Ever since 1605, when James I received
a sermon following his deliverance from the Gunpowder plot, sermons have
been a very important part of the celebration of the plot. Sermons Provide
a measure of how their authors felt about the celebrations of the time.
They recording the changing religious and political views through time.
Consider how you might compose a sermon today to commemorate the plot.
It is helpful to place these sermons into the context of church history here is a timeline- click here
Sermons 1605-1616
King James I paused every Nov. 5 to hear a sermon on
the subject of deliverance.
The first such sermon was preached by Lancelot Andrewes,
Bishop of Winchester Nov. 5 1606
“this day of ours, this fifth of November, a day of God’s
making; that which was done upon it was the Lord’s doing...This day is
the scripture fulfilled in our ears.” The destroyer passed over our dwellings
this day. It is our Passover, it is our Purim.”-(Sermons Preached upon
the V of November , in Lancelot Andrewes, XCVI Sermons, 3rd. Edition (London,1635)
pp. 889,890, 900-1008
Sermons became a very popular way of celebration and commemoration
of the salvation of the nation.
One such sermon was that of William Leigh in Standish,
Lancashire: “Great Britaines Great Deliverance from the Great Danger of
Popish Powder a meditation upon the late intended treason.
This sermon of November 5 1606 was dedicated to Prince
Henry (heir apparent)
(William Leigh, Great Britaines Great Deliverance from
the Great Danger of Popish Powder (London 1606).
Some sermons were given as endowments by prominent merchants
or citizens.
One such sermon was given by the will of Humphrey Walwyn,
citizen and grocer in 1612 to St. Martin Orgar, London.
Another was given by Thomas Chapman to St. Pancras Soper
Lane, London by way of his will in 1616.(Guildhall Library, MSSS 959, 5018/1
“On the fifth day of November in every year to give due
praise and thanks unto the divine majesty for
the wonderful and miraculous preservation and deliverance.”
This bequest was later confirmed and augmented by his
son Thomas Chapman Jr.
In London the Lord Mayor and aldermen gathered each November
5 for a sermon at St. Paul’s
If the Parliament was sitting it heard Gunpowder Sermons
in the afternoon and evening on the day.
These sermons were printed and became popular throughout
the country at the local level
Bishop George Carleton- “Thankful remembrance of God’s Mercy. (1624-1630)
Showed an Iconographic image depicting the deliverance from the Armada,
and the Gunpowder Plot. Elizabeth and James weere depicted as Deborah and
Solomon in triumph vs popes and devils.
“Their hellish device was at one blow to root out religion, to destroy
the state, the father of our country, the mother of our country, the olive
branches the hopeful succession of our king,, the reverend clergy, the
honorable nobility the faithful councillors, the grave judges, the greatest
part of our knights and gentry, the choices burgesses, the officers of
the crown, couincil, signet, seals and other seats of judgment, the learned
lawyers with an infinite number of common people, the hall of justice,
the houses of parliament, the church used for the coronation of our kings,
the monuments of our former princes, all records of parliament, and of
every particular man’s right with great number of charters, and other things
of this nature, all these things had the devil by his agents devised at
one secret blow to destroy.”
-George Carleton, A Thankful Rememgbrance of God’s Mercy. In an Historical
Collection of the great and mercifull Deliverances of the Church and State
of England (London, 1624)
Thomas Hooker 1626- in a sermon noted:
that the targets of the plot....”assembled for the glory of God, to
enact good laws for this commonwealth. Now these in that place in one hour,
in one instant, should all ahave been miserably blown up and torn in pieces,
so that they should not have been found, should not have been known that
they might be buried according to their degree. This is that matchless
villainy and that unconceivable treachery which the papists had contrivbed”
and should be remembered “to all posterity”.
-The Church’s Deliverance's”,in George H. Williams, Norman Pettit, Winifried
Herget, and Sargent Bush, Jr. (Eds.) Thomas Hooker, Writings in England
and Holland, 1626-1633 (Cambridge, Mass., 1975)
Thomas Gataker in a sermon at St. Pancras in 1626 was thankful for:
“the preservation of our king and state from that damnable powder plot,
as hyet unparalleled in any age since the world began’.
-Thomas Gataker, An Anniuersarie Memoriall (London, 1629)
Henry King in a sermon at the Spittle in London 1626-
God “snatched us like brands from the mouth of the furnace, and by
discovering the bloody trap, delivered us from the snare of those fowlers.”
-Henry King, A sermon of Deliverance, (London 1626).
John Cope:
“If there had been a council called in hell, and a company of devils
sent upon earth for the executing of their designs, they could not have
found out a more damnable plot, nor with greater resolution have prosecuted
it, than they did the Gunpowder Treason.”
-John Cope.,A Religious Inquisition.,(London 1629)
John Milton mid 1620s
“in Quintuim Novembris” c. 1626. Notes how God triumphs over treason.
The devil is seen as the inventor of gunpowder which came in response to
god’s thunderbolts.
John Dunne c. 1620-1625
MS Royal 17.B.XX (British Library)
"...The king is Anima regna, The Soule of the kindome;
and to provide for the health of the body, by the detriment of the Soule,
is ill phisick. The king is Caput regni,
the head of the kingdome, and to cure a member, by cutting of the head,
is ill Surgery. Man and wife, Soule and body, Head and Members, god
hath joined, and those whome god hath joined let no man sever:
Salus regni asylum proditorum, To pretend to uphold the kingdome, and
over throw the king hath ever been the tenmptation before and the
excuse after in the greatest treasons. In that Action of the Jews,
which we insisted upon before, in theyr pressinge for a king. The
elders of Israel gathered together, So far they were in their way; for
this was no popular, no seditious assembly of light and turbulent Men,
but the elders: and then they came to Samuel, so far they
were in their right way too for they held not counsayls apart, but
came to the right place, for redresse of greivances, to theyr then highest
governor, to Samuel. when they were then lawfully met, they forbear
not to lay open unto him, the injustices of his officers, though it concerned
the very Sonnns of Samuel: and thus far they kept within convenient
limits: but when they would presse Samuel to a new way of
remedy, to an inconuenient way, to a present way, to theyr own way and
refer nothing to him, what care soeuer they pretended of the good of the
state if it is evident that they had no good opinion of Samuel,
and even that displeased god, to be ill affected to the person whome he
had set over them. To sever the king and the kingdome, and pretend
the Weale of the one, with out the other, is to shake, and discompose
gods buildinge.
Historically this was the Jews case, when Jeremie lamented
here, if he lamented the Declination of that state, in the Death of the
kinge Josiah, And if he lamented the transportation
of Zedechiah, and that that were not yet come, or if he lamented
the devestation of that nation occasioned by the death of the king of kings
Christ Jesus himselfe, when he came, this was their case prophetically.
Either way, historically, or prophetically, Jeremie looks
upon the kingdome through that glasse, Through the king. The
duety of the day, and the order of the text invites us to an application
of this branch too. Our adversaries did not come to say to them selves,
Nolumus regnum hoc we will not have this kingdome stand the
materiall kingdome, the plenty of the land, they would have been content
to have, but for the formall kingdome, that is this forme of government,
by a Sovereign king that depends upon none but god, they would not have.
