The Discovery Scenes
These scenes of the symbolic and buttressed parliament house and the
eye of god and heavenly light exposing Guy Fawkes are standard motifs
which appear as early as 1621. The cloak and the lantern and the gunpowder all standard  elements together with inscriptions such as "a deed of darkness", "Blackdeeds"  and  "I see I laugh". The early awe at the act itself a relatively high tech and dangerous "plot with powder" combined with the mystery of the preservation of Parliament at the last moment by divine intervention. It was if today we were narrowly spared destruction by atomic power! At times the earlier images depict Fawkes realistically and without much bias. The event takes on a supernatiural air. Often these images were able to be purchased and sewn into books of common prayer.

(another with the horned devil click here)

(A third  click here)
(a fourth! click  here 
a fifth  ( 1745) shows a magic ball illustrating the discovery

of the plot perhaps to warn others click here.)
 For an less refined and perhaps earlier version click here.
About the  Image: 1702

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