Welcome to the Clickable  Irish Gaelic Cottage

It is washday at the cottage. Everyone is busy- mom is carrying laundry and bringing a bowl of porridge for the daughter who is mending clothes or doing some needlework. Grandma sits by the fire darning stockings. Baskets of laundry need drying and folding. Dad can not get any rest because of the children and the dog needs to go out. The kettle is boiling on the hearth which serves also to warm the cat!Click around the image and learn your Irish Gaelic- then perhaps you can stop in and help with the chores!  This page is very much under construction. Please! do not hesitate to send us corrections! Just click here!
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cuseángilosánteach níocháiniaranncathaoircótaceanneireaballtuailleaghaidhéadachluaithcuirim tine lecailíntinteánleach an tinteáinleacánleanbhdeartháirdeirfiúrboilghatacatscairfbinsecoínnealbabhlanaprúincrúscafuinneogcomhlacorcánMáthairmadraurlar


ciseán = As this picture demonstrates basketry was a very important material for the Irish. The weaving
                  of natural fibers from corn dollies and favors to boats and wattle was a very important use of
                  natural resources.
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gilosán  or stoca = sock or stocking.
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teach níocháin = laundry
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iarann = iron
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cathaoir = chair
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cóta = coat
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ceann = head
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eireaball = tail
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tuaille = towel
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aghaidh = face
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éadach or feisteas or gúna = cloth, clothes, and gown
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luaith = ashes
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tinteán = hearth
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leach an tinteáin  or  an teallaigh = hearthstone
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leacán = tile  (brick=Bríce
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leanbh or páiste or bunóe or naíonán or báb = baby
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deartháir or bráthair = brother
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deirfiúr = sister  (or in religion= siúr)
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boilg = bellows
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hata = hat
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scairf = scarf
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cat = cat
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binse = bench
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coínneal = candle   candlestick = coinnleoir
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babhla  or scála = bowl
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cuirim tine le = fire
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cailín = girl  little girl = gearrchaile
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naprún or praiscín = apron
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crúsca = pitcher  wooden pitcher= pigín
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fuinneog = window
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comhla = shutter
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corcán = pot   cauldron= coire
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daidí = dad  father= athair  father in law = athair céile  grand dad = daideo
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Máthair = mother   mother in law= máthair chéile  grand mother = seanmháthair  grandma = mamó
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madra = dog
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urlár = floor
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