The Wollensak Reel to Reel Magnetic Tape Recorder
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Welcome to my Wollensak Tape Recorder Model T 1500 This is a two
track recorder. It is hoped
that this page can be a useful source for information concerning the Wollensak reel to reel magnetic tape recorder.
Wollensak manufactured reel to reel tape recorders until 1978. I am always looking for
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Marvin Camras Born Jan 1 1916 - Died Jun 23 1995 Patent Number(s) 2,351,004 Marvin Camras' inventions are used in modern magnetic tape and wire recorders, including high frequency bias, improved recording heads, wire and tape material, magnetic sound for motion pictures, multitrack tape machines, stereophonic sound reproduction, and video tape recording. Invention Impact * 1930 - Bell Telephone Laboratories initiates a major research effort in magnetic tape recording under the direction of Clarence N. Hickman. By 1931, prototypes of designs are completed for a steel tape telephone answering machine, a central-office message announcer, an endless loop voice-training machine, and a portable, reel-to-reel recorder for general-purpose sound recording. None of these enter production except for the voice trainer, which proves a failure. * 1931 - Blattner sells an experimental steel tape recorder to the BBC, but goes bankrupt the same year. Meanwhile, the British Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company purchases the U.K. rights to the Stille patents. The BBC and Marconi jointly produce several steel tape recorders and use them in the new BBC Empire short-wave radio service by 1932. A steel tape recorder "Stahltonbandmaschine", manufactured by the C. Lorenz company in Germany in the early to mid-1930s. It was designed by S. J. Begun, later of Brush Development Co. fame and widely used by the German RRG broadcasting authority in the 1930s, before they adopted the AEG magnetophon. * 1932 - AEG, a large German electrical manufacturer, purchases the patent rights of the independent inventor Fritz Pfleumer, who after 1928 patented a system for recording on paper coated with a magnetisable, powdered steel layer. AEG sets about designing a tape recorder, while it collaborates with the German chemical firm I. G. Farben to develop a suitable tape. I. G. Farben experiments with tape coated with carbonyl iron powder, made under a proprietary process. * Circa 1933-35 - Echophon company, another licensee of the Stille patents, develops the Textophon, a dictation machine using steel wire. Echophon is later purchased by ITT and made part of the subsidiary firm C. Lorenz, a manufacturer of telephone equipment. C. Lorenz, with the help of engineer Semi J. Begun, later markets a steel tape recorder that finds wide use in European telephone authorities for telephone recording purposes and by German radio networks for mobile recording. * 1935 - An improved AEG recorder, dubbed the "Magnetophon," is demonstrated by recording the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The RRG (the German radio authority) begins to use the Magnetophon for broadcasting, replacing the earlier C. Lorenz recorders. * 1938 - S. J. Begun of C. Lorenz leaves Germany to start a new career in the United States. In 1939 he takes a job at the Brush Development Company of Cleveland, Ohio. * 1939-41 - At the Brush Development Company, S. J. Begun develops steel tape and coated-paper tape recorders. Between 1942 and 1945 the company designs and successfully sells to the military various types of recorders utilizing plated media in the form of tapes, disks, and wire. * 1939 - Marvin Camras at The Armour Research Foundation of the Armour Institute of Technology invents an improved wire recorder. The Institute succeeds in selling several thousand to the American army and navy, and after the war sells licenses to dozens of American and European manufacturers to make wire recorders. 1945 - American and British technical investigators "discover" the Magnetophon in Luxembourg, France, and other places formerly occupied by the Germans. By Spring, these investigators begin gathering information about the production of tape recorders and tape, and the U.S. Department of Commerce publishes the information. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seizes German patent rights on the technology. * 1945 - Former serviceman John T. Mullin demonstrates a captured Magnetophon to the Institute of Radio Engineers. Performer Bing Crosby works with Mullin to use the Magnetophon for radio broadcasts on ABC * 1945 - Three former Armour Research Foundations employees start Magnecord Corporation in Chicago to make a high quality wire recorder. Plans for the wire recorder are soon dropped, and the group in 1949 introduces a tape recorder, the PT-6. The independent corporate life of Magnecord ends in 1957 when it is purchased by Midwestern Instruments, Inc. * 1946-47 - The first Amour Research Foundation- licensed wire recorders appear in the American market, manufactured by Pentron, Pierce Wire Recorder Corporation, and others. Brush Development company introduces its Soundmirror paper tape recorder developed in 1939-40. A Brush licensee, Amplifier Corp. of America, introduces the Magnephone tape recorder * 1947 - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing introduces a line of sound recording tapes, including