Let Us Pray.....

Celtic Blessings

Morning Prayer
I believe, O God of all gods,
That Thou art the eternal Father of life
I believe, O God of all gods,
That Thou art the eternal Father of love
I believe O Lord and god of the peoples
That Thou art the creator of the High heavens,
That Thou art the creator of the skies above
That Thou art the creator of the oceans below
I believe, O Lord and God of the peoples
That Thou art He who created my soul and set its warp
Who created my body from dust and from ashes
Who gave to my body breath and to my soul its possession
Father, bless to me my body
Father, bless to me my soul
Father, bless to me my life,
Father, bless to me my belief

Encompassing Prayer

My Christ!my shield,my encircler
Each day, each night, each light each dark
My Christ my Christ!My shield my encircler
Each day each night each light each dark
Be near me,uphold me, my treasure my triumph
In my lying in my standing in my watching in my sleeping
Jesus son of David!my strength everlasting
Jesus,Son of Mary!my helper, my encircler
Jesus,Son of David! my strength everlasting.

A Prayer for Light

Lord grant me, I pray the in the name of Jesus
Christ the Son my God that love which knows no fall so that my lamp may feel the kindling touch and know no quenching,may burn for me and for others may give light.
Do thou,Christ deign to kindle our lamps our
Savior most sweet to us that they may shine
continually in thy temple and receive perpetual light from the light perpetual so that our darkness may be driven from us

Blessing of the Kindling

I will kindle my fire this morning
In the presence of the holy angels of heaven
In the presence of Ariel of the loveliest form
In the presence of Uriel of the myriad charms
Without malice without jealousy without envy
Without fear without terror of anyone under the sun
But the Holy Son of God to shield me
Without malice without jealousy without envy
Without fear, without terror of anyone under the sun
But the Holy Son of God to shield me
God kindle Thou in my heart within
A flame of love to my neighbor
To my foe to my friend to my kindred all
To the brave to the knave to the thrall
O Son of the loveliest Mary
From the lowliest thing that livethTo the Name that is highest of all

Christ's Cross

Christ's Cross over this face, and thus over my ear.Christ's cross over this eye. Christ's cross over this nose.
Christ's cross to accompany me before. Christ's cross to accompany me behind me. Christ's cross to meet every difficulty both on hollow and hill
Christ's cross eastwards facing me. Christ's cross back towards the sunset. In the north, in the south, increasingly may Christ's cross straightaway be.
Christ's cross up to broad Heaven.Christs cross down to earth. Let no evil or hurt come to my body or my soul.
Christ's cross over me as I sit. Christs cross over me as I lie. Christ's cross be all my strength until we reach the King of Heaven.
From the top of my head to the nail of my foot.
O Christ, against every danger I trust in the protection of the cross.
Till the day of my death, going into this clay,I
shall draw without-Christ's cross over this face.

Hermit Prayer

O Son of the living God, old eternal King, I desire
a hidden hut in the wilderness that it may be my home.
A narrow little blue stream beside it and a clear pool for the washing away of sin through the grace of the Holy Ghost.
A lovely wood close about it on every side to nurse birds with all sorts of voices and to hide them with its shelter.
Looking south for heat and a stream through its land and good fertile soil suitable for all plants
A beautiful draped church, a home for God from Heaven and bright lights above the clean white Gospels.
Enough of clothing and food from the king of fair fame and to be sitting for a while and praying to God in every place.


The peace of God the peace of men

The peace of Columba kindly
Mary mild the loving
Christ king of tenderness
The peace of Christ king of tenderness
Be upon each window, upon each door
Upon each hole that lets in light
Upon the four corners of my house
Upon the four corners of my bed
Upon the four corners of my bed
Upon each thing my eye takes in
Upon each thing my mouth takes in
Upon my body that is of earth,
And upon my soul that came from on high
Upon my body that is of earth
And upon my soul that came from on high

The Heavenly Banquet (Saint Brigid)

I would like to have the men of Heaven

In my own house
With vats of good cheer
Laid out for them
I would like to have the three Marys
Their fame is so great
I would like people
From every corner of Heaven
I would like them to be cheerful
In their drinking
I would like to have Jesus too
Here Amongst them
I would like a great lake of beer
For the King of Kings
I would like to be watching Heaven's family
Drinking it through all eternity.

The Blessing of the Trinity

In the name of Father

In the name of Son
In the name of Spirit
Three in One
Father cherish me
Son cherish me
Spirit cherish me
Three all-kindly
God make me holy
Christ make me holy
Spirit make me holy
Three all-holy
Three aid my hope
Three aid my love
Three aid mine eye
And my knee from Stumbling
My knee from Stumbling

Prayer for protection

Be the eye of God dwelling with you

The foot of Christ in guidance with you
The shower of the Spirit pouring on you
Richly and generously

Saint Patrick's Breastplate

The prayer used by St. Patrick to protect his followers from the King-He prayed and the whole group changed into deer and ran past the warriors to the hall of the king where he successfully did a battle of words with the Druids.

I bind me to-day

Gods might to direct me
Gods Power to protect me
Gods wisdom for learning
Gods eye for discerning
Gods ear for my hearing
Gods Word for my clearing
Gods hand for my cover
Gods path to pass over
Gods buckler to guard me
Gods army to ward me
Against snares of the devil
Against vices temptation
Against wrong inclination
Against men who plot evil
Near or afar with many or few
Christ near
Christ here
Christ be with me
Christ beneath me
Christ within me
Christ behind me
Christ be o er me
Christ Before me
Christ in the left and the right
Christ hither and thither
Christ in the sight
Of each eye that shall seek me
In each ear that shall hear
In each mouth that shall speak me
Christ not the less
In each heart I address
I bind me to-day on the Triune I call
With faith in the Trinity-unity
God over all.
(trans. Sigerson)

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