Two Important New Publications about St. Brigid of Kildare
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1.Brigid of the Gael- St. Brigid of Kildare, A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Sources and Analysis

ISBN 9780970238696 

Conrad Jay Bladey

Hutman Productions

©Conrad Jay Bladey, 2018 B

476 pages

Many illustrations

Perfect bound

All of the Primary Sources
Related Literature
Folk Customs,Recipes,Rituals

The Most Extensive reference work on the saint and her related folklore and crafts. Learn about one of the most important Irish Saints and another great day for the Irish- February1

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Saint Brigid of Kildare is the neglected Saint of Ireland. Despite being a contemporary of St. Patrick- He gets all of the attention and celebration. Brigid was quite important in her own time. Brigid is a great role model for children. A strong woman, she was made a bishop, founded and managed the monastery of Kildare (The Church of the Oak). She was well known for her work helping people. Brigid cured them of their illnesses, settled disputes and helped their cows to produce. She is famous for helping with livestock in particular with cows and with ale. So move over St. Patrick Brigid's on her way.  Our publications are the most complete all-in-one sources available. A grand time will be had by all each February 1! 

2. New Book on Samhain Brigid-Patrick

Samhain Saint Brigid of Kildare and Saint Patrick, A Triad of Essential Irish Celebrations -A guide to Traditional Celebration for Families and Children Includes: Stories, Music, Crafts and Much More A General Pamphlet Guide-for families and children click here

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Samhain Saint Brigid of Kildare and Saint Patrick, A Triad of Essential Irish Celebrations -A guide to Traditional Celebration for Families and Children Includes: Stories, Music, Crafts and Much More


Conrad Jay Bladey, Hutman Productions, 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1-7320830-4-2, Pages-281

Perfect Bound


A complete guide to the celebration of the Season of Samhain, Saint Brigid and Saint Patrick including recipes. Crafts, stories, songs and literature. All that you need for celebration and for understanding how celebrations work in the Irish tradition. Many archival illustrations. Ideal for families and children planning traditional celebrations

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Brigid of the Gael-
A complete primary reference
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1.Brigid of the Gael- St. Brigid of Kildare, A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Sources and Analysis