type #100, a paper based tape, and type #110, a plastic based tape. Type #111, a plastic based tape with an improved oxide, becomes the industry standard. * 1947 - Mullin demonstrates magnetophones to Bing Crosby Enterprises in June. NBC refuses to record his show and Bing moves to ABC with Philco sponsor in the fall, brings with him Mullin's magnetophones to tape original show and dub to 16-inch transcription disc for broadcast * 1947 - Rangertone Inc. of New Jersey introduces a professional tape recorder based on the Magnetophon. * 1948 - Ampex corporation produces its first professional tape recorder, the Model 200. These are used for Bing Crosby show #27 along with 3M Scotch 111 gamma ferric oxide coated tape. * 1949-50 - Magnecord introduces two-channel tape recorders and begins making stereo recordings of music for demonstration purposes. 1948-49 Sony corporation begins its efforts to design a tape recorder. * 1958 - The same year that stereo LP's appear on the RCA-Victor label, RCA introduces stereo tape-- in a cartridge format requiring a special player. The system flops almost immediately, though its production continues by a licensee, Bell Sound, until 1964. * 1962-64 - Phillips company of the Netherlands introduces the Compact Cassette, a portable tape recorder using a small cartridge. * 1965 - Ford and Mercury, in conjunction with Motorola and RCA-Victor records, introduce the "Stereo-8" (or "eight track") format tape players as an option on certain luxury models. The medium becomes the first truly successful form of recorded music on tape in the consumer market. 8-track tapes began to be discontinued in the early 1980s. * 1969-70 - DuPont and BASF begin offering chromium dioxide recording tapes. * 1978 - Sony introduces the first digital recorders. These were professional, open reel PCM recorders for the studio * 1984 - Sales of recorded audio cassettes exceed LP sales for the first time.
"The tape came up to speed, then, opening theme -- Crosby: Blue of the Night; applause; introductory patter -- Crosby and Carpenter; song -- Crosby: My Heart is a Hobo; applause." "Murdo McKenzie signaled me to 'cut.' I pressed the stop button. There were surely no more than two seconds of silence, which seem more like minutes to me, and then a shower of compliments. One small machine, one of a pair, side-by-side on a makeshift table -- the only two of their kind in the United States arranged to record and reproduce magnetic tape with such remarkable fidelity -- had, in a listening demonstration lasting almost exactly five minutes, upset the entire future of sound recording in this country." Jack Mullin describing the demonstration of the Magnetophone tape recorder to Bing Crosby in August 1947 at the NBC/ABC Hollywood studios. The Beginning The BBC had its origins in the 1940s but the development of tape recording gave it success. Tape was used in Germany on an experimental basis from 1920. It had its commercial introduction at the Berlin Radio Exhibition of 1935. Early BBC broadcasts utilized a recording breakthrough made by two Reichs-rundfunk Gesellschaeft (German radio) engineers. Drs. Otto von Braurmuhl and Walter Weber. They discovered that when mixing a very high frequency signal with the audio during recording, the reproduced signals were so good that they could be accepted as live performance. NBBS as the BBC was then known, used captured commercial transmitters in Luxembourg, Belgium and Scandinavia, depended upon tape for almost all of its programming. The same concert could be broadcast at the same time from all stations. In September of 1944, the Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company in St. Paul (known today as 3M), already producing coated "Scotch" pressure-sensitive tapes, was contacted by the Brush Development Company of Cleveland, Ohio. The Brush company was "interested in obtaining tapes coated with an emulsion containing a uniform dispersion of ferromagnetic powder". The Brush Company, under a special Navy Department research contract with 3M was interested in launching magnetic tape. The first Experiment Brush would supply the powder if 3M would put it onto a stripe of tape for testing. This assignment ws given to Dr. Wilfred Wetzel who did not know of the work done in Germany. The oxide supplied by Brush was just iron, and that once put on a paper backing it rusted further , and its chemical and magnetic properties changed. 3M did not have a recorder; or a recording head. Brush was being secretive about what the product would be used for. Wetzel found that the coating needed to be smooth. If not it would wear out the head. Wetzel directed 3M scientists to try techniques for gluing the particles on quarter-inch strips of paper eight to ten inches long. The samples were then mailed to Brush. No one in the United States had yet made a magnetic tape recorder. (1944) Wire recorders, using the Poulson's principals of magnetic recording ( which he patented in 1898 ), were used for business dictation. The U.S. Navy Department, used them to record German U-Boat radio messages. They needed better quality recording was needed, and that was the purpose of the Navy Department research contract with Brush. By 1944, the World War II Allies knew about a magnetic recorder developed by German engineers. This recorder used an iron-powder-coating on a paper tape. It had a better sound