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Kitchen Shelf #12 Shelf 11 The Oak

Kitchen Shelf #12
(More cookery, esp. Celtic,  to be found in the Office.....)

1. The Cooking of India., Santha Rama Rau et al. eds."Foods of the World" Time Life Books, 1969
2. The Cooking of China.,Emily Hahn et. al. eds, "Foods of the World" Time Life Books,1968.
3. Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking.,  Rafael Steinberg, "Foods of the World", Time Life Books 1970.
4. The Cooking of the Caribbean Islands., Linda Wolfe "Foods of the World"., Time Life Books 1970
5.The American Heritage Cookbook., Vols. 1&2, Helen McCully eds.,American Heritage,1964.
6. Creative Microwave Cooking.,Irena Chalmers eds., Weathervane Books,1976.
7.The National Gardening Book of Lettuce and Greens. National Gardening Assn. 1985.
8.Microwave Cooking., Culinary Arts Institute, 1977.
9.My First Cook Book., Angela Wilkes, Knopf,1989.
10.A quintet of Quisines., Michael and Frances Field, eds.,  "Foods of the World", Time Life Books, 1970.
11.American Cooking: The Northwest.,Dale Brown et. al. eds.. "Foods of the World", Time Life Books.1970.
12.American Cooking:New England., Jonathan Norton Leonard,  eds.,"Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1970.
13.The Cooking of the British Isles., Adrian Bailey et. al.,eds. "Foods of the World.", Time Life Books,1969.
14.American Cooking., Dale Brown,eds.,  "Foods of the World.," Time Life Books, 1968. (two copies)
15.The Blessings of Bread., Adrian Bailey, Paddington Press,1975.
16. Middle Eastern Cooking., Harry G. Mickles,eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1969.
17. The Cooking of Spain and Portugal., Peter S. Feibleman,eds, "Foods of the World"., Time Life Books,1969.
18. The Cooking of Scandinavia., Dale Brown,eds., "Foods of the World"., Time Life Books,1968.
19.The Cooking of Vienna's Empire., Joseph Wechsberg,eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1968.
20.Classic French Cooking., Craig Claiborne, Pierre Francy, eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1970.
21.Latin American Cooking., Jonathan Norton Leonard,,eds., "Foods of the World". Time Life Books, 1968.
22.The Cooking of Italy., Waverley Root,, eds.,"Foods of the World",Time Life Books,1968.
23. African Cooking., Laurens van der Post,, eds.,"Foods of the World", Time Life Books, 1970.
24. American Cooking: Southern Style.,Eugene Walter eds, "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1971.
25. American Cooking: Creole and Acadian., Peter S. Feibleman,,eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1971.
26.Larousse Gastronomique., Prosper Montagne, Crown,1961.
27.The Williamsburg Cookbook.,Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.,1971.
28.The Joy of Cooking., Irma,S.and Marian  Rombauer,  Information missing, vols. 1&2 paper.
29 The Rumford Complete Cook Book.,Lily Haxworth Wallace,Rumford,1924.
30.How To Cook and Eat in Chinese., Buwei Kang Chao,Vintage,1970.
31.Traditonal Dishes of Britain.,Philip Harben,The Bodley Head., 1953.
32.Victorian Preserves,Pickles, Relishes.,Alllison Kyle Leopold,Clarkson Potter,1992.
33.Favorite Scottish Recipes., Johanna Mathie, Salmon, no date.
34.Peking Table Top Cooking., Linda Lew, Gala,1972.
35.La Cuisine de France., Mapie,the Countess de Toulouse-Laiutrec,ed. Charlotte Turgeon, Orion,1964.
36.Lamb., eds. Time Life Books, Time Life Books,1981.
37.The Peanut Butter Cookbook for Kids.,Judy Ralph, Ray Gompf,Hyperion,1995.
38.Kids Cooking.eds. Klutz Press,Klutz,1987.