So that that they came implicitly to Nolumbus regem hunc,we will
not have this kingdome to be gouernd thus, and explicitely to a Nolumus
regem hunc, we will not have this king to governie us at
all. Non hunc? will you not haue him! you were at your Nolumus
hanc long before, you would not have that Queene to raigne
over you. There, your, not aniuersary, but hebdomidary treasons cast
upon her a necessitie of drawing blood often: and so your Nolumus hanc
might have some ground. But your Nolumus hunc, for this
king, who had made no Inquisition for blood, who had forborne the very
pecuniary penalties , who had (as himselfe witnesses of himselfe)
made your partakers, with his Subjects of his own religion, in matters
of grace, in reall benefits, and in titles of honor, Quare fremuerunt,
why did these Men rage, and imagine a vayne thinge? what they did historically
we know: They made that House which is the hyve of this kindome, from whence
all her Hony comes, That House, where justice herselfe is conceyud, in
their preparing of good laws, and inanimated and quickned and borne by
the Royall assent then given, they made that whole house, one Murdring
peece: and having put in their powder they charged that peece with Peers,
with people with Princes, with the King, and ment to discharge it upward
at the face of heaven, to shoote god at the face of god, Him, of whome
god had sayd, Dij estis, you are gods, at the face of that
god who had said so : as though they would have reproched the god
of heaven, and not have been beholden to him for such a king, but
shoote him up to him and bid him take his king againe, for
Nolumus hunc regnare, we will not have this king to reigne over
us. This was our case historically, and what it is prophetically,
as longe as that remains their doctrine, which he against whome that attempt
was principally made, found by theyr Examinations to be theyr doctrine,
That they, and no sect in the world but they, did make treason an article
of Religion, That theyr Religion bound them to those attempts, so
long they are neuer at an end, tyll they disauow those Doctrines, that
conduce to yt, prophetically they wish, prophetically they hope for better
success in worse attempts.
It is then the Kingdome that Jeremie laments:
but his nearest object is the king: he laments him. first, let it be, as
with Hierome, many of the Ancients, and with them Many of
the later Rabbins, will have it, for Josias, for a
good king, in whose death the honor and strength of that kingdome, tooke
that deadly wound, to be come tributarie to a foraine prince: for
to this lamentation, they refer, those words which describe a great sorrowe,
In that day, shall there be a great mourninge in Jerusalem as the mourninge
of Hadradrimmon. in the valley of Megiddon: which was
the place, where Josiah was slaine, There shall be such
a lamentation, as was for Josiah: This then was for him, for a good
king, wherein have we his goodness expressed? Abundantly. He did that which
was right in gods sight. And whose Ey needs he fear, that is right in the
ey of god? but how longe? To the end. for Nero who had his
Quinquenniuim, was worst of all. He that is evil all the way
is but a Tirant, he that is good at first, and after evil, An Angells face,
and a Serpents tayle make him a monster; Josiah perseuerd;
He tuned not a side to the right hand, nor to the left. If we applie
it to the Josiah of our tyme, neither to the fugitiue, that
leaues our Church and goes to the Romane, nor to the Separtist, that leaves
our Church, and goes to none. In the eighteenth year of his reigne,
he undertook the reparation of gods house; If we applie that to the Josiah
of our tymes, I thinke in that year of his reigne, he visited these walls.
In one word, like to him ther was no king before, nor after; and therefore
there was just cause of lamentation for this king; for Josiah;
historically, for the very losse of his person, prophetically for the misery
of the state, after his death.
Our errand is to day, to applie all these branches to the day.
Those men who intended us this cause of lamentation this day, in the destruction
of our Josiah, spard him not, because he was so, because he
was a Josiah, because he was good. No, Not because he was
good to them, his benefitts to them, had not mollified them to him. for
that is not their way both the French Henries were their own
good to them, and did that rescue eyther of them, from the knife? and was
not that Emperour whom they poysoned in the Sacrament, theyr own,
and good to them; And was that any Antidote against theyr poyson? To so
reprobate a sense hath god given them over, as that, though they lie heaviest
in their books upon princes of our religion yet truly they have destroyd
more of theyr owne, then of ours. Thus it is Historically in theyr
proceedings past, and prophetically, yet can be but thus, since no king
is good, in theyr sense, if he agree not to all poynts of Doctrine with
them, and when that is donne, not good yet, except he agree in all poynts
of jurisdiction too; and that no king can doe, that will not be theyr farmer
of his owne kingdome. Theyr autors have disputed Auferibilitatem
Papae; They have made it a Probleme, whether the Church of god
might not be with out a Pope, and some of theyr autors have diuerted toward
an afirmation of yt. but Auferbilitas potestatis, to imagine
a king without kingly Souertainty, never came in to probleme, into disputation.
we all lamented, and bitterly, and justly the losse of our
Deborah, though then wee all saw a Josiah succeeding
but if this had mou'd our Josiah and his Children, and this
forme of government, where, or who, or what had been an object of consolation
unto us? The cause of lamentation, in the losse of a good king is certainly
great; so it was, if Jeremie lamented Josiah;
but if it were but for Zedechiah an evil king (as the greater part
of Expositors take it) yet the lamentation we see is the same. How
evial a king was Zedechiah? very evil as evil as Josiah
was good, thats his measure, for he did evyll in the sight of the lord,
according to all that Jehoiakim had donne: her's his Syn; by precedent;
he sets the worst kings before him, and is as bad as they.....
-Source: Adapted to make more readable from: Shami,Jeanne,John
Donne 's 1622 Gunpowder Plot Sermon. Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh,
-Stella P. Revard., Milton’s Gunpowder Poems and Satan’s conspiracy.”,
Milton Studies, 4, (1972), pp.63-77.
1625- One work appeared: A song or Psalm of thanksgiving in remembrance
of our deliverance from the Gunpowder Treason
-London 1626
1626- John Wilson “A song or story, for the lasting remembrance of divers
famous works, which God hath done in our time. Contained: “ A short song
made upon the powder Treason” in which was found”
“O England, praise the name of God
That kept the from this heavy rod.
- London 1626.
1630- John Taylor
“Now treason plotted in th’ infernal den,
Hell’s mischief masterpiece began to work,
Assisted by unnatural Englishmen.
And Jesuits, that within this land did lurk.
These would Saint Peter to saltpeter turn,
And make our kingdom caper in the air,
At one blast, prince and peers and commons burn
And fill the land with murder and despair.
No treason e’re might be compared to this.
Such an escape the church had ne;re before:
The glory’s God’s the victory is his,
Not unto us, to him be praise therefore.
Our church is his, her foes may understand,
That he defends her with his mighty hand.”
-John Taylor, “God’s Manifold Mercies.” In All the Works of John Taylor
(London, 1630)
Sermons c.1630
Under Charles Archbisop Laud did not preach on the 5th of November.
s chaplin Jeremy Taylor kept his preaching on the topic at Oxford in
1638 subdued.
Samuel Ward, Ipswich, 5 November 1633- “beware of relapse into popery
and superstition.” ...”That
men began to ring the changes ,as in bells and fashions, so in opinions
and manners”...”the best way of thankfullness for that deliverance...was
a more strict observance of the Ten Commandments.” (Ward was called before
the High Commission for this attack)
John Goodwin St. Stephen Coleman Street. 1634-
“to pay the yearly tribute of praise and thanksgiving...with the rest
of our brethren of this nation”. Deliverance was from god and of the “first
magnitude” and demanded solemn remembrance.”
(Due to censorship this sermon was not published till 1640)
-John Goodwin., The Saints Interest in God (London 1640)
1637-a publisher refused to reprint a poem on the Gunpowder Plot saying:
“we are not so angry with the papists now as we were twenty years ago.”
