Realm of the Oral Tradition of Storytelling |
Thank you very much for taking the
time to to read this page today.
We hope that you will find upon these pages the beginnings of a new way of defining the realm of the oral tradition and of a new philosophy for the identification and nurturing of that realm. It is very important that you realize that our job has just begun and that these pages represent an invitation for you to join us in our work. We will greatly appreciate your consideration of our philosophy and any input you may wish to provide. Visit the Main Menu to learn more. Click here for the Main Menu. |
Philosophy...... This
is a Workshop
Please! Read and Consider The Philosophy as Outlined Thus Far |
us know what you think?Your Voice Is Very Important!
Join the Choir! All contributions will be greatly appreciated and will be fully credited. |
What can you do now in the new Realm? |
A toolbox and collection of thoughts,contributions and resources. |
Active Discussion:Places
on the internet for active
discussion. Our own private chatroom ,a listserve and newsgroups. |
Philosophy Itself
Remember! This is still a living document - we invite your input - your contributions are important and you will receive full credit for them. Please visit our Input page. You may also wish to read the contributions of others thus far in our archive, and in the Guestbook. See the Main Menu above or take its link below. To all who are Interested in the Oral Tradition of Storytelling: It is time to acknowledge the differences between the tellers of tales within the Oral Tradition and those who are working within other the traditions of "telling" such as: story acting, story recitation, and story copyrighting. While these traditions are all worthy and viable, they should not be confused with the telling of tales within the realm of the oral tradition as it has developed over the centuries. Within this ancient tradition there has never been nor shall be any sense of copyright. While a teller may have cited a source or influence from time to time the practice was not a necessity. Tellers were engaged to bring not a story but rather an experience. They were asked for example, to make an impression or change a mood rather to convey a document. Tellers also were not expected to bring the stories of others, but were called upon to come up with their own original creation, never telling the story twice the same, always adding this or that. While we do not challenge the legality of copyright nor do we believe that fighting copyright should be a goal, we do believe that those interested in copyright for their own work should not be confused with those working within the oral tradition. Those willing to become a part of the Oral Traditional Realm should have their own identity and be able to stand apart from those who insist upon copyright or those who simply act out or recite the work of others, or those who create specifically for such purposes. Those attending festivals or tellings should know who they are listening to and those who organize events should know who they are engaging to work. Those who attend an ORAL TRADITIONAL presentation will know that they can absorb, join, and engage in the tradition without any worry about finding out who to contact for permission for this, that or the other. We propose a designation be created for the purposes of identification and recognition of all who agree to follow the declaration of belief printed below, and for the identification of their craft, and realm, of storytelling. (One such designation submitted is: A Living Oral Tradition of Storytelling (A.L.O.T.) The ORAL TRADITIONAL Storytelling "Creed" I believe in the sanctity of the oral tradition as
it has existed from the beginning of time.
I believe that the act of telling is not recitation, nor acting, nor writing nor performing, nor publishing, but that telling is original creation in its own right. Telling as such exists independently of all of these performance and presentation modes. Telling has its own unique existence and being. I believe that all tales (stories) so told (which are told) enter the tradition and that when I tell a tale (story) I do not recreate nor can I exactly restate a tale (story) in any exact or complete form. Rather, I create an emotion within the listener which can not be accurately defined and (may not) will not resemble or be the tale told nor any tale which has informed or influenced the telling . I can not as a ORAL TRADITIONAL teller honestly or accurately say that I can in fact ever exactly tell a tale as described by copyright. It is also not my intent to do so. Due to the fact that no telling of any story will
be ever exactly the same as another I recognize that it is impossible to
copyright my telling of any tale (story) which I tell as a ORAL TRADITIONAL,
nor shall I require or expect permission to be obtained from me for the
retelling of any tale (story) which I tell as a ORAL TRADITIONAL. I do
recognize however that it is quite possible to print or record or store
a story exactly and that such can indeed be covered by copyright. When
I accept payment for my work it shall not be for the telling of tales (stories)
but for the experiences conveyed to the audience. This experience or perception
is neither the story I have told nor a conveyance of any other resource
which has contributed to the telling. It is a perception unique to the
listener which defies accurate quantification.
Guidelines for Implementation/ Q&A: It is hoped that those wishing a traditional teller in the oral tradition shall request a ORAL TRADITIONAL teller. ORAL TRADITIONAL only festivals are encouraged however, festivals need not restrict their venues to ORAL TRADITIONAL tellers. Advantages- A vital environment contributes to all traditions: An ORAL TRADITIONAL performance should have the following
Maintaining the Oral Traditional
The provision of reference copies of this document or the inclusion of a summary of its content in a programs will also help to convey the philosophy to others.
Our Purpose in this Document:
Conrad Bladey/ Papa Joe/Anyone Else? What do you think or recommend? The input section is just a click away! Click here to go to the input section. To Return to the Main Menu please Click
Implementation- What can you do now? What should you do?
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Archive-Resources for discussion and development- We offer to serve as a central repository for the
collection and dissemination of materials and ideas. We will gladly collate
your input and findings. We will to the best of our abilities make all
information received publicly accessible. We invite you to freely use
and submit materials for free and open public use. This is a publicly
accessible web page from which all information is freely downloadable.
We look forward to your creative use of this material and to your contributions
to this archive.
In order to contribute to these pages please visit our input pages. To Return to the Main Menu please Click
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For Information concerning The Storytell Listserv and alt.arts.storytelling click here The Newsgroups Click here to go to: alt.arts.storytelling
Web Sites: The Bulletin Boards of the Storytelling Web site click here Conrad Bladey's Free Music Pages click here
Free Email Sources
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the Authors of this Page:
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Note: This document should be understood to be a primary
update to any materials described using the term TOTSNIIC. While it is
a continuation of the development of the concept of TOTSNIIC by the same
author all earlier publications are now obsolete. Those operating mirror
page are encouraged to update their web site and permission to do so is
hereby extended.
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the volunteer nature of the Pursuit
of the Realm of the Oral Tradition pages, it is difficult to ensure proper
attribution and copyright information for every item included. Please assume
that any item which lists a source is copyrighted ). You MUST acquire proper
license before using these items for ANY commercial purpose beyond these
pages unless the section of the pages or individual source has indicated
otherwise.. If you have any additional information or corrections to the
credit or copyright information included, please e-mail those additions
or corrections to us (along with the item title as given with page address
) so that we can update the pages as soon as possible. Be advised that
by downloading any of these pages , you agree to the copyright terms of
the original artists/authors/sources whether noted within the pages or
not. Thank You.
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