Tips for Successful
Active Learning
The easiest
way to master course information is to put it to active use. This is done
making craft
projects and recipes. Tell the short tales presented in class to
a friend and
discuss the
material covered in conversation. If you can talk about a topic you can
be sure that
you have mastered the topic! When you make the recipes, and crafts and
you tell the
short tales, you are not only learning but you are bringing culture to
life both for
yourself and
for others. Give it a try today! Be sure to bring any questions that might
up to class.
This script will automatically check your answers for you. See how good you are at these questions; if you get more than seven, move on!
Objective: answer 7 questions correctly. JavaScript required!
A few things to do for Extra Credit!
1. Survey a neighborhood of a city
for bars and pubs. Once located make a tour route of pubs and visit them
with a few friends and perhaps a designated driver.
See if you can pick up on the pub's
"culture". What entertainment is available.
As the bartender how the pub changes
from time to time throughout the day.
2.What is your favorite Irish Beer
or Whiskey? Purchase a wide range
of beers and whiskeys and hold
a tasting. Which would you invest in on
a night out- or on a trip to Ireland? Click
here for some assistance
3.Review Irish folk tales and learn a few tales and phrases. Take them out to dinner or to the pub and tell them to others. Note the reaction as you bring some classic folklore to life. Get stories here: click here
4.As you plan your journey to Ireland
annotate your route with a bit of pub research. Even if you are on a package
bus tour you can note pubs on route
and then be ready to nip around
the corner at a moment's notice to take
advantage of a spectacular pub!
Most travel guides have pubs recommended-
pay special attention to the ones
which are not listed in each guide!
Now! You should be on your way!
Cook those recipes and tell those tales!
Put a little life into the culture
and share it with your family and friends.
Please contact me should there
be any questions. Send e-mal click
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