39. The Fannie Farmer Cook Book.,Knopf, information missing.
40. Recipes from the Regional Cooks of Mexico.,Diana Kennedy,Harper & Row,1978.
41. The Classic Chinese Cook Book., Mai Leung,Harper& Row, 1976.
42.The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines, China Greece Rome., Jeff Smith,William Morrow,1989.
43.The Frugal Gourmet On Our Immigrant Ancestors., Jeff Smith,William Morrow,1990.
44.The Fannie Farmer Cookbook., 11th Edition, ed. Wilma Lord Perkins, Little Brown, 1965.
45.Kitchen Aid Instructions and Recipes.
46. German Home Cooking.,Dr. August Oetker Bielefeld, Ceres Verlag Rudulf August Oetker KG.,1963.
47.The New York Times Heritage Cookbook.,G.P.Putnam's Sons,1972.
48.An Irish Literary Cookbook., Veronica Jane O'Mara & Fionnuala O'Reilly,Town House,1991.
49The Pleasures of Cooking with Wine.,Emily Chase,Prentice-Hall,1960.
50.Recipes: The Cooking of the British Isles.,"Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1969.
51. Recipes: The Cooking of Vienna's Empire., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1968.
52. Recipes: The Cooking of Germany.,"Foods of the World".,Time Life Books,1969.
53.Cooking and Baking the Greek Way.,Anne Theoharous, Holt, Rinehart and Winston,1977.
54.The Hungarian Cookbook., Susan Derecskey, Harper & Row,1972.
55.Cookies-Food Writer's Favorites.,Barbara Gibbs Ostman and Jane Baker, eds.,Dial, 1991.
56. Private Collections:A culinary Treeasure.,The Women's Commitee of the Walters Art Gallery.,eds. Janet W.C. Wurtzburger and Mac K. Griswold,Walters,1973.
57. A Taste of Ireland in Food and Pictures., Theodora FitzGibbon/Maeve Binchy,Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1994.
58. Carving and Boning Like an Expert. Oreste Carnevali.,Random House,1978.
59.Traditional Scots Recipes With a fine feeling for food.,Janet Murray, Bramhall House,MCMLXXII.
60.Visions of Sugarplums.,Mimi Sheraton.,Random House, 1968.
61.Floyd on France.,BBC.,1987.
62. Polish Cookery., Marja Ochorowicz-Monatowa,Crown,1986.
63. Land O' Lakes Country Heritage Cookbook.,
64. Dinner with Tom Jones.,Eighteenth-century cookery adapted for the modern kitchen., Lorna J. Sass, Metropolitan Museum of Art.,1977.
65. The Cape Cod Cook Bool., Suzanne Cary Gruver.,Dover.,1977.
66. Rose Hill Manor Cookbook.,Rose Hill Manor,
67. You can do Anything with Crepes., Virginia Pasley and Jane Green, Simon and Schuster, 1970.
68. First Aid., The American National Red Cross,1973.
69. Cookies For Kids.,Better Homes and Gardens,Meredith,1983.
70. Hot Links and Country Flavors.,Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly,Alfred A. Knopf, 1990.
71. Desserts and Pastries., Leone Bosi, Derbibooks,1972.
72. Bon Appetit: The Romance of Ireland.,May 1996
73. The Color Book of Indian Cooking., ed. Eileen Turner, Octopus,1978.
74. I am An American Festival 1998.,  Recipes from America's Mixing Bowl.,NSA
75. German Cooking.,  Ruth Malinowski et. al., Weathervane Books,1978.
76. Better Homes and Gardens Fondue and Tabletop Cooking.,Better Homes and Gardens, 1970.
77. 5,000 Years of Tea., Derek Maitland/Jacki Pasmore,Gallery Books,1982.
78. Ideals Treasury of Country Cooking Book I.,Bonanza Books,MCMLXXVIII.
79 Cooking Without Frontiers.,William Morrow,1970.
80.Celebrations., Joe Famularo,Barrons,1993.
81.Latin American Cookbook., Lynelle Tume,Chartwell,1979.
82.American Cooking: The Melting Pot.,James P. Shenton et. al. eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1971.