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Contents B Edition


Part One Preparation. 19

Introduction. 19

”Saint” - Wonder and Mystery, Artifact of Disclosure. 20

Cuimmin of Condeire, 12th Century A.D. 20

The Mystery and Infinite Wonder of the “Saint”. 20

On Female Saints, M.F. Cusack, 1877. 26

The Power of “The Word”. 28

Brigid Basics. 32

The Most Popular Brigid Story- 32

Brigid's Cross 32

Was Brigid a Pagan Goddess?. 33

St. Brigid’s Poem: 34

I Should Like to Have a Great Ale-Feast, 10th-11th century A.D. 34

A Few Details. 34

Foods 34

Animals 34

Flower 34

Bush. 34

To Say Happy St. Brigid’s Day: In Irish Gaelic: 34

Lasting Goodness That Was Not Hidden, Lady Gregory, 1907. 35

An Ancient Rann. 35

Part Two The Book of Brigid of the Gael 36

Preface to the Main Book-Beyond Basics. 36

1.The Journey. 38

One Reason for Study From Voxhiberionacum.. 38

Invocation. 39

2. Saint Brigid. 41

Definitions. 41

Names. 41

The Old Works:The Essential Introduction. 41

The Geneology of Saint Brigid, 1634. 42

The Definition of Cormac, 10th c. 43

From: The Martyrology of Donegal, 1630. 44

From: Historia Brittonum  c. 833 A.D. 45

From: The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee c. 775 A.D. 46

Entry in the Annals of Ireland  525 A.D. 48

3. A Life, the Setting, Artifacts and Associations 49

The Basic Information. 49

Essentials of Brigid’s Life. 50

The Cultural Setting. 51

When Did Brigid Live and Cogitosis Write?. 54

Concerning Brigid’s dates and The Bishopric Of Kildare, 1847. 54

Recent Calculations, N.Kissane, 2017. 60

Some More Recent Sources 60

Was Brigid a Pagan Goddess?. 61

Lisa M. Bitel “Such Associations,” 2004. 62

An Explanation from 2016. 63

Relics. 64

An Irish Priest, 1861 wrote: 64

John O'Hanlon Describes the Translation of the Remains, 1873. 66

An Account of Brigid's Skull from 1899. 69

The Relic of the Mantle, 1936. 70

The Relic Of A Portion Of The Mantle Of St. Brigid, The Mary Of Erin,1888. 71

Brigid’s Bell ,1800. 72

Brigid's Bell, 1130-1150. 72

Brigid’s Shroud, 1800. 72

Brigid's Shoe, 1922. 73

Associations. 74

Symbols of Note. 74

Fire… Giver of Spirit 75

Brigid and Fires 75

Brigid and the Head Flame. 75

The Fate of the Holy Fire At Kildare, 1188. 76

Put Out in 1220. 76

Fires Of Saint Bride The Call Of Spring, 1927. 77

Symbolism of the Moorland Fires, 1927. 78

Milk and Brigid. 79

Flower 81

Places and things Associated with Brigid: 83

Foundations Associated With St. Bridgid. 83

Churches. 84

Shrines/Pilgrimage. 85

Stones. 85

Brigid's Wells in Ireland: 86

Liscannor Rite: 87

Landforms: 88

Memorials at Faughart-Birthplace of Brigid in 1908. 89

The Foundation -The Lives. 90

Where are the Stories. 91

A Comparison Table Listing Stories Contained in each of  the Lives 91

The Cast of Characters- Who is Who?. 93

Places and Journeys. 94

Lisa Bitel on the Meaning of Vita 1. 95

4. Primary  References. 95

Lives of the Saint Published by John Colgan, 1592-1658. 95

The First Life, (Vita I)  by St. Broccan Cloen, 650 A.D. 95

Brocan’s Hymn. 96

Preface to St. Brocan’s Hymn. 96

St. Broccan’s Hymn. 96

The Hymn in Praise of Saint Brigid of Brogan-Cloen. 101

500-550 A.D., The First Life:  The Metrical Irish "Life Of St. Brigid”, “Conclusion ", Cusack, M. F., (1877) 105

Pro Nobis Precetur Brigida. 105

The Irish Liber Hymnorum, Late 11th Century. 106

Locus hujus hymni, — Slieve Bloom or Cluain Mor Maedoc , Author: Broccan the squinting. 106

The Liber Hymnorum -Brigit Bé Bithmaith- The Hymn in Praise of Saint Brigid by Saint Ultan. 109

Liber Hymnorum: We Honour My Brigid (From: St.Broccan’s Hymn) 111

Liber Hymnorum: The Hymn: Brigid be bithmaith Brendan or Ultan. 111

Saint Ultan. 112

The Alphabetical Hymn in Praise of Saint Brigid by Saint Ultan Bishop of Ardbreccan.., Late 7th Century A.D. 112

Leabhar Imuinn, 657 A.D. 113

Christus in Nostra Insula: Christ in Our Island, St. Ultan. 113

Alphabetical Life: The Irish Liber Hymnorum.. 113

The Book of Lismore, 15th Century. 115

Lives of Saints, from the Book of Lismore. 115

Life of Brigid from the Book of Lismore. 115

From the Life of Colomb Cille, The Book of Lismore. 131

From the Life of Findian of Clonard, The Book of Lismore. 131

From the Life of Ciarn of Clonmacnois The Book of Lismore. 132

Cogitosus Life of Saint Brigid (Vita II) c. 650 A.D.. 133

Of the Greenwood Pedestal and the Altar Base. 135

Of the Cooked Bacon given to a dog and later found Intact 135

Of the Dry Harvesting on a Rainy Day. 135

Of the Garment thrown over a Sunbeam.. 135

Of the Seven Sheep given to a Mischievous Boy. 136

Of the Water Blessed and Turned into Ale. 136

Of the Pregnant Woman Blessed and Spared the Birth-Pangs 136

Of the Dumb Girl to whom She Restored Speech. 136

Of the Bacon She let go with the Dog. 136

Of the Portion of Meat thrown into her Cloak. 137

Of the Gift of the Best Cow together with the Calf of another Cow and how when the calf was put into the chariot the Cow followed it. 137

