Psalme of thanksgiving for England's most blessed deliverance
from the most horrible intended Powder- Treason praised by the Synagogue
of Satan, the Romish Babilonians
psal 123 King David against the Philistines, King James against the
Now may England
confesse and say truly
It that the Lord
had not our cause maintained
If that the Lord
had not our right sustaind
When Antichrist
against us furioiusly
Made his proud bragg
and said we should all die
Not long agoe
they had devoured us all
And swallowed qauicke
for ought that we could deeme
Such was their rage
as we might well esteemd
And as the Aouds
with mighty force does fall
So had they then
our lives even brought to thrall
Our King and Queen
the Prince and Princely race
Their Counsell gave
and cheefe Nobility
The Learned judges
and tribe of Leni
With all the prudent
Statesmen of this land
By powder force
had perished out of hand
The raging streames
of Rome with roaring noise
Had with great woe
ore-whelmd us in the deepe
But blessed Lord
thou didst us safely keepe
From bloudy teeth
and their devouring jaws
Which as a prey
had griped us in their clawes
But as a bird
out of the Fowlers grin
Escapes away
right so it fared with us
Broke were their nets
and we have scaped thus
God that made heavn
and earth is our helpe then
His mercy saved us
from these wicked men
Oh let us therefore
with all thanks and praise
Sing joyfully
to Christ our heavnly King
Whose wisdome high
thsi fact to light did bring
Grant them O Lord
we do the humbly pray
Wee may accord
to praise thy name alway
Francis Herring (Trans Vicars, John) from: Mischeefes Mysterie or Treasons
Master Peece, The Powder-Plot London, E. Griffin dwelling in
the Liddle Olde Bayly neere the figure of the Kings head, 1617, London,
DaCapo Press, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd., Amsterdam, New York, 1971,
The English Experience #317, ISBN 90 221 0317x
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