An International Day of Thanksgiving
The Protection  and Deliverance from
Terror and Terrorism
And for the comfort consolation and recognition of its victims and our defenders  Click Here to read more










It has come to our attention that despite the continuation of violent painful, and destructive acts of terrorism worldwide  and the many heroic acts which have saved hundreds and thousands from violent terrorist acts there is not yet a day given over for international thanksgiving for the preservation of our peoples and institutions by and large from terrorism.  Additionally there is also no one day dedicated to the remembrance of those who have worked so hard to combat terrorism or to remember and work to reach out to aid its victims. We propose that such a day be created and that this day be marked on the fifth of November each year. Click here to read more.
















Why November 5?
November 5 has been traditionally celebrated in Britain and throughout the world as the day the parliament of England was delivered from the first major act of terrorism in the history of that country. On this date in 1605 a band of terrorists attempted to blow up parliament and all gathered within with gunpowder. The plot was stopped, just in time before countless lives would have been lost to terrorism. Ever since 1605 the day has been one of thanksgiving for deliverance from the plot and from the terror it represented. Bonfires were lit, bells were rung and prayers and sermons offered up. Today worldwide our peoples and institutions are under attack by many terrorist agents. It is appropriate that we too give thanks for our deliverance and that this important and symbolic day be utilized for this purpose.
How should we give thanks and what else should we do? Click here to continue...











The nature of our Thanksgiving:
Upon the 5th of November Each year we propose that Thanksgiving be offered up in the following ways:

For Deliverance From Terror
-Institutions of Government should issue appropriate proclamations of thanksgiving
-Events, Seminars, Meetings should be hosted to explore ways of combating terror
-Religious institutions should hold appropriate services of thanksgiving
-Schools should be encouraged to develop lessons instructing children in the history and evils of terror and the relationship of terrorism to peaceful governance and due process.
-Individuals, groups and organizations shall offer as a symbol of deliverance and thanksgiving bonfires which bring the light of freedom and peace into the dark night of the world plagued and oppressed by terror. Fireworks shall likewise symbolize this contrast.
-Institutions and Groups shall encourage artistic and literary works to mark the day so as to assist in efforts of thanksgiving.
How to Reach out to those Harmed by Terror in the years Past click here


How to reach out on the day of Thanksgiving to those who have suffered from the violence of terror.

-Special events and appropriate activities should be contacted to recognize, console and assist those who have suffered. The community should consider ways of attending to their needs both material and spiritual.

-Children and adults should gather with the victims to learn first hand of their suffering so as to appreciate the threat of terrorism to our world.

-Memorials should be constructed and dedicated upon this day to provide for lasting memory. Such memorials could take the form of classroom lesson plans and materials as well as endowed celebrations.

How can we continue the celebration of thanksgiving by recognizing those who have helped to protect us from terror? click here












Many both seen and unseen, known and unknown have worked with great courage over the year to protect our peoples and institutions from the destruction and torture of terror. We must recognize and give thanks for these brave individuals organizations and institutions.

-Presentations should be given to school and community groups which outline steps which have been taken over the year past which have helped to keep terror at bay.

-Individuals and organizations which have made significant contributions should be where possible, publicly recognized for their efforts.

-Governments should use the day to highlight future plans and develop new strategies through conferences and meetings and consultations.

What can I do to help establish this worthy international day of thanksgiving for our deliverance from terror?- Click Here














How to help to establish this International Day of Thanksgiving Worldwide:

Write your institutions and organizations asking them to recognize November 5 as a day of international thanksgiving. We shall soon have a form letter available to print out and mail in. For the time being you may download print and distribute the contents of this page.

Form networking groups to hold meetings and events to draw attention to the need for this International Day of Thanksgiving. Begin marking the day at home and through your own local institutions.

We now have an e.mail list for this topic-The list is available for your discussions. It is free and easy to join.
Go to
sign up and register and then search for and join the list:

We can put you on the list manually if you send a request to be included with your e.mail address in the message to us by clicking here  click here

Watch this space for further developments!
You may click here to e.mail us with your ideas and contributions.
This concept is still being developed! We must count on you to add your skills and creativity to our efforts.  We are not asking for any money nor are we selling anything.

Thank you very much for your time and for your thoughtful consideration of our efforts to establish an International Day of Thanksgiving on November 5 for our general deliverance from Terror. We hope that we can count on your help and prayers for this important work.

Conrad Jay Bladey
Director: Center for Fawkesian Pursuits
PO 268
21090 USA

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