Of how one horse stayed yoked as the other shied and jumped the Traces. 137

Of the Pigs Driven by Wolves across Mag Fea all the way to Cnoc Gabor 137

Of the Untamed Fox given to the King in Return. 138

Of the Nine Very Wicked Men Vowing Bloodshed. 138

Of the Silver Brooch Thrown into the Sea. 139

Of Bishop Conleth’s Vestments 139

Of the Honey Found in the Floor of the House. 140

Of the River diverted from its own course to another 140

The Millstone. 140

Hail Briget, 600-700 A.D. 142

Kuno Myer Introducing Hail Brigid, 695-700 A.D. 144

The Old Irish Life of Saint Brigid, 657 A.D.. 145

Bethu Brigte. 145

From the Appendix of Bethu Brigte. 156

Bethu Brigte Selection in Original Old Irish/Hiberno-Latin. 157

The Life of Brigid from Lebar Brecc. 159

From Ailill son of Dunlaing. 172

I Should Like a Great Lake of Ale, 10th-11th century. 176

Topgraphia Hiberniae, Giraldus Cambrensis 1167-1187 A.D.. 177

Par. 67.  Various Miracles In Kildare:  The Fire Which Never Dies And Whose Ashes Do Not Increase In Kildare In Leinster, Which The Glorious Brigid Has Made Famous. 177

Par. 68.  Brigid Tends The Fire On Her Own Night. 177

Par. 69.  The Hedge Around The Fire Which No Man May Cross. 177

Par. 77.  How An Archer Who Crossed The Hedge Went Mad And Another Man Lost His Leg. 178

