What will the people at work think? Don't we have to put up with enough at work without people complaining about our cars? Hey this is 2012! You can not complain about anything-women, other cultures, men. You can't make jokes and anything anyone says about you is suspect and may immediately result in their loss of job and great court awards for you- so as they say: "what the hay!". Simply create and drive an art car and document everything that happens to you on the job thereafter! No problem! If anyone does anything....you get them fired! But it is more than just about that! It is about your personal freedom- something that no employer has a right to tamper with! Sometimes I think that whenever one way of discriminating is blocked people simply find something else. This does not make it any more right or legal. The solution is not to conform or give in but to proclaim your freedom when what you are driving is legal undere the law. The artcar is the skin you drive!
-They won't think at all if you don't pay them! Live
Free and drive an Artcar! You will feel better and
do better at work!I do not see any problem with co-workers or employers. I believe that you are fully protected! I do see a problem with driving plain cars which will get you to work tired and emotionally drained! And then just think of the ride home through the traffic with a PLAIN car! No one honking, no one waving or smiling. No radiance of joy and light. Just a perpetuation of stress, nausea and fatigue. I wonder - ? Is Road rage directly related to boring cars? You bet it is! If more folk drove artcars- -proudly and often our roads would be happier places! When you drive an artcar you arrive at work refreshed and despite your day at work you arrive home buoyed up by the goodness of humanity- connecting with them- the waves the smiles....and soon....you can enter your household with a smile and a new sense of optimism that despite it all things will be good!
Now! Why and the world would one want to consult one's supervisor or co-workers about whether to drive an artcar? ----It is simply out of the question!
My wife was asked: "What is something unusual about you?" for an office introduction meeting. She stumbled....and thought.... she did not feel good mentioning our artcars till one of her co-workers said: "Don't you arrive at work in the Magnet Truck- it is awesome!" - she did not even know of the positive effect! Who knows a bit of creativity in your mode of transport might get you recognition and promotion!
Go to it! No need to get fancy- just a small first step will do- but design and build an artcar and the commute will be better and all of your co workers will soon want one too!
- If it is a result of this commentary send me the check!- no actually I want to hear how your artcar works at work! Send your experiences along to me!
What do you think? Send us e.mail click here
Conrad Bladey ©1999
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