83. The Cooking of Germany., Nika Standen Hazelton, eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1969.
84. Russian Cooking., Helen and George Papashvily, "Foods of the World.", Time Life Books,1969.
85. American Cooking: The Great West., Jonathan Norton Leonard, eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books, 1971.
86. American Cooking: The Eastern Heartland.,Jose Wilson eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books,1971.
87. The Cooking of Provincial France., M.F.K. Fisher eds., "Foods of the World", Time Life Books, 1968.
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Shelf 11 The Oak
1. Harpers Ferry./,James Q.Reber/James V. Murfin,James,Q.Reber,1975.
2.The World of VanGogh 1853-90., Robert Wallace,Time Life Library of Art.,Time Life,1969
3.The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564, Robert Coughlan, Time Life Library of Art, Time Life,1966.
4.Roman London.,Alan Sorrell,Batsford,1969.
5.The World of Titian., 1488-1576,Jay Williams et. al., Time Life Library of Art.,Time Life,1968.
6.Stone And Man., Andreas Feininger,Dover,1961.
7.Roman Mythology.,Stewart Perowne,Payl Hamlyn,1969.
8.Durham as it Was.,Ian Nelson,Hendon, 1974.
9.Flights of Discovery.,Georg Gerster,Paddington,1978.
10. Hamond Family World Atlas, Vol.II.,Bobley,(no date)
11.Native Types of Egypt.,F. Diemer Fink, (no date)
12.All Colour Book of Greek Mytholog.Richard Patrick,Octopus,1972.
13.Picture Book of London.Vols.1,2,3 (in one).,John Codrington, Country Life,1951.
14.This Beautiful City London.,John Freeman/Sue Sharpe,Bison,1986.
15.The Light Side of Egypt.,Lance Thackeray,Macmillan, (no date)
16.Highways of the Faith.,Marie Madeleine Gauthier,Wellfleet Press,1983.
17.Great Drawings of the Masters.,J.E..Schuler, ed.,Dr. Rolf Aansler, Putnam's Sons,1963.
18. England.,Edmund Swinglehurst,Winward. (no date)
19. The World of Vermeer, 1632-1675., Hans Koningsberger, Time Life Library of Art, Time Life,1967.
20. The World of Giotto 1267-1337.,Sarel Eimerl,, Time Life Library of Art., Time Life, 1967.
21. The World of Velazquez., 1599-1660.,Dale Brown, Time Life Library of Art, Time Life,1969.
22. The World of Delacroix 1798-1863.,Tom Prideaux et. al., Time Life Library of Art, Time Life, 1966.
23.The World of Turner. 1775-1851.,Diana Hirsh, Time Life Library of Art, Time Life,1969.
24.The World of Watteau 1684-1721, Pierre Schneider Time Life Library of Art, Time Life, 1969.
25.Pewter in America.,Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, (Three Volumes in one), American Legacy Press.,1981.
26.Tales from Shakespeare., Charles and Mary Lamb/Karel Svolinsky, Hamlyn,1972.
27.Lost Atlantis, J.V. Luce, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
28.Great Palaces, Sacheverelli Sitwell, Spring Books,1969.
29. The City of London.,The Times of London,1927.
30. The British Isles in Colour., Walter Allen,Francis Maxwell, B.T.Batsford,1965.
31. Nelson and His Times., Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, H.W. Wilson, Eyre and Spottiswoode/Harmsworth Brothers. (no date)
32. The Adventure of Archaeology., National Geographic Society,1985.
33. The New Yorker: A Cartoon Sampler,, New Yorker, 1985.
34. The Iron Age in Lowland Britain., D.W.Harding,Routladge Kegan Paul,1974.
35. Atlas of Ancient Archaeology., Jacquetta Hawkes,McGraw-Hill,1974.
36. New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology., Intro: Robert Graves,Hamlyn,1972.
37. Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History., Foreward by Arnold Toynbee, Paul Hamlyn,1968.