Henry Burton: St. Matthew Friday Street, London Nov. 5 1636-
“My son, fear thou the Lord and the king; and meddle not with them
that are given to change.” (Proverbs 24;21)
In response to the change in the official service book for November
5 made in 1635 Burton noted:
“that the religion of papists is the true religion. Thus with altering
of a word they have quite perveted the sense, and so turned the cat in
the pan”
I deemed that day, the memorial whereof should cause all loyal subjects
forever to detest all innovations tending to reduce us to that religion
of Rome, which plotted matchless treason, the most seasonable for this
text...This is a time of sorrow and humiliation, but this day a day of
joy and festivity”..”a deliverance never to be cancelled out of the calendar,
b ut to be written in every man’s heart forever” ...”through God’s mercy,
the change was prevented: a change of Christ’s religion into Antichrist’s;
of tables into altars; of preaching ministers of the gospel into sacrificing
mass priests; of light into darkness’ of Christ into Belial; of the temple
of God into a temple of idols; of fundamental just laws of a kingdom into
papal cnons; of the liberty of the sjbjects into the servitude of slaves;
of regal edifices and monuments into vast solitude and ruinous heaps.”
-Henry Burton., For God and the King., (London 1635)
Robert Woodford-1638 Northampton Nov.5
(after listening to Mr. Ball give a sermon)
“it was a sermon to stir up God’s people to wait on God for deliverance
and to live by Faith. Lord prevail with us by it”.
-New College., Oxford,MS., Robert Woodford’s Diary.
(Source: (when not cited above) -David Cressy.,Bonfires and Bells.”National
Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England.,University
of California Press, Berkeley,1989.
Sermons c.1640
Nehemiah Wallington noted: “how Antichrist, even these bloody-hearted
papists, doth plot against the poor church of God, as in ‘ 88 and that
hellish Gunpowder Plot”. Wallington included the Gunpowder plot in his
Bundle of Mercies” -Paul S. Seaver. Wallington’s World: A Puritan Artisan
in Seventeenth-Century London”(Stanford1985)
John Goodwin wrote of the 5th of November: it “was the anniversary remembrance
of that great battle fought between Hell and Heaven, about he peace and
safety of our nation....wherin Hell was overthrown and Heaven and we rejoiced
Reprinting sermons from past years Goodwin wrote: “I have not, to my
present rembrance met with anything published of late of any special influence
or tendency, to maintain the life and spirit of the solemnity and joy of
that day and deliverance. And pity it is that such a plant of paradise
should wither or languish for lack of watering. Such a delivberance may,
through the mercy and goodness of God prove a breeder, and become a joyful
mother of many children.-John Goodwin “The Saints Interest in God (London,1640)
Prior to the Civil War there was a new interest in the plot brought
about by new plots and fears of
Catholic disturbances.
Speaker Lenthall spoke to the Commons on Nov. 5 1640 suggesting that
all note: “this day’s solemnization”. Bonfires and squibs and bells had
returned! (The Calendar of State Papers Domestic 1640-1)
Sermons 1641-44
Cornelius Burgess-(1641) Preaching to the House of Commons giving only
one sermon in that year
instead of the usual two) praises the contemporary importance of the
Plot: “That great deliverance we now celebrate was not as a dead bush to
stop a present gap only, nor a mercy expiring with that hour and occasion;
but intended for a living, lasting, breeding bercy, that hath been very
fertile ever since.”its lesson was not to trust Catholics who were:”walking
too openly, and boldly...pressing too near.” He continued however to warn
against violence in the cause of reformation.-Cornelius Burgess “Another
Sermon Preached to the Honorable House of Commons.”, (London 1641) pp.
In the Fall of 1642 the country was at war. There was a renewed interest
in the celebration of the
deliverance from the plot. “Both Houses kept the thanksgiving this
forenoon at Saint Margaret’s Westminster, before whom preached one Mr.
Newcomen, and aftrer his sermon they sat again and ordered that thanks
should be returned to Mr. Newcomen for his sermon, and that he be desired
to publish it in print..” -”A Perfect Diurnall of the Passages in Parliament:
from October 31to November 7, 1642.
Matthew Newcomen, Nov. 5 1642- “this day thirty-seven years was this
scripture fulfilled in England...Do you in hyour consciences think that
the bare keeping this deliverance in memory, or an acknowledging of it
in our assemblies, as at this day,issufficient retribution of dignity and
honour to our great deliverer?...Arise, arise...ye members of the honourable
houses of parliament, act something this day...worthy of this day...Root
out not only popery but all that is popish. Let hsi day add something towards
the perfection of that work”-Matthew Newcomen., “The Craft and Cruelty
of the Churche’s Adversaries.”,(London,1642), pp. 21,31,33.
It became the custom to preach as m any as four official sermons on
the topic of the Gunpowder plot to both houses of parliament. The city
leadersip of London heard sermons at St. Pauls. Other sermons were preached
locally around the country.
1644 Gunpowder Semons: These sermons rejoiced in the continued favor
of god at the battles of the Civil war-Newbury, Newcastle and Liverpool.
The war gave a new reason to continue to celebrate and give thanksgiving
for God’s intervention as in the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the Gunpowder
-William Spurstoe- Morning Sermon, Lords, 5 November 1644:tremble in
behalf of poor England...the plot was a “matchless salvation and deliverance”
however the nation was now “carless in preserving its memory...the truth
is...all the ways by which eminent mercies are abused and God provoked,
we have practiced” Parliamentarians should be: eminent in your zeal against
popery.”-William Spurstoe: ”Englands Eminent Judgements Caus’d by the Abuse
of Gods Eminent Mercies.-William Spurstoe “England’s Eminent Judgements
Caus’d by the Abuse of God’s Eminent Mercies. (London, 1644) pp. 2,21,10,22,24-6.
-John Strickland- Evening sermon, Lords , 5 November 1644: Sermon title:
“Immanuel, or The Church Triumphing”...we should strive to give God perpetual
praises by perpetuating his praises into posterity, a laying up a stock
of seed and praise, that may bring forth a plentiful crop in the generations
to com” (based upon Psalm 46)-John Strickland “Immanuel, or The Church Triumphing”
(London, 1644),pp.16,2,25,20.
-Anthony Burgess- Sermon before the Commons, 5 November 1644: Had the
Gunpowder Plot succeeded: “what darkness would have covered the land”.
“Connivance at popery” should be avoided. Moderation and toleration discouraged
-Anthony Burgess “Rome’s Cruelty and Apostacie Declared” (London, 1645)
pp. 11,21.
-Charles Herle- Sermon before the Commons, 5 November 1644: (the text
of Samuel of David vs. Philistines was used.) “David in fighting God’s
battles is a thype of no earthly king, but a type or rather emblem of God’s
church in all succeeding ages” noting the deliverance of 1605 he said: “you
must expect to stand in need of more deliverances; the same brood of enemies
that then durst venture but an undermining, dare now attempt an open battery”
he described the Catholics as tunneling: from Oxford, Rome, Hell to Westminster,
and there to blow up, if possible the better foundations of your houses,
their liberties and privleges”-Charles Herle “David’s Reserve, and Rescue
“ (London, 1645), pp.11,12,13,16.
William Sclater- Exeter Cathedral 5 November 1641- presents a royalist
point of view the king (Charles) being “The very mirror of Christian princes”
who stood against Puritan “novelty”. The plot of 1605 was “treason unheard
But was matched by the actions of the puritans in the Civil War.-William
Sclater “Papisto-Mastix, or Deborah’s Prayer against God’s Enemies” (London,
1642), pp. 13,53.
Sermons 1647
-5 November 1647 After a sermon the House of commons discussed some
matters relating to the king and then went to watch a pagent of fireworks.-”The
Perfect Weekly Account.,” 2-10 Nov. 1647.
-5 November 1647 William Bridge called attention to the fact that deliverance
was not deserved but came through God’s Grace. “Witness the mercy and deliverance
of this day. When the Pow2der Treason was on foot, what a dark night of
security had trodden upon the glory of our English day...what pride, oppression,
cour-uncleanness, superstitions, and persecution of the saints then under
the name of puritans? Nevertheless he saved us, and our fathers. And now
of late, what bitterness of spirit among professors, what divisions, oppressions,
instead of justice? What new-fangled prides? What unwillingness to be reformed?