quality than phonograph discs. A Signal Corps technician, Jack Mullin, joined a scavenging team directed to come after the retreating German army and pick up o electronics items. Mullin found parts of recorders, two working tape recorders and tapes in Radio Frankfurt studios in Bad Bauheim. At the same time 3M physicists and chemists were creating for Brush and the Navy a coated tape with a smooth surface and uniform dispersion of ferromagnetic powder. This tape could be pulled over a magnetic head to record electromagnetic signals without being damaged. Their mission was the creation of a tape for high fidelity magnetic recording. This had been accomplished by 1945 Post War When the war ended in August of 1945, the Brush Company told 3M that the Navy Department contract work was done. Magnetic tape development was to be continued with Brush. Even though there had been no profits 3M chose to finance its own research. 3M did not want to remain merely a producer. Other companies were also experimenting with tape, others wanted to produce recorders. 3M added magnetic tape to the its products. A 3M physicist Wetzel believed in a broad market for magnetic tape. He also believed that television pictures could also be recorded. Tape having higher density would be required. Brush was working on a tape recorder to display in New York in January of 1946. At 3M work was speeded up with many improvements. Large usable quantities of tape were ready by May 1946. This tape was found to be helpful by Jack Mullin. Bing Crosby Becomes Involved On May 16, 1946, Mullin was to speak at the regular meeting of the San Francisco chapter of the Institute of Radio Engineers. This meeting was at the studios of radio station KFRC. German tape recording equipment was on the program. Mullin played recordings. He was well received. Frank Healy of Bing Crosby Enterprises was present at that demonstration. Healy thought that Mullin and his machines might provide the solution for one of Bing Crosby's problems. At the time all radio programming, at least on best networks live. Disk recorded shows were thought to be inferior. Crosby wanted to avoid live performance. He did not perform in the 1945-46 season only to return with the promise of pre recording of programs. The disk recording process was expensive, time-consuming. The sound quality was poor. In August, 1947, Mullin was directed to record the first Crosby show of the upcoming season on the new German equipment. , Healy and McKenzie recorded the same program on disc. : Mullin's Account "The most unforgettable moment in my life was the one when I stood before my Magnetophone tape recorder and pressed the Playback button for the first time in the presence of Bing Crosby, John Scott Trotter, and Bing's producers, Bill Morrow and Murdo McKenzie. Everything was at stake. By invitation, I had been present with my colleague, Bill Palmer, to record the first radio show of the 1947-'48 season in the NBC/ABC studio complex in Hollywood. And now we were to hear the result of our efforts and be judged by perhaps the most critical ears in the world of radio and recording." "Prior to our invitation to come to Hollywood from San Francisco to record, and possibly, just possibly, to edit our tape into a complete show, the producers had looked into every alternate means of recording sound that showed any promise of success. Mostly, these boiled down to variations of disc recording methods and photographic sound-on-film systems. I am sure ABC held out little hope for success in testing our apparatus". "The result of the (very successful) demonstration was that the Crosby people wanted me to stay right there and go through an editing process, to make a broadcast out of it. I did," Mullin told a reporter, "and they saw how easy it was with tape. The next thing I knew, I had a job recording the Bing Crosby Show for the rest of the season." Mullin only had two rebuilt German recorders and only 50 reels of tape..3M's work would make it all possible. T he 3M tape actually was "too good" for the machines. It had higher coercivity which the tape machines could not handle. Ampex Corporation was trying to complete work on recording machines for the American Broadcasting Company. Crosby convinced network to buy the machines, which were copied from the German originals. At first when Kraft Music Hall was broadcast on October 1, 1947, the broadcast used a 16" disc instead of Mullin's tape recording. McKenzie used Mullin's tape to put the show together but, put it on a disc for broadcast. After a few shows the show was broadcast from the tape. A musician was on stand by if the tape broke. Eventually it was found that the tape did not break! ABC switched to tape and created two copies of each program and had them running on two decks at the same time.. Tape becomes Popular In April 1948 the government mandated switch to daylight savings time prompted the radio stations to use tape. This way broadcast could be at the same time across time zones. Scotch 100 magnetic tape was introduced in 1947. This helped start the tape recording tape industry in the United States. Early broadcast tape recorders in 1947 used speeds of 30ips. In 1949, 7 1/2ips, was adopted with improvement in quality. As late as November 22, 1963, ABC was still not confident about the archival quality of tape and continued to record important events on disk.
