Bibliography: Session 1

Introduction Music
"A Song for Ireland". Dick Gaughan,Heart of the Gaels. Green Linnet,1992,GL:CD 105.
"Paddy's Green Shamrock Shores". Kevin Conneff.,The Chieftains Another Country
R.C.A. 1992 0926-60939-2.
"The Humors of the King of Ballyhooley." Andy Irvine/ Patrick Street, The Celts Rise Again.,Green
Linnet,GLCD 104.
"Si Bheag,Si Mhor.", Planxty, Planxty., Shanachie 79009.
"Both Sides of the Tweed.",Capercaille,Heart of the Gaels.,Green Linnet,1992,GLCD 105.
"Puirt a Beul". Sileas,Heart of the Gales.,Green Linnet,1992,GLCD 105
"The Lass of Glenshee" Altan,Horse with a Heart.,Green Linnet,GLCD 1095.

Irish Gaelic
O'Domhnalain,Tomas,O, Buntus Cainte #1., An Chead Chle,Dublin,1967.
Ni Ghrada,Mairead. Progress In Irish., Brown and Nolan,Dublin.
O'Siochfhradha,N.O., Learners Irish-English/ English Irish Dictionary., Comhlach Oideachais na
Neireann tta.

Geography and Travel
Lehane,Brendan,.The Companion Guide to Ireland.,Charles Scribners Sons,N.Y. 1973
Lord Killanin and Michael V. Duignan.,The Shell Guide to Ireland.,Gill and Macmillan,1989.

Donleavy,J.P., A Singular Country., Norton and Company,N.Y. 1989.
O'Brien,Edna.Vanishing Ireland., Jonathan Cape,London 1986.
Slover,C.H. and Tom Peete Cross.,Ancient Irish Tales." Invocation of Ireland". from:"The Conquest
of the Sons of Mil". From: The Book of Invasions.,pp.14-27,Barnes and Nobel,1969.

Myer,Kuno, Ancient Irish Poetry.,"Triads of Ireland".,Constable,London,1911.
Chronicle Books., Irish Toasts.,Chronicle Books,San Fransisco,1987.

Video  Clips
The Celts., B.B.C.
Donleavy's Ireland.
A Writer's Ireland
A Song of Ireland
A Day in the Life of Ireland

Irish Tea
Schapiro,David., The Book of Coffee and Tea.,Mercier Press,New York,1975.

Irish Lamb Stew
Smith,Jeff., The Frugal Gourmet On Our Immigrant Ancestors.,William Morrow,New York,1990.

The Lives of the Saints

Sharpe,Richard,Medieval Irish Saint's Lives.,Clarendon Press,Oxford,1991.
Plummer,C. (ed.and Trans.). Bethada Naem NErenn.2 vols. Oxford 1922.
                                                Miscellanea Hagiographia Hibernica.Subsidia
                                                Hagiographia,15 Brussels,1925.
                                           Vita Sanctorum Hiberniae.,2 vols.Oxford,1910.
Logan,Patrick.,The Holy Wells of Ireland.,Colin Smythe,Gerrards Cross,1980.
Montague,H.Patrick.The Saints and Martyrs of Ireland., Colin Smythe,Gerrards     Cross,1980
Jocelinus.,The Life of the Glorious Bishop Saint Patricke.,1625 in: "English Recussant Literature
15558-1640.", The Scolar Press,Ilkley,1974.
MacManus,Seumaas.,The Story of the Irish Race.,Devin Adair,N.Y. 1975.
Allen,Darina.,The Festive Food of Ireland., Roberts Rinehart,1992
Glassie,Henry Ed.,Irish Folk Tales.,Penguin, Bungay.,1987.
O'Nolan,Kevin.,The Best of Myles.,Hart-Davis,MacGiobbon, London,1975.

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