Stories From Bethada Náem  nÉrenn, c. A.D. 1620. 178

From The: Life of Brendan of Clonfert 178

177- About which things this poem (was made). 179

From The: Life of Ciaran of Saighir (II) 179

From The: Life of Maedoc of Ferns 179

Life of Maedoc of Ferns 180

Vita 5: Laurence of Durham, 12th Century A.D. 181

5th Life Laurence of Durham, cited/paraphrased by O’Hanlan, 1877. 181

Annals. 185

Annals of Ulster 1, A.D. 439 to A.D. 1176. 185

Annals of Ulster 2, 1298-1289. 185

Annals of the Four Masters 1, A.D. 506-A,D. 1601. 186

Annals of the Four Masters 2A.D. 927-A.D. 187

Annals of the Four Masters 3-6. 187

5. Reverence. 188

Celebration Basics! What to do! 188

Purpose. 189

The Number 32. 190

Pilgrimage. 190

Loch Derg Pilgrimage, 1880. 190

Let’s get started! Checklist for Brigid’s Day. 191

The Breedoge 1891-95. 193

Other Customs: 197

When Preparing for Childbirth: 197

Brigid's Day Foods. 198

Bairin- Breac. 198

Quick Barm Brack #1. 199

Yeast Barm Brack #2. 199

Apple Griddle Cakes 200

St. Brigid’s Oatcakes 200

Colcannon for 6. 201

Boxty Cakes. 201

“Boxty on the Griddle!”. 202

Three Scones of Boxty: 202

Boxty Recipe. 202

Potato Bread/Potato Oaten. 203

Sowans, 1871. 204

Flummery, 1887. 204

St. Brigid's Oaten Bread. 204

Irish Spiced Beef 206

Ale. 206

One Telling of One Brigid Beer Tale, 1870. 206

St Brigid’s Ale. 207

Ways of the Cross. 208

Brigid's Cross. 208

Brigid's Crosses in County Armagh, T. G. F. Paterson, 1945. 209

Is the Brigid’s Cross really a Swastika?. 210

Seamas O’Cathain discusses the Brigid's Cross in "Brigid the Holy Woman." 210

How to Make a St. Brigid's Cross. 214

Method  1. 214

Method  2. 216

Method  3. 217

Varieties of The Brigid Cross. 219

The Ritual of  the Cross! 222

Cross Cultural Connections- 225

For More Information. 226

6.  Schemata The Ripples in the Lake-Literary Artifacts of Creativity and New Revelation-Commentary. 226

Miracles Wrought After St. Brigid's Death,1877. 227

Chapter XV.. 227

Academic Interpretation. 232

The View From 1829, An Ecclesiastical history of Ireland, John Lanigan. 232

The View from 1875, A Homily for Saint Brigid's Day, Canon O’Hanlon. 244

The View From:1865, Legends of the Celtic Saints. 246

St Brigid's Cloak. 247

St. Brigid And The Harps 248

The View From 1866, A Meditation for Saint Brigid's Day, Catholic Clergyman. 249

The View from 1891-1895,The Rev. Denis Murphy, 252

The View From 1895, Essay, St. Brigid, Abbess Of Kildare, Sarah Gaynor Atkinson. 258

The View From ,1897, John Healy. 259

The View from 1899,  Douglas Hyde on Saint Brigd. 262

The View from 1900, Sabine Baring-Gould. 270

The View from 1904, A Dictionary of Saintly Women. 271

The View from: 1620 (1911,) Patrick  Boyle, David Rothe, Brigida Thaumaturga, 275

1620 David Rothe, Bishop of Ossory (1568-1650) 275

Brigida Thaumaturga. 276

Carmen Thalassicum invocatorium B. Brigidae Virginis et Patronae Hiberniae. 279

A Sailor's song Invoking St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland:—... 279

The Mary of The Gael 282

About the Eye- Different Voices 282

de Paor says Concerning Brigid, 1993. 285

James Henthorn Todd on Brigid as Mary of the Irish, 1855. 286

M.F. Cusack On comparison to Mary, 1877. 290

7. Literary Adaptations 290

From: Martyrology of Tallagh, c. 700-800 A.D.. 290

A Version from 1610-1615. 292

The Life of St. Brigide Virgin who disceased about the yeare of our Lord 518 or 521, 1610-1615. 292

The Account of Cogitosus 17th Century Version. 294

Chapter I  Of  Brigits Countrey, Parents, Birth, and many vertues and especially of her charity to the poore. 294

Chapter II. Of S. Brigite’s singular chastity and of some miracles wrought in approbation thereof and also of other stupendious signs.... 295

Chapter III Of Saint Brigite’s great austerity, and of many admirable miracles wrought by her. 296

Chapter IV. Of the great power S. Brigit had ouer Diuels, & how much they feared her 297

Chapter V. Of the obedience that unreasonable creatures exhibited to Saint Briget 298

Chapter  VI How S. Briget protected, and assisted such as invocated her in their distresse and dangers 299

Chapter  VII Of many miraculous cures, wrought  by the merits, and intersession of the Saint 300

Chapter VIII How the holy Virgin for the releaf of the poore, wrought many admirable signes 301

Chapter  IX How the holy virgin declared the innocency of Bishop Broom Saint Patrickes disciple, by making a young suckling to speake, and of other no lesse remarkable miracles 302

Chapter  X Of S. Brigits happy departure ot of this life, and how she knew thereof by divine revelation, and of some miracles wrought after her death by her intercession and merits 303