History of the Period
The 1950s are noted in United States history |
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Activity Ask someone who had children during the 1950s if they have a tape of their children or of an event in their life. Play the tape and talk about what it meant to be able to record history in their own home. Ask the informant how often they listen to home recordings. Can you record your history onto a CD directly with the players that most people own? Why were they not made to record? Find the instructions for setting up and threading a reel to reel tape into the player. Arrange to play a stereo lp on a portable record player. Then play a stereo magnetic tape. Would the quality of sound difference be worth the trouble loading the tape? How long would a tape play if played on the slowest speed? How long would an LP play?
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Songs of
the Period of the Reel to Real Magnetic Tape System Note that the reel to reel system was also very important for recordings of classical music and that it continued in use well past this period of introduction and initial popularity. 1949Riders In the Sky-- Vaughn Monroe 1950The Tennessee Waltz-- Patti Page 1951Cry-- Johnnie Ray 1952You Belong to Me-- Jo Stafford 1953Vaya Con Dios-- Les Paul & Mary Ford 1954Sh-Boom-- Crew-Cuts 1955Rock Around the Clock-- Bill Haley & His Comets 1956Don’t Be Cruel/Hound Dog-- Elvis Presley 1957All Shook Up-- Elvis Presley 1958At the Hop-- Danny & the Juniors 1959Mack the Knife-- Bobby Darin
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Restoration and Parts Assistance
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Mullin, John, Discovering Magnetic
Tape,Broadcast Engineering, Intertec Publishing, Overland Park, KS,
May 1979. Ziff, Richard, Magnetic Tape's Impact on Broadcasting. Broadcast Engineering, Intertec Publishing, Overland Park, KS, May 1979. John T Mullin, "Creating the Craft of Tape Recording", High Fidelity Magazine, Vol ?, Nr ?, pp 62...67 (1976 April). Harold Lindsay, "Magnetic Recording, Part 1", db Magazine, Vol 11, Nr 12, pp 38...44 (1977 December). Harold Lindsay, "Magnetic Recording, Part 2", db Magazine, Vol 12, Nr 1, pp 40...44 (1978 January). Peter Hammar and Don Ososke, "The Birth of the German Magnetophon Tape Recorder 1928...1945", db Magazine, Vol 16, Nr 3, Cover photo, pp 47...52 (1982 March). Peter Hammar, "In Memoriam: Harold Lindsay", AES Journal Vol 30, Nr 9, pp 691, 692 (1982 Sept). Friedrich Karl Engel, "1888-1988: A Hundred Years of Magnetic Sound Recording", AES Journal, Vol 36, Issue 3, pp 170...178 (1988) [18 references] "Some Possible Forms of Phonograph" Oberlin Smith, 1888 Heinz H. K. Thiele, "Magnetic Sound Recording in Europe up to 1945", AES Journal, Vol 36, Issue 5, pp: 396...408 (1988) Friedrich Karl Engel, "Magnetic Tape -- From the Early Days to the Present", AES Journal, Vol 36, Issue 7/8, pp 606...616 (1988) Rudolph Müller, "On Improvements of Magnetic Tape Shown by Measurements on Early and Newer Tapes", AES Journal, Vol 36, Issue 10, pp 802...820 (1988) Peter Hammar, "Jack Mullin: The Man and His Machines", AES Journal, Vol 37, Issue 6, pp 490...512 (1989) S.J. Begun, "Magnetic Recording", Rinehart Books Inc, 1949 Marvin Camras (ed), "Magnetic Tape Recording", Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, (1985) Marvin Camras, "Magnetic Recording Handbook", Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, (1988) Daniel, Mee and Clark (editors), Magnetic Recording, The First 100 Years (1999) S. J. Begun (M. Clark, ed), Magnetic Recording: The Ups and Downs of a Pioneer The memoirs of Semi Joseph Begun (2000)
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Tour of My Wollensak Magnetic Tape Recorder Model T500
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Overview closed. |
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Front/handle view |
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Side view |
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Back view |
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overview open |
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detail open |
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the counter and speed indicator |
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Controls |
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Head area |
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with tape in play position |
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back plate showing model and serial |
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back plate left showing plug area. |
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Portable reel-to-reel deck w/ cover and all
accessories VINTAGE WOLLENSAK 3M 1500 REEL TAPE RECORDER 3M comp. Wollensak Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder.
Still works like a charm and includes everything. Wollensak T-1515-4 Tape Recorder, Cover, Chords & Box! To return to the Main Menu click here