The discovery of Gunpowder Plot was a great blow to the papists and a great
salvation to England, but the situation called for continual watchfulness.
“I fear the hand of the Jesuit is too much among us at this day. But, Oh
England! Oh Parliament! For ever remember the fifth of November: the snare
is broken and we are delivered”-William Bridge., “England Saved with a
Notwithstanding” (London,1648)
Sermons/Writings 1650-60
5 November 1651: Peter Sterry sermon to the Rump Parliament
“England’s Deliverance from the Northern Presbytery, Compared with
its Deliverance from the Roman Papacy.”
The “zeal plot” of presbytery was seen to be more dangerous than the
Gunpowder Plot of the Catholics.
“The same spirit which lay in the polluted bed of papacy may meet them
in the perfumed bed of presbytery”-Peter Sterry, “England’s Deliverance
from the Northern Presbytery, Compared with its Deliverance from the Roman
Papacy (London, 1652), epistle dedicatory, p. 17.
The day had become a Protestant day of thanksgiving during the interregnum.
5 November 1654- The Weekly Intellignencer of the Commonwealth,: “Mr.
Nanton and Mr. Vines preached before the parliament, it being a day of
commemoration for deliverance from the Gunpowder Treason”-The Weekly Intelligencer
of the Commonwealth, 31 October.-7 November 1654.
5 November 1654- Thomas Horton “it is our day, the day which God hath
marked with an eminent and famous deliverance of this land and nation...It
is a deliverance and preservation which is never to be forgotten by us,
nor our posterity after us, so long as the sun and moon shal endure in
heaven....The goodness of God to his people in his deliverance s and preservations
of them, it is such as even succeeding ages and generations shall take
notice of.”it was: “The Pilar and Pattern of England’s Deliverances...It
is our duty to be mindful and talkative of the goodness of God to us in
the times and generations which are past...As it should be often in our
memories and thoughts and meditations nad mental reflections, so it should
be likewise in our lips and mouths and speeches and daily converse.”he
maintained that the memory would die out “were it not for such solem times
as these are, which are set apart on purpose for their commemoration.”
-Thomas Horton., “The Pillar and Pattern of England’s Deliverances” (London,
1655),pp.2, preface 40.
Ralph Venning Sermon St. Paul’s 5 November 1656 “Memory is a slippery
thing” the Gunpowder Plot should be in our “catalogues of mercies” -Ralph
Venning, “Mercies Memorial:-or Israel’s Thankful Remembrance of God. (London
1657 Samuel Clarke Published his account: “England’s Remembrancer,
Containing a True and Full Narative of those Two Never to be Forgotten
Deliverances: The One from the Spanish Invasion in Eighty Eight; the Other
from the Hellish Powder Plot: November 5 1605. “They that would see further
into this work of darkness in the powder plot are desired to look into
the sermons of the Reverend Dr. Spurstowe,pastor of Hackney and Mr. Matthew
Newcomen, pastor of Dedham, both preached before the parliament on the
fifth of November. As also Mr. Venning’s sermon preached at Paul’s last
fifth of November.” He wrote so that: “all sorts may be stirred up to real
thankfullness and transmit the same to their posterity; that their children
may know the reason why the fifth of November is celebrated; that God may
have glory, and the papists perpetual infamy....lest the remembrance of
so signal a mercy and deliverance, vouchsafed by God both to our church
and state, should be bried in oblivion...And truly, the remembrance of
this great mercy hath the more need to be revived at this time, when some
noted persons amongst us begin to lessen and decry it, and wholly to lay
aside the observation of that day, though enjoined by Act of Parliament
and made conscience of by most of the godly people of the nation.”-Samuel
Clarke, “England’s Rembembrancer (1671 edition)
1658 Thomas Spencer wrote: “England’s Warning-Peece; or the History
of the Gun-powder Treason. He wrote so that: “the memorial of this most
prodigious conspiracy, which never had any fellow, being almost obliterated
and forgotten in many places of the land may be renewed, revived, and presented
to succeeding generations.” -Thomas Spencer, “England’s Warning-Peece:
or The History of the Gunpowder Treaon (London 1659)
5 November 1659 Ralph Bronrigg Sermon, Exeter from the text of Daniel:
“O king, live for ever.” He spoke of: a malicious conspiracy” Iif you count
it now a day out of date, an old day, and it may be forgotten, take heed
a second war does not finish that work that those traitors would have done
but could not accomplish”-Ralph Brownrigg.”A sermon on the 5th of November(London,
November 1670 wrote: “a day which ought to be remembered forever, but
is almost forgotten by these unthankful nations, which bodes ill in my
eye; ingentia beneficia, ingentia flagitia, ingentia supplica (large benefits
large crimes, large punishments)-Matthew Henry Lee (ed.) “Diaries and Letters
of Philip Henry London, 1882), p. 232.
November 5 1664- John Evelyn hears sermon/ Westminster Abbey: “concerning
obedience to magistrates, against the pontificians and sectaries....an
excellent discourse” -.”-Austin Dobson (ed.) “The diary of John Evelyn.”
( London, 1906) p.207.
1666 George Morley preached a “gunpowder delivery” to the King. He:
“did so pelt the papists and presbyterians with such evangelical broadsides
of allegiance as would make the severest schismatic of their persuasions
be in love with loyalty-Library of Congress, London Newsletter Collection,
1665-85” vol. 1 f.128.
Sermons 1660-70’s
5 November 1673- Ralph Josselin preaching at Earl’s Colne hoped that
God: “will deliver against the fears of popery at present in England, the
Duke marrying Modena’s daughter”-MacFarlane (ed.) “Diary of Ralph Josselin.”pp.571-588
5 November 1673- Peter Gunning preached to the Lords, Edward Stillingfleet
to the Commons. The reaction was:”universal applause, and the night was
solemnized with the usual divertisement of fireworks.”-Library of Congress.
“London Newsletter Collection”, vol.4, f. 129
5 November 1678 John Tillotson, D.T. Archbishop of Canterbury
Sermon Preached at St. Margaret's Westminster, Before the Honourable
house of Commons. The sermon was preached on:
Luke IX Ver. 55, 56. “But he turned and rebuked them, and
said, ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of: For the Son of Man is not
come to destroy Men’s lives, but to save them.”
Listeners were told to be kind to people
despite their religion, that religion was evil not people, papist
religion is guilty of crimes and it weighs down the religious. If we
keep to the right path the sins of the papists will be obvious. We
should acknowledgeour deliverances through commemoration.
Sermons c.1670-80
November 5 1678- William Lloyd preaches at St. Martin in the fields
speaks against the plots and their: “barbarous and horrid and execrable
cruelty” Lloyd does not tar all Catholics with the same brush however.
William Lloyd “A Sermon Preached at St. Martin in the Fields, on November
the Fifth, 1678.” (London 1679)
November 5 1680- William Lloyd in a sermon before the House of Lords
notes “danger of another civil war”-William Lloyd “A Sermon Preached before
the House of Lords on November 5, 1680” (London, 1680)
Thomas Wilson, Arrow, Warwickshire in a sermon: “our present business
of celebnrating our deliverance from popish conspiachy” was celebrated
“God hath delivered us, so he will deliver us still, if we hold his truth
without corruption.” The difference between Protestantism and Catholicism
was noted. “Blessed be God, then, that our religion, which is spiritual,
substantial and lively, is not turned into idle and dead ceremony, shows
and gazings, crosses, beads and relics.”-Thomas Wilson A sermon on the
Gunpowder Treason with Reflections on the Late Plot (London, 1679),pp.