The Chronicle of Glastonbury Abbey 14th century. 305

Tales from O’Hanlon’s Lives of the Irish Saints, 1800. 306

She Teaches the Children to Play the Harp. 306

The Clerics and the Heads 306

The Ordo of Rome. 307

The Vestments of Senan. 308

The Chariot Passes through the Hedged Field. 308

St. Ninnidius and Brigid’s Death. 309

Sabine Baring-Gould- An Account of 1897. 310

Saint Brigid, Rev. Albert Barry, c. 1913. 314

8. Hymns and Charms, Prayers and Poems. 321

Carmen of the St. Autbert MS, 10TH-11th Century. 321

Hymnus de Brigida Virgine, Leabhar Imuinn, 657 A.D. 322

Brigida nomen habet, 10-12 century A.D.. 322

Adest Dies Leticie, 15th c. 323

Sloinneadh na Ban-Naomh Bride Genealogy of the Holy Maiden Bride. 324

Lauds for the Feast of Saint Brigid, Hymn: Christo canamus gloriam, 15th century. 325

“Prologue to the Life of St. Brigid of Kildare”, Donatus, 9th Century A.D. 326

Brigid's Brath Prayer, (1917) 328

From: Night Prayer, (1917) 328

After the Night Prayer, (1917) 328

“O Brigit”, From: The Book of Leinster, “The Birth and Life of St Mo Ling”, 1150 A.D. 329

A Travel Blessing, Book of Leinster, St. Mo Ling, LL 308a, 1150 A.D. 330

Travel Blessing From: The Book of Leinster, The Boroma, 12th Century. 330

Invocation of Brigid, Saint Moling, 14Th-15th Century A.D. 330

From Carmina Gadelica Hymns and Incantations, 1900. 331

Smooring the Hearth     #323. 331

The Genealogy of Bride    # 70. 331

Bride the Aid-Woman #71. 332

Kindling the Fire     #83. 332

Charm for a Bursting Vein     #128. 332

Charm for the Sprain     #130. 333

Driving the Cows  #364. 333

St. Bride's Charm    # 136. 334

Charm for Stock # 368. 334

Womanhood of Brigit or Praises of Brigit     #263. 335

Blessing of Brigit     #264. 336

Sleep Invocation    # 328. 337

Invocation at Churning  #383. 337

Prayer of the Teats  #373 (Part 1) 338

Blessing of the House     #339. 338

Augury     #539. 340

End Carmina Gadelica. 340

The Other Face of Bride. 341

The Feast Day of Bride, Traditional, ( 1942) 341

Seynt Brigid and her Brat  Traditional,  (1942) 342

Cuiridh mi an ni seo romham Mar a dh’orduich Righ an domhain, Traditional,  (1942) 342

A Herding Croon Traditional,  (1942) 342

A Prayer, Traditional, (1942) 342

Borg Ailinne nallach, Traditional, ( 1942) 343

Slán seise, a Brigit co mbuaid, Traditional,  (1942) 343

Ancient Metrical Life, (1907) 343

Hymn of St. Columba, (1907) 343

On the Characteristic Virtues of an Irish Saint, St. Cumineus of Conor, (1800) 344

Liturgy. 345

Goffine's Devout Instruction on the Feast of Saint Brigid, Father Leonard Goffine, 1687-90. 345

First Vespers for the Feast of Saint Brigid 15th-century. 350

Offices For The Feast Of Brigit, 1877. 350

The Office of Saint Brigid from the Roman Breviary, 1908. 351

From the Matins lessons of the Sarum Breviary,  St. Hilarion Press 353

National Centre For Liturgy, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare,Ireland, 2018. 355

