America was founded by men in taverns! You must be able to walk to them!
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Walk to Drink 
Neighborhoods For Pedestrian Accessible Alcoholic Beverages!Celebrating and encouraging the ancient cultural traditions of the local neighborhood Pub and Bar.
Why should governments require a citizen to drive when a  citizen wishes to drink at a well managed bar/pub? Such Zoning only promotes Drinking and Driving! And Death-injury -What can we do to stop this legislated carnage?  Prohibitionist organizations seeking only to ban alcohol do not go directly to the source- we do! If a citizen does not have to get into a car to drink they will be safer-absolutely and immediately!
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National Walk to Drink Month Is- September! 
Click for Details  

We have no staff, no expenses other than occasionally printing flyers-we believe it is worth the dedication of our free time. You can help with the minimal expenses by shopping at our on-line store. Get the word out. We make only .95 on each item. The funds go absolutely directly to flyer printing and the costs of mailing press releases.



Main MenuBars and Taverns and Pubs promote social interaction!

Goals and Objectives What Can you Do about it? Traditional neighborhood 
bars and pubs in Baltimore Maryland
Walk to drink Blog....keep in touch with current developments Clickit here
Reading about the Issue Feedback To the Baltimore
Food Page
FAQ and 
Press Releases

Did you know that the National Anthem Of the United States- the Star Spangled Banner was set to the tune of a British Drinking Song? 

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An e.mail list for the discussion of the Walk to Drink Philosophy and related Issues Join in it is free!

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We have no staff, no expenses other than occasionally printing flyers-we believe it is worth the dedication of our free time. You can help with the minimal expenses by shopping at our on-line store. Get the word out. We make only .95 on each item. The funds go absolutely directly to flyer printing and the costs of mailing press releases.



Goals and Objectives

In a time when legislators are considering drastic measures which severely limit personal  freedoms to combat drunken driving is it not appropriate to also consider measures which  will remove the need to drive a car in order to reach the nearest place where alcohol is sold?
Most residential neighborhoods today have zoning legislation which makes driving to obtain alcoholic beverages essential.  Zoning ordinances make it impossible for businesses that wish to sell alcoholic beverages in bar or pub settings to locate within neighborhoods. As  a result if one wishes to exercise ones freedom to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages one must first get into a car.  We maintain that such zoning ordinances are at the very root of much drinking and driving and as such they cost lives which could have been saved if the consumer could walk within his local neighborhood to a bar or pub without having to drive.

America's "love affair" with the automobile is at the center of most drunk-driving issues. We like to think of  "life on the road".  The issue of prohibitionist zoning is no different. We once assumed that it was ok to require people to drive if they wanted to drink. Before the advent of the automobile society people generally located pubs  and taverns within walking distance of residential areas. One could also walk to the grocery store and to the barber-infact most everywhere.

If  local, state and national governments are serious about limiting drunk driving while preserving  the rights of individuals to consume alcoholic beverages then it is reasonable to ask that governments act immediately to require the modification of local anti-alcohol zoning ordinances so as to make drinking without driving a save convenient an real alternative to having to get into a car in order to visit the nearest point of purchase for alcohol.

The Car changed all of that. Shopping malls replaced local main streets
and our society started to deteriorate as well.  Now as we are aware of the dangers of having to drive in order to drink we must move to correct prohibitionist legislation and make it possible once again to walk and drink conveniently and locally and, most importantly, safely!.

We also recognize that the well managed Neighborhood Pub and Bar  or  Tavern, serving customers at or below average market prices, as a service, is an American institution which goes back centuries. These establishment have served as local centers of communication, socializing, the arts and culture of all kinds. Such local, social, and cultural centers are essential for the maintenance of social ties and for the healthy development of community spirit and life. Ever since prohibition neighborhood inns, pubs and taverns have been persecuted their cultural and social values overlooked and neglected.

Neighborhood location is the essence of the success and fame of the Irish and English Pub-"The Local" does not require you to drive to stop in!  Most such establishments are responsibly run and offer not only alcohol but also games, sports,  music and artistic events of all kinds.  If such an establishment is not available  within walking distance then  many are denied a place of social life. As a result the neighborhood's potential- its social fabric is  weakened. Local Zoning  ordinances  which ban pubs, and taverns  contribute to this negative impact upon local culture and should be re-considered. By denying community based "locals" simply for prohibitionist logic we  all suffer greatly and many, having to drive in order to drink, die needlessly on the roads.

On these pages we shall also celebrate the wonderful local bars,pubs and taverns of Baltimore Maryland and we shall demonstrate that within these institutions one can find the heartbeat of the community and as many cures for social ills as causes.

All too often Liquor legislation is also  used unfairly to harm local business, industry, and culture. Eateries are denied licenses and are unable to continue in operation for political reasons alone.  We think it is high time that the politics of liquor legislation should end and that City, State, and Local authorities should make the legal availability of alcoholic beverages convenient, local and inexpensive.