1,10, 11, 18.
Sermons 1680-90
1689- Bishop William Lloyd preached to William and Mary on November
5. The theme was deliverance from: “popery and slavery...the day of our
resurrection...a day that brought us new life from the dead”...an irrestible
impulse of god” -William Lloyd “A sermon Preached before Their Majesties
At Whitehall. On the Fifth day of November, 1689. Being hte Anniversary-day
of Thanksgiving For that Great Deliverance From the Gunpowder-Treason.
And also the Day of His Majesties Happy Landing in England (London 1689
p . 1,32.
1689-Nov.5 Gilbert Burnet preached to the Lords and Commons that Nov.
5 1688 was more important than the date of the Gunpowder plot. “The Gunpowder
Treason was a personal thing; but the late conspiracy was national” (France
as well as Rome were both involved) -Gilbert Burnet. “A Sermon Preached
before the House of Peers”., (London 1689 p. 27.)
1691- Archbishop John Sharp in a sermon to the House of Lords on Nov.
5 the “storm is blown over” the country was “in a good measure out of the
danger of our old inveterate enemy, popery”-John Sharp. “A sermon preached
before the Lords” (London 1691) p.24.
Bell; ringing and widespread celebration returned.
Sermons 1700....
The celebration of the 5th of November - of the two deliverances set
apart the two major parties- the Whigs and the Torries so much so as to
give each a special identity as both looked at he celebration from a different
perspective. The importance for liberty for the whigs was opposed by the
Tories value of the blessing of God given to the Stuarts.
1705 November 5- Sermon of William Tilly, M.A. Fellow of C.C.C. Oxon. click here
1706 -George
Stanhope, A Sermon Preached Before the Queen In the Chappel Royal at
St. James's.November the Fifth 1076,(1706?), Deut. IV. Ver. 7, 8, 9. click here
Henry Sacheverell- Sermon St.Paul’s 5 November 1709- “the church in
danger” The danger was described not as that from Rome but from all extremists.
-Henry Sacheverell “The Perils of False Brethren both in Church and State.
(London 1709)
November 4 1712- “The same day being the anniversary of King William
III, great rejoicing were made in the cities of London and Westminster
by those who being well-affected to the late revolution and the protestant
succession in the house of Hanover, entertain a due respect and veneration
for the memory of a prince whom they look upon as the deliverer of these
nations from popery and arbitrary power, and the asserter of the liberties
of Europe. Among the rest a considerable number of lords, gentlemen, and
citizens met at the “Three Tuns and Rummer” in Grace church Street to celebrate
that festival, caused a great bonfire to be made before the house, and
gave beer to the mob, to pledge the health's they drank on the balcony,
or at the windows, to the queen, the house of Hanover, and the memory of
King William. A party of men were, it seems, offended at it, and raised
an opposite mob, who offered to disturb the rejoicings around the bonfire,
a scuffle ensued, in which the aggressors were repulsed with some broken
heads and bloody noses; but the trained bands being that day (and the next)
under arms, the fray was soon parted, and all was quiet, till the bonfire
was consumed, and the company in the tavern retired, when part of that
mob that had been worsted, finding no opposition, they revenged themselves
on the glass windows of the tavern.”- Abel Boyer, “History of the Reign
of Queen Anne digested into Annals...1712” (London., 1712),p.291.
Activities such as these were the cause of the Riot Act of 1715 - Nicholas
Rogers., “Popular Protest in Early Hanoverian London ”Past and Present 79
(1978) 70-100.
November 5, 1716- S.H. Garmston, Proper Thouhts for the 5th of November,
1716. Preached at Parish-Church of haanslope, Bucks on Amos IV II. "I
have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye
were as a firebrand pluckt out of the burning; yet have ye not returned
unto me, saith the Lord.". Recommendations- 1. Be highly thankful. Work
toward celebrations with more seriousness and concern. 2. Reform our
lives. Remove sins such as "lust and riot"." One hour bestowed upon this
pious work, were better than ages of jangling Politicks and censuring
the Government" 3. Be at peace among ourselves. End divisions at home.
4. Keep the rule of scripture. Papists are good people weighed down by
bad religion.
Timeline of Church history
It is helpful to place the sermons described above into chronological context.
1604 Fausto Paolo Sozzini Socinianism
1606 Carlo Maderno redesigns St Peter's Basilica into a Latin cross
1607 Jamestown, Virginia founded
1608 Quebec City founded by Samuel de Champlain
1609 Baptist Church founded by John Smyth, due to objections to infant baptism and demands for church-state separation
1609-1610 Douay-Rheims Bible,
1st Catholic English translation, OT published in two volumes, based on
an unofficial Louvain text corrected by Sistine Vulgate, NT is Rheims
text of 1582
1611-1800 King James Version
(Authorised Version) is released, based primarily on Wycliffe's work
& Bishop's Bible of 1572, translators are accused of being "damnable
corrupters of God's word", original included Apocrypha
1614 Fama Fraternitatis, the first Rosicrucian manifesto (may have been in circulation ca. 1610) presenting the "The Fraternity of the Rose Cross"
1615 Confessio Fraternitatis, the second Rosicrucian manifesto describing the "Most Honorable Order" as Christian ("What
think you, loving people, and how seem you affected, seeing that you
now understand and know, that we acknowledge ourselves truly and
sincerely to profess Christ, condemn the Pope, addict ourselves to the
true Philosophy, lead a Christian life (...)".)
1616 Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, the third Rosicrucian manifesto (an hermetic allegory presenting alchemical and Christian elements)
1618-1648 Thirty Years' War
1620 Plymouth Colony founded
1621 Robert Bellarmine
1622-1642 Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu
1630 City upon a Hill, sermon by John Winthrop
1634-37 Confessio catholica by Lutheran theologian Johann Gerhard
Founding of what was later known as Harvard University as a training
school for ministers - the first of thousands of institutions of
Christian higher education founded in the USA
1636-1638 Cornelius Jansen, bishop of Ypres, founder of Jansenism
1637-1638 Shimabara Rebellion
1638 Anne Hutchinson banished as a heretic from Massachusetts
1641 John Cotton, advocate of theonomy, helps to establish the social constitution of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1643 Acta Sanctorum
1643 John Campanius arrives in New Sweden
1644 Long Parliament directed that only Hebrew canon be read in the Church of England (effectively removed the Apocrypha)
1646 Westminster Standards
produced by the Assembly, one of the first and undoubtedly the most
important and lasting religious document drafted after the reconvention
of the Parliament, also decreed Biblical canon
1648 George Fox founds the Quaker movement
1650 James Ussher, calculates date of creation as October 23, 4004 BC
1653-56 Raskol of the Russian Orthodox Church
1655-1677, Abraham Calovius publishes Systema Iocorum theologicorum, height of Lutheran scholasticism
King Charles II of England, restoration of monarchy, continuing through
James II, reversed decision of Long Parliament of 1644, reinstating the
Apocrypha, reversal not heeded by non-conformists
1666 Paul Gerhardt, Lutheran pastor and hymnwriter is removed from his position as a pastor in Nikolaikirche in Berlin, when he refuses to accept "syncretistic" edict of the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm I of Brandenburg
1672 Greek Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem, decreed Biblical canon
1675 Philipp Jakob Spener publishes Pia Desideria, which becomes a manifesto for Pietism
1678 John Bunyan publishes Pilgrim's Progress
1682 Avvakum, leader of the Old Believers, burned at the stake in the Far North of Russia
1684 Roger Williams (theologian), advocate of Separation of church and state, founder of Providence, Rhode Island
1685 Edict of Fontainebleau outlaws Protestantism in France
1685 Orthodoxy introduced to Beijing by Russian Orthodox Church
1692 Salem witch trials in Colonial America
1692-1721 Chinese Rites controversy
1693 Jacob Amman founder of Amish
18th century
See also: Age of Enlightenment
1701 Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands splits with Roman Catholicism
1706 Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, missionary, arrives in Tranquebar
1707 Examen theologicum acroamaticum by David Hollatz: the last great work of the Lutheran doctrine before the Age of Enlightenment
1718-22 orthodox Lutheran Valentin Ernst Löscher publishes The Complete Timotheus Verinus against Pietism
1721 Peter the Great substituted Moscow Patriarchate with the Holy Synod
1722 Hans Egede, missionary, arrives in Greenland
1728 The Vicar of Bray (song)
1730-1749 First Great Awakening in U.S.
