The True Story of Joseph Young of Africa (c. 1949)
A place for your contributions! This is a group effort! There are
lots of questions and issues. -What do you
think about the practice of major movie houses to substantially alter
"re-makes" Who played the children rescued by Joe from the burning orphanage? What was the name of the orphanage? (It is on a sign above the door but hard to read)) What are the years and makes of the automobiles involved? Where can we find a detailed history or screenplay of the film? Where was the movie filmed?- any real locations? Is the Swahili
used in the opening scenes real? If so what is its translation
in Is the "lingo" of the Hobo Polish? If so what is its translation? Where is "Joe" now? -the models? (lions too?) ......the list is limited only by your interest! Let us here from you! If you have anything to add or correct please feel free to e.mail us by clicking here Thanks! To return to the main menu
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