demonstrates greater sensitivity
to African affairs, native animals and language. Could Joe be also a
symbol of Africa- a continent sold by empires-the nativized managers to
the greedy outsiders-to the detriment of the cultures,ecology and spirit
of Africa? Read more of the views of David Bruce by clicking here. |
We are interested in your thoughts and
opinions! See our feedback section! If you have any leads contact us by clicking here To
return to the top of this section click
Questions thus far! I am sure there will be
others! Let us know!
Who were the children rescued by Joe from
the burning orphanage?
What was the name of the orphanage? (It is
on a sign above the door?)
What are the years and makes of the
automobiles involved?
Where can we find a detailed history
or screenplay of the film?
Where was the movie filmed?- any real
Is the Swahili used in the opening scenes
real? If so what is its translation in English?
Is the "lingo" of the Hobo Polish? If so
what is its translation?
Where is "Joe" now? -the models? (lions
If you have any leads contact us by clicking here
-Buy the Real Movie!-Don't take
our word for it!- from a great source!! Great
service speedy delivery! Mighty
Joe Young (1949) ~ VHS ~ Usually ships in 2-3
days Moore, Armstrong Our Price: $16.99 ~ You
Save: $2.99 (15%)Read
more about this title...
- Mighty
Joe Young (1949) ~ VHS ~ Usually ships in
24 hours
- Terry Moore
Our Price: $13.99 ~ You Save:
$5.99 (30%) Read
more about this title...
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Should Mr. Joseph Young of Africa be granted
an American Citizenship?
When Jill purchased Mr. Young
and freed him from slavery, eventually convincing her father to take him into
the Young household, she was saving a true hero. As far as we can tell (from
her accent) Jill was an American. Therefore, we must assume that Joe
too became an American, however, there is no official documentation of
this. Due to Joe's pure character
and good nature as well as in recognition for his salvation of the poor orphan
children from their burning orphanage which act placed Joe himself in great
danger, it is here suggested that the United States grant Mr. Joseph Young
of Africa (that is the c. 1949 one) full citizenship. His actions were
after all those of a true patriot! Let us know your feelings on this topic -send
us an e.mail click here Many believe that Mr. Young would make an outstanding
African American Primate Citizen! He is shown in the movie to be very positive.
Infact the Africans shown in the film (early scenes) are shown in quite a
positive light. There is even a very strong female African Woman.
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Links to other sources.......
-Buy the Real Movie!-and
from a great source!! Great service speedy delivery! Mighty
Joe Young (1949) ~ VHS ~ Usually ships in 2-3
days Moore, Armstrong Our Price: $16.99 ~ You
Save: $2.99 (15%)Read
more about this title...
- Mighty
Joe Young (1949) ~ VHS ~ Usually ships in
24 hours
- Terry Moore
Our Price: $13.99 ~ You Save:
$5.99 (30%) Read
more about this title...
 Visit a poster page! click here
Visit another poster page! Click Here!
Want to keep track of
primates in film? Click
An interview with
Harryhausen on the Making of Mighty Joe Young (1904)
Click Here
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