1735 Welsh Methodist revival
1738 Methodist movement, led by John Wesley and his hymn-writing brother Charles, begins
1740 Johann Phillip Fabricius, missionary, arrives in South India
1741 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, famous Fire and brimstone sermon
1754 An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture, by Isaac Newton, published
1767-1815 Suppression of the Jesuits
1768 New Smyrna, Florida, Greek Orthodox colony founded
1768 Reimarus dies without publishing his radical critic work distinguishing Historical Jesus versus Christ of Faith
1769 Mission San Diego de Alcala, first California mission
Emanuel Swedenborg, published his "Universal Theology of the True
Christian Religion" which would later used by others to found Swedenborgianism[36]
1774 Ann Lee leader of American Shakers
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing starts publishing Reimarus works on historical
Jesus as Anonymous Fragments, starting Liberal Theology Era (in
1776-1788 Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, critical of Christianity
1776 Mission Dolores, San Francisco
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, "Jesus never coerced anyone to
follow him, and the imposition of a religion by government officials is
1780 Robert Raikes begins Sunday schools to reach poor and uneducated children in England
1784 American Methodists form Methodist Episcopal Church at so-called "Christmas Conference", led by bishops Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury
1784 Roman Catholicism is re-introduced in Korea and disseminates after almost 200 years since its first introduction in 1593.
1789-1815 John Carroll, Archdiocese of Baltimore, first Roman Catholic US bishop
1789-1801 Dechristianisation of France during the French Revolution
1791 First Amendment to the United States Constitution
1793 Herman of Alaska brings Orthodoxy to Alaska
1795 The Age of Reason written by Thomas Paine, advocated Deism
1796 Treaty with Tripoli (1796), article 11: "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"
1800 Friedrich Schleiermacher publishes his first book, beginning Liberal Christianity movement
19th century
See also: Industrial Revolution
1801 Cane Ridge revival in Cane Ridge, Kentucky initiates the Christians (Stone Movement) wing of the Restoration Movement
1809 Disciples of Christ (Campbell Movement) wing of the Restoration Movement initiated with the publication of the Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington
1815 Peter the Aleut, orthodox Christian tortured and martyred in Catholic San Francisco, California
1816 Bishop Richard Allen, a former slave, founds the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first African-American denomination
1817 Claus Harms publishes 95 theses against rationalism and the Prussian Union of churches
1819 Thomas Jefferson produced the Jefferson Bible
1824 English translation of Wilhelm Gesenius' ...Handwörterbuch...: Hebrew-English Lexicon, Hendrickson Publishers
1827 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg takes on the editorship of the Evangelische Kirchenzeitung, the chief literary organ of the Neo-Lutheranism
1828 Plymouth Brethren founded, Dispensationalism
1830 Catherine Laboure receives Miraculous Medal from the Blessed Mother in Paris, France.
1830 Charles Finney's revivals lead to Second Great Awakening in America
1830, April 6 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. as a result of reported visitations and commandment by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and later the Angel Moroni. Book of Mormon also published in 1830.
Christians (Stone Movement) and Disciples of Christ (Campbell Movement)
merge to form the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement
persecution of Old Lutherans: by a royal decree of 28 February all
Lutheran worship is declared illegal in Prussia in favour of the
Prussian Union agenda.[37]
1833 John Keble's sermon "National Apostasy" initiates the Oxford Movement in England
1838-1839 Saxon Lutherans objecting to theological rationalism emigrate from Germany to the United States; settle in Perry County, Missouri. Leads to formation of the LC-MS
1844 Hans Paludan Smith Schreuder, missionary, arrives in Port Natal, South Africa
1843, Disruption of: schism within the established Church of Scotland
1844 Lars Levi Laestadius experiences awakening: beginning of Laestadianism
1844, October 22 Great Disappointment, false prediction of Second Coming of Christ by Millerites
1845 Southern Baptist Convention formed in Augusta, Georgia
Bernadette Soubirous received the first of 18 apparitions of Our Lady
of Lourdes in Lourdes, France. Six million a year visit Lourdes Shrine.
1847 Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod founded at in Chicago, Illinois.
1847 John Christian Frederick Heyer, missionary, arrives in Andhra Pradesh, India
1848 Epistle to the Easterns and Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs response
1848 Perfectionist movement in western New York state
1849 Johann Konrad Wilhelm Löhe founds the first deaconess house in Neuendettelsau, Bavaria
1850 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod founded in Milwaukee
1853 Synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America founded outside Madison, Wisconsin
1854 Missionary Hudson Taylor arrives in China
1854 Immaculate Conception, defined as Catholic dogma
1855 Søren Kierkegaard, founder of Christian existentialism
1855 Samuel Simon Schmucker begins attempt to replace the Augsburg Confession with the Definite Platform in the General Synod, leading to schism in 1866.
1859 Ashbel Green Simonton, missionary, arrives in Brazil and founds Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, the oldest Brazilian Protestant denomination
1863 Seventh-day Adventist Church officially formed twenty 20 years after the Great Disappointment
1865 Methodist preacher William Booth founds the Salvation Army, vowing to bring the gospel into the streets to the most desperate and needy
1866 General Council (Lutheran) formed by ten Lutheran synods in the United States
1869-1870 Catholic First Vatican Council, asserted doctrine of Papal Infallibility, rejected by Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland
