Torches for your Guy Fawkes Day Celebration-
Presentation created by: Mr. Pete Williams send him e.mail click here
Torches are a very important aspect of Guy Fawkes Celebrations.
Light up the night's sky! Check out our main Torches Page: click here
Be careful! have a metal container for burned out torches and keep torches away from burnable materials.Soak torches in an open space with plenty of air flow.


Get a normal
Cloth Sack

cut on darkline

Lay the sack flat
and cut across 
the bottom and
side edges as


Cut into strips from top to 
bottom in aprox. 

Get a straight branch
/stick of suitable length
for someone to hold and
cut a slot in the top. 
(Picture is not to scale!)

Wrap the strips of 
sacking around the 
stick to form the
torch head.

Wrap the wire around the sacking to keep it in place going downwards.



Take the long end of wireand pass it through the slot on the opposite side to the shorter strand.


Wrap the long end around the pole going in the opposite direction than the first winding. So that you have two ends one on each side of the pole.

Twist the ends 
together with
a pair of pliers 
and cut of the end


Stand the torch upside down in a mix of paraffin/diesel mix for at least 12 hours to allow it to soak in.



We would of course remind you to always be
careful around these materials and around fire. The appropriate
parental supervision is advised.

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