How to make a Traditional
St. Brigid's Cross
In Gaelic: Cros Bhrighite
Remember: These methods are all traditional and acceptable. There are even more!
Try our reference book on Brigid: Brigid of the Gael. for more information on how to make the cross. You can obtain the book here: click here

Materials Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Back to the main Briget Pages

The ever eolving how to make the Brigid Cross Video from youtube-I hope to keep working on this but here is what it looks like now...just click

A project, also ever evolving....showing the Brigid's Cross-a work in progress just click








Rushes are the traditional material for the St. Briget's
Cross. All materials should be blessed before construction.
If you use rushes be sure to keep them wet but not too
wet as they will mold and rot. To avoid  the  mess  I  have
found  that  ordinary plastic drinking straws left in their
white wrappers are just fine. Use rubber bands to tie up
the ends. I generally use 9 straws and 4 rubber bands,
however, any number may be used

Ornamental Grasses may also be used these may need to be soaked in warm water.

When you select the rushes be sure to select the leaves surrounding the upright cat tail.

Harvest the reeds by using a sharp knife to slice the cat tail at the base. Then, gently peel
back the individual leaves. The leaves will be curved fold the sides in on themselves
 to make them into flat

Size does  not matter. Generally  crosses are made from
pieces of   rush that are about 8-12 inches  long. Some
jewelers, however,  make them in  the  size of  ear rings.

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Method  1
After searching for many months I finally broke down  and purchased a cross from  the traditional  Irish-American gift shop. I took  it  apart and found the simple secret of the design.  The process does wonderful things for busy fingers and is great with story telling!

1.  Find 9  8-12 inch  rushes, swizzle sticks  or  drinking  straws  and  4 small
     to  medium sized rubber  bands.

2.   Hold one of  the rushes/straws vertically.

3.   Fold  a  second  straw  in  half  horizontally over  and at a  right  angle over
      the center of  to the  first straw with the second  straw projecting to the right.
      Snug the inside of  the bend  right  up to the first straw  at    its  center.

4.   Grasp the center overlap tightly between thumb and fore-finger.

5.   Turn the two straws held together 90  degrees counter clockwise  (left) 
      (the two ends of the second straw will be projecting  upwards.)

6.   Fold the third straw in half over both parts of the second straw horizontally
      from left to right and  snug the inside of the fold up against the center
      and the second straw. Hold tight.

7.   Holding the  center  tightly!   Rotate all straws  (the entire assembly) 90
      degrees    counter clockwise. (left)

8.   This time  the bottom half of the first straw will be projecting upward.
      Fold a new straw in half over and across all straws projecting upward.

9.   Snug the straw tightly against the center and against the vertical straws.

10. Holding the center tightly rotate all straws (the entire assembly) 90 degrees
     Counter clockwise.

11. Fold a new  straw in half  over all vertical straws from left to right and
      snug up to center and to the right.

12. Repeat the process of rotating  all straws (the entire assembly) 90 degrees
     to the left and folding  the new straw  over until all straws  have been used.
     Remember: Hold tight to the center.

13. When you get to the last straw snug all straws together and instead of folding the last straw over the straws place its ends under the straw opposite one under each side. This will lock the straws in place.

14. Secure the last arm of the cross with a rubber band or if using rushesplatted straw or string.  Then secure each  other arm.

16. You may paint the drinking straws but be careful as wet paint will dissolve the thin paper covering. Place rushes on a  flat surface to dry. You may
      wish to seal the rushes  when dry with a paint of your choice.



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Method  2

This method produces a cross in a form which is much like the Eye of God and as such it brings to mind the antiquity of the Celtic Traditions of Ireland.
Materials:Two sticks and either rushes or wire or paper twist. Heavy gauge electrical wire (I use green!) makes for a great re-usable cross which can be re-constructed for each session.I start the cross and pass it through the class audience for completion.

1.Secure two sticks together at right angles.
    (I use string or tape).

2.Pull rush or wire from center attachment 
under the X in the top image over the top across the center to the left. Then under the bottom left
spoke then over the upper left spoke then curve back under it and continue in a clockwise direction (to the right). Ideally there should be a few inches of stick
remaining exposed on each spoke. It should
resemble a cross more than an eye of god...

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(Source:Lettice Sanford Straw Work and Corn Dollies)
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Method  3

This method produces a cross much like that of Method 1

For some reason this method seems to  be 
more Archaic than method 1. 

1.Tie nine straws together at their ends. 

2.Spread them as shown with the tied end 
    facing down (three to the right and two each 
    other direction. (Image #1) 

3.Fold the front straw of the three under the other two.(Image2) 

4.Bring it up and over to be alongside the two at the nest corner.(Image3) 

5.Completed cross is shown in Image 4 

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(Source: Joan Rendell, Your Book of Corn Dollies.)


The Ever evolving you tube to make the Brigid's Cross this may help. Come back again as I want to improve it


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The Ever Evolving video of the Brigid's Cross Check Back as it evolves....


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