1870 Italy declared war on the Papal States. The Italian Army enters Rome. Papal States ceased to exist.
1871 Pontmain, France was saved from advancing German troops with the appearing of Our Lady of Hope
1871-1878 German Kulturkampf against Roman Catholicism
1872 Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America organized
1876 Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany) founded
1878 First translation of the New Testament into Batak by Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen
1879 Knock, Ireland was location of the apparition of Our Lady, Queen of Ireland.
1879 Church of Christ, Scientist founded in Boston by Mary Baker Eddy
Revised Version, called for by Church of England, used Greek based on
Septuagint (B) and (S), Hebrew Masoretic Text used in OT, follows Greek
order of words, greater accuracy than AV, includes Apocrypha, scholarship never disputed
1884 Charles Taze Russell founded Bible Student movement known today as Jehovah's Witnesses
1885-1887 Uganda Martyrs
1885 Baltimore Catechism
1886 Moody Bible Institute
1886 Onesimos Nesib, begins translation of the entire Bible into the Oromo language
1886 Johann Flierl, missionary, arrives in New Guinea
1891 Albert Maclaren and Copland King, Anglican missionaries, arrive in New Guinea
1893 Heresy trial of Luther Alexander Gotwald
1894 The Kingdom of God is Within You, by Leo Tolstoy, start of Christian anarchism
1897 Christian flag, conceived in Brooklyn, New York
1899 Gideons International founded
20th century
Main article: Christianity in the 20th century
1903 First group baptism at Sattelberg Mission Station under
Christian Keyser in New Guinea paves way for mass conversions during the
following years
1904 Welsh revival
1904 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil - Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil - was founded in Juni 24, in São Pedro do Sul city, State Rio Grande do Sul
1905 French law on the separation of Church and State
1906 Albert Schweitzer publishes The Quest of the Historical Jesus (English translation 1910)
1906 Biblia Hebraica
1906-1909 Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, CA begins modern Pentecostal movement
1907 The Church of God in Christ was formed as a Pentecostal Body
1907-1912 Nicholas of Japan, Archbishop of Japanese Orthodox Church
1909 Scofield Reference Bible
1909-1911 The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an international association of Esoteric Christian mystics, founded at Mount Ecclesia
1910 Christian Congregation in Brazil
is founded in Santo Antônio da Platina, Brazil by the italo-American
Louis Francescon. It's begin the Pentecostalism in Brazil and South
1910 Edinburgh Missionary Conference launches modern missions movement and modern ecumenical movement; 5-point statement of the Presbyterian General Assembly, also used by Fundamentalists
The Fundamentals, a 12-volume collection of essays by 64 British and
American scholars and preachers, a foundation of Fundamentalism
1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
1914 Welsh Church Act 1914
1914 Iglesia ni Cristo incorporated in the Philippines
1914 Paul Olaf Bodding completes his translation of the Bible into the Santali language.
1915-1917 Armenian Genocide
1916 Father Divine founded International Peace Mission movement
1916 And did those feet in ancient time
1917 Heinrich Hansen publishes Lutheran Evangelical Catholic theses Stimuli et Clavi
1917 Our Lady of Fatima appear Marian apparitions to 3 young people, in Fatima, Portugal. They were Jacinta Marto, Tiago Veloso and Lúcia (Sister Lucia)
1917 Miracle of the Sun
an event that was witnessed by as many as 100,000 people on 13 October
1917 in the Cova da Iria fields near Fátima, Portugal. How the Sun
Danced at Midday at Fátima[38][3][dead link]
1917 Restitution of the Moscow Patriarchy with Tikhon as patriarch
1917 True Jesus Church founded in Beijing
1918 Execution of Holy Martyrs of Russia, including the last tsar, Nicholas II, and his wife, Alexandra Feodorovna
1918 United Lutheran Church in America founded
1919 Karl Barth's Commentary on Romans is published, critiquing Liberal Christianity and beginning the neo-orthodox movement
1920 The Ecclesia, an Esoteric Christian Temple, was erected and dedicated on Christmas Day (December 25)
1921 Oxford Group founded at Oxford
1923 Aimee Semple McPherson built Angelus Temple
1924 First religious radio station in the U.S., KFUO (AM), founded
1925 Scopes Trial, caused division among Fundamentalists
1925 United Church of Canada formed
1925 St. Therese of Lisieux canonized
1926 Father Charles Coughlin's first radio broadcast
1926-1929 Cristero War
in Mexico, the Constitution of 1917 brought persecution of Christian
practices and anti-clerical laws - approximately 4,000 Catholic Priests
were expelled, assassinated or executed
1927 Varghese Payapilly Palakkappilly founded the Congregation of Sisters of the Destitute
1927 Pope Pius XI decrees Comma Johanneum open to dispute
1929 Lateran Treaty signed containing three agreements between kingdom of Italy and the papacy.
1929 Death of Varghese Payapilly Palakkappilly
1930 Rastafari movement founded
1930 old American Lutheran Church founded
1930 The Lutheran Hour begins with Walter A. Maier as speaker
1931 Jehovah's Witnesses founded see 1884 for more information.
1931 Christ the Redeemer (statue) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1932 Franz Pieper's A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod. adopted by the LCMS
1932 Our Lady appeared to five school children in Beauraing, Belgium as Lady Virgin of the Poor[39][4]
1933 Catholic Worker Movement founded
1934 Herbert W. Armstrong founded Radio Church of God
1935 Gunnar Rosendal publishes Lutheran High Church manifesto Kyrklig förnyelse
1935 Dr. Frank C. Laubach,
known as "The Apostle to the Illiterates." working in the Philippines,
developed a literacy program that continues to teach millions of people
to read.
1935 Rahlf's critical edition of the Koine Greek Septuagint
1935 Billy Sunday, early U.S. radio evangelist
1938 First Debbarma Christian, Manindra Debbarma, was baptized at Agartala.
1938 Tripura Baptist Christian Union was established at Laxmilunga, Tripura.
Southern and Northern US branches of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, along with the Methodist Protestant Church reunite to form The
Methodist Church. Slavery had divided the church in the 19th century.
1940 Monumento Nacional de Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caidos, world's largest cross, 152.4 meters high
1942 National Association of Evangelicals founded\
1945 On the Feast of the Annunciation,
Our Lady appeared to a simple woman, Ida Peerdeman, in Amsterdam. This
was the first of 56 appearances as "Our Lady of All Nations" [5], which took place between 1945 and 1959.
1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer is executed by the Nazis
1945 Ludwig Müller
1945 The Nag Hammadi library is discovered.
1946-1952 Revised Standard Version,
revision of AV "based on consonantal Hebrew text" for OT and best
available texts for NT, done in response to changes in English usage
1947 Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism by Carl F. H. Henry, a landmark of Evangelicalism versus Fundamentalism in US
1947 Oral Roberts founded Evangelistic Association
1947 Dead Sea scrolls discovered
1947 Lutheran World Federation founded
1948 World Council of Churches is founded
1948 Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, see also Christian Zionism
1949 evangelist Billy Graham preaches his first Los Angeles crusade
1949 Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Community - Comunidade Evangélica Luterana São João da Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil - was founded October 2, in Passo Fundo city, State Rio Grande do Sul
1950 First part of the Common Confession between the American Lutheran Church and the LCMS is adopted, resulting in the schism of the Orthodox Lutheran Conference.
1950 New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures released
1950 Assumption of Mary decreed by Pope Pius XII
1950 Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa
1951 Bishop Fulton Sheen (1919–1979) debutes his television program Life is Worth Living
on the DuMont Network. His half hour lecture program on Roman Catholic
theology remained the number one show on U.S. television for its time
slot, winning several Emmys until Sheen ended the program in 1957.
1951 The Last Temptation
a fictional account of the life of Jesus written by Nikos Kazantzakis,
wherein Christ's divinity is juxtaposed with his humanity, is published,
and promptly banned in many countries.
1951 Campus Crusade for Christ founded at UCLA
1952 Novum Testamentum Graece, critical edition of Greek NT, basis of modern translations
1952 C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity
1952 This Is the Life TV series begins
Unification Church founded under the name Holy Spirit Association for
the Unification of World Christianity, acronymed HSA-UWC.
1954 U.S. Pledge of Allegiance modified by act of Congress from "one nation, indivisible" to "one nation under God, indivisible"
1956 In God We Trust designated U.S. national motto
1956 Anchor Bible Series
1956 The Ten Commandments (1956 film)
United Church of Christ founded by ecumenical union of
Congregationalists and Evangelical & Reformed, representing
Calvinists and Lutherans
1957 English translation of Walter Bauer's Wörterbuch ...: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, University of Chicago Press
1958 Sedevacantism
1959 Family Radio founded
1959 Franz Pieper's A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod. reaffirmed by the LCMS
1960 Merger creates the "new" American Lutheran Church
1961 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
1961 Christian Broadcasting Network founded
1962 Engel v. Vitale, first U.S. Supreme Court decision against School prayer
1962 Karl Rahner, Joseph Ratzinger, Yves Congar, John Courtney Murray, Hans Kung
among others appointed "periti" for upcoming Second Vatican Council.