9. The Cult Continues. 357

. 357

Saint Brigid of the Convents, 1877. 358

St. Brigid’s Fire, 1873. 359

Omeath Fishermen’s Storm Prayer,1917. 360

Saint Brigid Of The Legends, 1877. 360

St. Brigid And The Blind Nun. Aubrey de Vere, 1895. 361

Hymn to St. Brigid, 1881. 363

The Hymn of St. Brigid, 1894. 364

Saint Brigid, 1886. 365

Prayer to St. Brigid, 1902. 366

Novena to Saint Bridget, 1861. 367

The Kye-Song of St. Bride, 1907. 368

A Vision of St. Bride, A Legend of Ireland and the Hebridies, 1914. 369

Introduction. 369

Bridghit 370

The Vision. 370

Brigid Passes By, 1926. 376

Hynm to St. Brigid, 1911. 377

Iomann do Naomh Bríd, a.k.a. Far above enthroned in glory. 377

"The Giveaway", 1957. 378

St. Brigid- Denis A. Mccarthy, 1917. 379

The Orphan Maid, Literal Translation, 1821. 382

The Orphan Maid, 1821. 383

Moral Reflection, 1865. 384

St. Bridget's Vision, Relating to The Different States Of Ireland, 1844. 384

Saint Brigid, 1878. 386

108. A Legend of St. Brigid, (1822) 387

That in the prime of a future time, on my hills and my isles remot 387

St Brigid’s Lullabies--Ethel Rolt--Wheeler, 1914. 387

10. Lady Augusta Gregory and the Modern Revival of the Stories. 389

A Book of Saints and Wonders Put down here by Lady Augusta Gregory According to the Old Writings and the Memory of the People of Ireland,1907. 390

Brigit in Her Young Youth. 390

Brigit in Her Father's House. 390

She Minds the Dairy. 390

She Fills The Vessels 391

The Man That had lost his Wife's Love. 391

The Drying of Brigid’s Cloak. 391

The King of Leinster's Fox. 392

Brigit'spreads Her Cloak. 392

The leper who would be a King. 392

The Lake of Milk. 392

The Things Brigit Wished For 392

The Son of Reading. 393

The Fishes Honour Her 393

A Hymn Made for Brigit by Brennain or Another 393

The First of February. 393

A Hymn Brocan Made for Brigit 394

Her Care for Leinster 394

She Remembers the Poor 394

The Boy that Dreamed He Would Get His Health. 394

The Water of the Well 395

The Binding. 395

St Bridget’s Choice, 1888. 395

The Silver Cup, A Story Of St. Brigid And St. Patrick.  P. J. O'connor Duffy,1921. 396

Brigid for All Dialects and Classes. 403

Saint Bridget’s Shawl 1840. 403

A Legend of Mucruss, 1860. 411

Did Biddy Mulroony Dream? 1866. 414

Nationalism.. 418

The Flower of Lagenia, 1852. 418

Richard D'Alton Williams, The Hymn Of St. Brigid, 1894. 420

From:”Wo! Wo!”. 421

Church “Nationalism”. 422

Saint Bridget Virgin, Abbess, and Patroness of Ireland,”Rounding up the Virgins” 1893. 422

11.You can not plow a field by turning it over in your mind-But a few books might help! 424

Bibliography/Sources Cited. 424

12. Appendicies 436

Appendix 1 Images of Brigid. 436

The Generic Saint 437

The Vows 438

The Quest for Authenticity. 439

The Dairy Worker 440

The Generalized  Abbess 441

The Foundress 442

Wrong Brigid, 1844. 443

The Image of Brigid as Super Goddess 444

Appendix 2 Location of Kildare. 446

Ordnance Survey, Ireland, Kildare, Map6 Inch, Colour 18371842. 446

Appendix 3 Concerning the Abbey at Kildare. 447

The Description of the Monastery of Kildare by Cogitosis 450

Cogitosus  (7th Century) on the Church Door 451

32 Of the Church Door 451

Appendix 4 Giving the Stories New Life. 453

Appendix 5 Brigid in the Hebrides. 454

St. Briget Of The Shores- William Sharp,Duffield. 454

White may my Milking be (1910) 457

Briget, Bride!, (1910) 458

Appendix 6  Bridget In Wales- St.Fraid. 459

Saint Fraid A.K.A.St.Brigid, 1854. 459

Appendix 7  Scottish Traditions. 461

Scottish Catholic Traditions, 1902. 461

Witchcraft Scotland, 1902. 462

Apendix 8 Brigid Discography. 463

Apendix 9 Archival Recordings. 465

Library of Congress. 465

Appendix 10  Other Music. 465

Scores. 465

Notation and Lyrics. 466

Hymn: St. Bride, Tune by Samuel Howard, 1762. 466

Appendix 11  Nigel MacNeill, 1898 Discusses Brigid in the tradition of the Highlanders. 466

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