Too many people have lost their lives because they had to get into a car to purchase
and enjoy alcoholic beverages-- because of overly restrictive zoning regulation. It is time that prohibitionist zoning legislation be lifted so that more citizens can exercise their right  to consume alcohol conveniently and safely. Our governments have an obligation to reverse this dangerous situation by outlawing restrictive prohibitionist legislation and by encouraging the establishment of well managed  Pubs and taverns as "locals" within walking distance of citizens as cultural centers as well as places where alcohol can be purchased. Once this occurs  lives will be saved in great numbers. Can we afford not to bring about such  positive changes?

Read all about the relationship between moderation and your needs as well as about the good well managed pub or bar click here

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What Can You do about It?
You may download, print, distribute, and display our logo! Click here for our Logo (large gif)  You can also download print and distribute flyers which are available here in .doc (microsoft word)  format. Please distribute widely! Click here for the flyers. They are two per page to provide for paper saving! Simply take the save to disk option and have word open the file or just tell your browser to have your word processor open the file directly.  Take part in National Walk to Drink Month Activities:

Use our Free Services to communicate and plan....

Walk to drink Blog....keep in touch with current developments Clickit here

New! National Walk to Drink Month September! Click for Details and events.

Discuss Walk to Drink issues on our e. mail list-its free!Click to subscribe to walk-to-drink

If you have to drive to go out for a beer or any other alcoholic drink, then there is something
wrong with zoning legislation. Lives are at stake and there is no greater cause to bring to the
attention of legislators and officials.
 we suggest that you keep your local, city and state representatives informed concerning this issue. Modification of local Zoning ordinances which now restrict location of establishments which sell alcoholic  beverages will absolutely save many, many lives, prevent injuiries, limit pollution and save oil resources.

The following is a preliminary suggestion for legislative action which we post here for your  comment. Let us know how it might be improved.

Legislation should be enacted which will:

1. Ban the total prohibition of establishments which sell alcoholic beverages in neighborhoods.   Zoning legislation should make possible the location of such establishments. We do not think we should require a pub to be on every block but those wishing to operate pubs/taverns should be allowed to locate within  all neighborhoods without prohibition and without  unnecessary expense. Prices should be at or below average market prices. What is the use of a local establishment that no one can afford?

2. Pubs/Taverns  should be available in numbers and locations so that the community can be served  locally. That is, the distance between residences and the nearest pub/tavern should be defined reasonably under any zoning legislation. That is perhaps to enable pubs/taverns to locate such that the  maximum walking distance from any residence is for example 45 minutes or less. We are not making an argument for bar proliferation or for poorly managed establishments. One well run and regulated pub/bar/tavern within walking distance will do.

3. Local governments should be prepared  to offer financial incentives  and support to pub/tavern   operators wishing to locate in neighborhoods as they extend  to other businesses in the interests of financial/urban revitalization. Local  Pubs and taverns represent investments in local culture,  neighborhood and community as  well  as safe alternatives to drinking and driving. While it is  good to encourage mixed use zoning for new developments it is also of great importance to re-tool existing zoning to provide for Walk to Drink locations.

Now that we are forced to endure blood alcohol tests, stiff penalties, and sobriety check points is it not time that we demand the right to be able to purchase and enjoy alcoholic beverages  locally without driving?  Do you know of a local establishment which has had its license arbitrarily revoked or of one which could not get a license? Why should this prohibitionist style of government continue?   Let your representatives know how you feel!

We are not a non-profit nor do we wish to make a profit. We do have expenses so let us know what you wish to do to help!

These recommendations are  new. Let us know what you  think! If  lives  can be  saved
governments should  be encouraged  to act.

Have more questions? Try the faq: FAQ and Press Releases

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Traditional Neighborhood Bars and Pubs in Baltimore Md.
Submit your local place and we will consider adding it!

A good way to discover new places in your area!
Take part in National Walk to Drink Month Activities:
New! National Walk to Drink Month September! Click forDetails

Some Great Places- give them a try!

J.Patrick's Irish Pub- Andre and Clement Streets. Locust Point, Baltimore. Take Fort Ave.
                                 toward fort McHenry. Turn left on Andre. the pub is on the corner.
                                 This is an Irish pub which demonstrates the cultural value of such
                                  institutions. You are likely to find a class in session concerning
                                 Irish Culture or Dance lessons or a meeting  of an Irish social
                                 organization. The local culture is also enriched by live music Friday
                                  Saturday and Sunday evenings after 9:30. Great Irish Beers.
                                  Once you get through at J.Patricks explore the neighborhood where
                                  a safe, friendly and well run pub is on almost every corner. A real
                                  Walk to drink neighborhood. No one there needs a car to go out for a drink.