Rahner famous for paraphrasing Augustine's axiom: "Many whom God has the
Church does not have; and many whom the Church has, God does not have."
1962-1965 Catholic Second Vatican Council, announced by Pope John XXIII
in 1959, produced 16 documents which became official Roman Catholic
teaching after approval by the Pope, purpose to renew "ourselves and the
flocks committed to us"
1963 Martin Luther King leads a civil rights march in Washington, D.C.
1963 campaign by Madalyn Murray O'Hair results in U.S. Supreme Court ruling prohibiting reading of Bible in public schools
1963 Oral Roberts University founded
1963 Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America dissolves in schism
1963 New Testament of Beck's American Translation completed, thousands of copies distributed through The Lutheran Hour
1965 Reginald H. Fuller's The Foundations of New Testament Christology
1965 Rousas John Rushdoony founds Chalcedon Foundation
1965 Nostra Aetate Declaration promulgated at Vatican II that repudiates the charge of deicide against Jews
1966 Raymond E. Brown's Commentary on the Gospel of John
1967 Lutheran Council in the United States of America organized
1968 Zeitoun, Egypt, a bright image of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Zeitoun
was seen over the Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Demiana for over a 3
year period. Over six million Egyptians and foreigners saw the image,
including Copts, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestants, Muslims,
Jews and people of no particular faith.
1968 United Methodist
Church formed with union of Methodist Church & Evangelical United
Brethren Church, becoming the largest Methodist/Wesleyan church in the
1970s The Jesus movement takes hold in the U.S. One-way.org
1970 Mass of Paul VI replaces Tridentine Mass
1970 The Late, Great Planet Earth futurist book by Hal Lindsey
1970? Chick Publications
1971 New American Standard Bible
1971 The Exorcist, a novel of demonic possession and the mysteries of the Catholic faith, is published.
1971 Liberty University founded by Jerry Falwell
1972 Most Lutheran free churches in Germany merge, forming the Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church
1973 On June 12, 1973, near the city of Akita, Our Lady appeared to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa. Three messages were given to Sr. Agnes over a period 5 months. Our Lady of Akita.[40]
1973 The Apostle in the End-Time called [6]http://www.pmcc4w.org/ Arsenio Tan Ferriol (Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ in the 4th WATCH)Philippines
1973 Trinity Broadcasting Network founded
1973 New International Version
of the Bible is first published (revised in 1978,1984), using a variety
of Greek texts, Masoretic Hebrew texts, and current English style
1973 Walkout at Concordia Seminary begins the Seminex controversy in the LCMS
1974 Jim Bakker founds PTL television ministry
1975 Bruce Metzger's Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament
1976 Anneliese Michel, Bavarian woman, underwent exorcism against demon possession
1976 Suicide by self-immolation of Oskar Brüsewitz, leads to mass protests against communism
1977 New Perspective on Paul
1977 Focus on the Family founded by James Dobson
1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
1978-2005 Pope John Paul II, reaffirmed moral traditions (The Splendor of Truth)
1979 Moral Majority founded by Jerry Falwell
1979 Jesus (1979 film), most watched movie of all time according to New York Times
1979-1982? New King James Version, complete revision of 1611 AV, updates archaisms while retaining style
Kibeho, Rwanda reported that Our Lady appeared to several teenages
telling them to pray to avoid "rivers of blood" Marian apparitions.[41] This was an ominious foreshadowing of the Rwanda Genocide of 1994.[42]
1981 Mother Angelica launches EWTN; it grows to become one of the largest television networks in the world; the operation expands to radio in 1992.
1981 Institute on Religion and Democracy is founded.
1982 Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics
1985 Jesus Seminar founded
1985 E. P. Sanders' Jesus and Judaism
1986 Chicago Statement on Biblical Application
1987 Danver's Statement - Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
1988 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America founded.
1988 Lutheran Council in the United States of America dissolved.
1988 Christian Coalition
1988 The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by Martin Scorsese, is released by Universal Pictures, and promptly attacked as heretical by organized Christian and Catholic groups.
1988 The celebration of 1000 years since the baptism of Kievan Rus throughout the R.O.C.
1989 New Revised Standard Version
1990 American Center for Law and Justice founded
1991 John P. Meier's series A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, v. 1
1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church
1993 Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference founded
1993 International Lutheran Council founded
1994 "Evangelicals & Catholics Together"[43]
1994 Porvoo Communion
1994 Answers In Genesis founded by Ken Ham
1994,July 3- Glorification of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco
1996 Cambridge Declaration - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals [7]
1997, March 5–10 World Council of Churches: Towards a Common Date for Easter, see also Reform of the date of Easter
1998, April 6 PBS Frontline: From Jesus to Christ
1999 International House of Prayer in Kansas City begins non-stop 24/7 continual prayer
October 31 signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of
Justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic
1999 Gospel of Jesus Christ - An Evangelical Celebration; a
consensus Gospel endorsed by various evangelical leaders including J.I.
Packer, John Ankerberg, Jerry Falwell, Thomas C. Oden, R.C. Sproul,
Wayne Grudem, Charles Swindoll, et al.
1999 Radical Orthodoxy
Christian theological movement begins, critiquing modern secularism and
emphasizing the return to traditional doctrine; similar to the Paleo-orthodoxy
Christian theological movement of the late 20th and early 21st
centuries, which sees the consensual understanding of the faith among
the Church Fathers as the basis of Biblical interpretation and the foundation of the Church.
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ founded in schism from
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) over fellowship with the
Episcopal Church (TEC)
2000 Visions of the Virgin Mary are reported in Assiut, Upper Egypt;[44] phenomena associated to Mary is reported again in 2006, in a church at the same location during the Mass.[45] Local Coptic priests and then the Coptic Orthodox Church of Assiut issue statements in 2000 and 2006 respectively.
21st century
Main article: Christianity in the 21st century
2001 The Way of the Master founded
2003 the Mission Province is established in Church of Sweden: new era for confessional Lutheranism in Scandinavia.
2005 Death of Pope John Paul II, election of Pope Benedict XVI
2006 World Methodist Council voted unanimously to adopt the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (July 18).[46][47]
2006 A film of the Gospel of Judas, a 2nd century Gnostic account of Judas discovered in the 1970s, is shown on TV.
2007 The Creation Museum opens in Kentucky, United States.
2007 The American Association of Lutheran Churches and LCMS declare pulpit and altar fellowship
2007 The reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church after 80 years of schism (May 17).
2008 Conservative Anglicans indicate that they plan to split from liberal Anglicans in "The Jerusalem Declaration"[48]
2009 Damien of Molokai canonized; apostle to lepers
2009 the Minneapolis Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA
on 21 August 2009, passed four ministry policy resolutions that would
permit clergy in committed homosexual partnerships to be rostered
leaders within the ELCA.
2009 The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an international association of Esoteric Christian mystics,[49] celebrates the centennial anniversary -- The Fraternity should remain secret one hundred years;[50] the celebration ceremonies, on August 8 and November 13[51] at Mount Ecclesia, serve the purpose of heralding the revival of the Christian mystic path of the Rose Cross.[52][53]
2009 Varghese Payapilly Palakkappilly declared Servant of God.
2009 Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience is issued, signed by over 150 American religious leaders.
2010 Lutheran CORE creates North American Lutheran Church in schism from the ELCA
2010 October 31 Attack on Baghdad church results in 52 deaths.[54]
2011 A church in Alexandria, Egypt is bombed, on January 1, 2011, killing 21 people, mostly Christians.
2011 Martyrdom of Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistani politician and the only Christian elected member of the National Assembly, who was an outspoken critic of Pakistan's blasphemy laws.