Inside 1
38. Survey Sampling.Leslie Kish, John Wiley,1965.
39.Marginal Natives: Anthropologists at Work., ed. Morris Freilich,Harper and Row,1970.
40.Ancient Washington: American Indian Cultures of the Potomac Valley.Robert L. Humpohrey,Mary Elizabeth Chambers, GW Washington Studiens, No. 6,.1977.
41.The Bertrand Bottles.,National Park Service, Publicaitons in Archeology, No. 12,1974.
42.A Treasury of American Bottles.,William C. Ketchum, R.,Bobbs-Merril,1975.
43.A guide to Artifacts of Colonial America., Ivor Noel Hume,Knopf,1969.
44.New World Beginnings.,Indian Cultures in the Americas., Olivia Viahos,Fawcett,1972.
45.The Indians of New Jersey:Dickon Among the Lenapes.M. R. Harrington.,Rutgers,1966.
46.The St. Louis Cemeteries of New Orleans.,Samuel Wilson Jr, Leonard V. Huber,Produced by: Gertrude Foley Saucier.
47.The Future of Old Neighborhoods.,Bernard J. Frieden., MIT Press,1965.
48. Mending and Repairing China.,Thomas Pond,Avenel,MCMLXX.
49.The INterpretation of OrdinaryLandscapes.,ed: D.W. Meining,Oxford University Press, 1979.
50. Dated Post-Post Medieval Pottery.,London Museum, HMSO,1966.
51. Eastern States Arceological Federation, 51st Annual Meeting,1984, Program and Abstracts.
52.Ellicott City, Maryland 18th Century Mill Town.,Celia M. Holland,Printers II,1980.
53. Mountain Home.,Robert R. Maden, T. Russell Jones.,U.S. Department of the Interior, 1977.
54. The Florida Anthropologist., Vol XVIII NO.4, December 1965. "Excavations at the Fort Walton Temple Mound, 1960, Charles H. Fairbanks.
55.Hidden America., Roland Wells Robbins, Evan Jones, Alfred A. Knopf, 1959.
56.Maryland Archeology.,Journal of the Archeological Society of Maryland Inc., September 1984, Vol.20 No2.
57.Guide to the Munich Antikensammlungen.,Dieter Ohly, Stifland-Verlag,
58.Current Archaeology., Number Sixteen, September 1969.
59.The London Archaeologist., Summer, 1970, Vol 1, No. 7.
60.Maryland Archeology., Journal of the Archeological Society of Maryland Inc., September 1983, Vol.19 No2.
61.The Potters and Potteries of Bennington.,John Spargo,Dover,1972.
62.The Steamboat Bertrand: History, Excavation and Architecture.,National Park Service, U.S. Department of the INterior, 1974.
63.John P. Adams' Third Bottle Book.,New Hampshire Publishing Company, 1972.
64.Types of Roman Coarse Pottery Vessels in Northern Britain.,J.P. Gillam,Oriel Press,1968.
65.New Jersey Pottery to 1840., New Jersey State Museum, Trenton,1972
66.North American Indian Artifacts., Lar Hothem,Books Americana,1980.
67.Archaeology in Britain Observing the Past.I. Noel, Hume.,Foyles,1953.
68.The KNopf Collectors Guides to American Antiques., Pottery and Porcelain.,Knopf, 1983.
69.Material Culture and the Study of American Life., ed. Ian M.G. Quimby.,Norton, 1978.
70. Collector's Price Guide to Bottles, Tobacco Tins, and Relics.,Marvin and Helen Davis, A&W Visual Libary,1974.
71. Bayerisches Denkbalschutzgesetz., Bayerisches Staatsministerium fur Unterricht and Kultus,1074.
72. Treasure Hunter's Manual #7., Karl Von Mueller,Ram Books, 1979.
73. Invitation to Archaeology., James Deetz, Natural History Press,1967.
74.Researching the Old House.,Greater Portland Landmarks, 1981.
75.Montpelier and the Snowden Family.,William G. Cook, ed. Carol-jean Webster,William G. Cook, 1976.