Howard's Subway: Hammonds Ferry Rd. Linthicum. Take the Baltimore Washington Parkway to
                              West Nursery Road. Take Nursery Road to Hammonds Ferry. Turn Right at
                               the light. Howards is on the left just prior to Linthicum. A great friendly and
                               well run establishment. It has its origins in walk to drink. From there you
                                to the bars at Snyders, G&M and the Olive Grove. Enjoy walking to drink!

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Reading About the Issue
Here are  readings which will allow you to study the issues.
Can you suggest any which are not here?
Do you have a related we page? Let us know and we  will put in a link!
You have our permission to link to our page!

Links to those who study Alcohol Issues click here
We suggest that you contact these organizations to recommend that they link to this page.

Some Books:(Available form Amazon Books click here)

Turn Left at the Pub : Twenty-Two Walking Tours
                    Through the British Countryside and Southwestern
                     by Anton Powell, George W. Oakes

The English Pub : A History
                     by Peter Haydon

Cunning Stunts/ The Best 50 Pub Tricks and Brain Teasers
                     by Martin Daniels

Dublin Pub Life and Lore : An Oral History
                     by Kevin C. Kearns

The Glasgow Pub Companion
                     by Rudolph Kenna

Irish Pub Crack
                     by Eileen Boyle, James Campbell (Illustrator)

50 Irish Pub Songs
                     by Sean O'Neill  (recording)

50 Great College Drinking Games
                     by Ross Bonander

Alcohol and Human Behavior : Theory, Research, and
                     by P. Clayton Rivers

Beer Across America : A Regional Guide to Brewpubs
                     and Microbreweries
                     by Marty Nachel

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Frequently Asked Questions
And Press Releases.

Please feel free to use these handy answers to frequently asked questions as you
meet your local politicians and press. Please let me know if dificult questions come
up which you are finding hard to answer. Send e.mail click here

For the Frequently Asked Questions Click Here

For Publications and Press Releases Click Here


Press Releases and Publications
These Materials are available either as .doc or .txt format for your easy use.
You can also open them in your browser and have them mailed to you (see your browser
commands) in e-mail format.
Walk to Drink makes all of these documents freely downloadable for general use.

The Birth of Walk to Drink- Initial and current  Press Release (.txt format )  click here

Basic Walk To Drink Flyer- You can use this for a general hand out (.doc format) click here

Our Logo click here

New! Walk to a Story and Drink! Why not combine two ancient customs all....locally! Without getting in a car! Safely. Find your local storyteller and grab a traditional storytelling experience. Click Here.

Our First  Media Event!- Explore the Walk to Drink philosophy.  click here

New! Jokes for the Pub Crawl!-Involving Walk to Drink! click here for text file Click here for html...


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The Walk to Drink Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ

We hope this list of frequently asked questions will help you. If not please submit your
question via e.mail click to send e.mail

1. Surely the Walk to Drink philosophy will be regarded as an intrusion by
    local communities wishing to preserve their life styles- why do you pursue
    zoning changes?

    Answer:   Almost every important anti-drunk driving movement or legislation has been regarded  as an intrusion and attack upon conventional life styles by those it is targeted against. We now have sobriety check points, laws which require the examination and testing of blood, laws against open alcohol containers in cars. A wide range of measures have changed lifeways of citizens have been enacted, and have saved lives. However, because these measures, no matter how intrusive, or lifestyle changing they are, save lives  communities ,states and, nations have adapted to accept and implement them.
The same is true for Walk To Drink .  Walk to Drink will absolutely save lives!  Therefore,  despite initial opposition it should and will be adopted.  There is absolutely no life style or community zoning practice which can be maintained if it can be demonstrated that it costs lives by forcing citizens to drink and drive. It is not enough to simply adopt mixed use zoning for new development it is absolutely necessary that alcohol zoning in all existing communities be re-tooled to reflect this new  awareness and conform to our goal of saving lives and limiting drunk driving.

2. Is Walk to Drink/Neighborhoods For Pedestrian Accessible Alcoholic Beverages
     a non-profit organization?
    Answer: No. There is no membership fee nor does the central organization collect any funds.  local organizations wishing to cover the costs of events and activities are encouraged  to seek their own mode of funding which may include accepting donations to cover costs of materials etc...

3.Can I sponsor an event or use Walk to Drink publication?

   Answer: Sure! We encourage the wide use of our materials. Events to bring Walk to Drink  to the attention of the community are encouraged. Please use our e.mail list  to assist! You can download and use all materials from this site.

4. Wouldn't Walk to Drink lead to a proliferation of loud and dangerous bars
     in my neighborhood?

Answer: Absolutely not! All that is needed is one establishment that can be walked to by
            residents of your community. If there is one there then there is no reason or excuse
              for anyone in that community to drink and drive-lives will be saved. There is no
              excuse for poor management of drinking establishments what-so-ever.

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We have no staff, no expenses other than occasionally printing flyers-we believe it is worth the dedication of our free time. You can help with the minimal expenses by shopping at our on-line store. Get the word out. We make only .95 on each item. The funds go absolutely directly to flyer printing and the costs of mailing press releases.



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