76. Archeology and the Historical Society.,  J.C. Harrington., The American Association for State and Local History,1968.
77. Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States., Henry Glassie,Trustees of the University of Pennsylvanian,1978.
78. Research Methods in the Social Sciences., David Nachmias, Chava Nachmias, St. Martins,1976.
79. Record and REmember: Tracing your Roots therough Oral History., Ellen Robinson Epstein, Rona Mendelsohn, Monarch, 1978.
80. Collins Concise Encyclopedia of Archaeology., Collins,1971.
81.Archaeology: An illustrated Introduction., Liam DePaor, Pelican,Penguin, 1967.
82. Glass Through the Ages.,E. Barrington Haynes., Pelican, Penguin,1966.
83. Porcelaint Through the Ages., George Savage, Pelican,Penguin,1968.
84.The Kovel's Complete Bottle Price List, Ralph and Terry Kovel,Crown, 1977.
85.The Connoisseur Illustrated Guides: Pottery and Porcelain, John P. Cushion,Hearst,1972.
86.Ceramics in America.,ed. Ian M.G. Quimby, Winterthur Conference Report, 1972, University Press of Virginia,1974.
87.A Collector's Manual: Fruit Jars., Julian Harrison Toulouse,Thomas Nelson, 1971.
88 The Blue-China Book.,Ada Walker Camehl,Dover,1971.
89.The History of the Staffordshire Potteries., Simeon Shaw,1829, REprint1970,Praeger.
90.Manual for Museums.,Ralph H. Lewis, National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior,1976.
91.Rhodes Tavern 1799A History.,Nelson Rimenanyder, 1982.
92.The State of the Cities Report of the Commission on the Cities in the '70s. Fred R. Harris, John V. Lindsay,Sol M. Linowitz.,Parager,1972.
93.The Geology of Paterson, New Jersey with A field Guide., Lobov Drashevska,Paterson Museum, 1976.
94. The Story of St. Mary of the Mills Church.,Laurel,Md.  Wallace Sinclair,1976?
95. The Confederate Receipt Book, A compilation of Over One Hundred Receipts adapted to the Times.,West and Johnston, 1863,University of Georgia Press,1960.
96. Identifying American Architecture A Pictorial Guide to Styles and terms 1600-1945.,John J.-G. Blumenson,American Association for State and Local History,1982.
97.Glass in London.,The London Museum, 1970.
98 Archaeology and Wetherburn's Tavern. Ivor Noel Hume,Colonial Williamsburg Archaeological Series No. 3,Colonial Williamsburg,1969.
99.Interpretation of Historic Sites.,William T. Alderson and Shirley Payne Low, American Assn. For State and Local History,1977.
100. A Brief History of Textile Manufacturing Mills Along Jones Falls.,James G. Bullock Jr., 1971.
101. Souvenir Book, Lanham Centennial, 1872-1972..,Lanham Centennial Committee, 1972.
102. A Typology and Nomenclature for New York Projectile Points., William A. Ritchie, New York State Museum and Science Service Bulletin Number 384, 1961.
103.A Delaware Indian Symposium.,ed.- Herbert C. Kraft, Anthropological Series No. 4.,The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1974.
104.The Lyle Antiques and Their Values: China Identification and Price Guide., ed. Anthony Curtis, Voor Hoede,1982.
105.Journal of Anthyropological Archaeology.,ed Robert Whallon, Vol 1, Number 4, December, 1982, Academic Press.
106.The Archeology of a Small Trading Post (Kipp's Post, 32MN1) in the Garrison Resevoir, North Dakota.,Alan R. Woolworth, W. Raymond Wood, River Basin Surveys Papers, No. from: BAE Bulletin 176, pp. 2390305., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960.
107. In Small Things Forgotten:The Archeology of Early American Life., James Deetz,Anchor, 1977.
108.Current Archaeology, Number 24, January 1971.
109.Digging Up the Past.,Sir Leonard Wolley,Pelican,Penguin,1954.

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